

[高桥器材官方资料] 高桥 FSQ-106N @(f/5&f/8)和TOA-150 @ f/7.3 深空摄影

 楼主| steveyzh 发表于 2011-3-15 10:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–厦门 电信

http://astrosurf.com/jordigallego/album/Files_dark_sky_SBIG/NGC7129_widefield.jpg 1.6Mb

Object: NGC7129 Region
Date: 16-10, 17-10-2009
Observing site: FNO (Fosca Nit Observatory, Àger)
Telescope: Takahashi TOA-150  @ f/7.3 on EM-400 mount
Camera: SBIG STL-11000M  @ -20C
Filters:  Baader RGB
Exposure: 10 x 20 min R; 10 x 20 min G; 10 x 20 min B (all unbinned).  Total exposure: 10,0 h  
Guiding:  Camera guide chip

Software: Guide & camera control: CCDSoft. Processing: PixInsight 1.5
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 楼主| steveyzh 发表于 2011-3-15 10:42 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–厦门 电信

http://astrosurf.com/jordigallego/album/Files_dark_sky_SBIG/NGC7023_widefield.jpg  2.9Mb 大图

Object: NGC7023 Iris Nebula
Date: 16-08, 17-08-2009
Observing site: FNO (Fosca Nit Observatory, Àger)
Telescope: Takahashi TOA-150  @ f/7.3 on EM-400 mount
Camera: SBIG STL-11000M  @ -5-10C
Filters:  Baader RGB
Exposure: 10 x 15 min R; 10 x 15 min G; 10 x 15 min B (all unbinned).  Total exposure: 7,5 h  
Guiding:  Camera guide chip

Software: Guide & camera control: CCDSoft. Processing: PixInsight 1.5
Comment: Unusual warm nights
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 楼主| steveyzh 发表于 2011-3-15 10:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–厦门 电信

http://astrosurf.com/jordigallego/album/Files_dark_sky_SBIG/NGC6888_region_Halpha.jpg 2.4Mb

Object: NGC6888 region in Cygnus
Date: 26-06, 18-07, 25-07-2009
Observing site: FNO (Fosca Nit Observatory, Àger)
Telescope: Takahashi TOA-150  @ f/7.3 on EM-400 mount
Camera: SBIG STL-11000M  @ -10C
Filters:  Astrodon H alpha 6 nm
Exposure: 7 x 30 min.  Total exposure: 3,5 h  
Guiding:  Camera guide chip

Software: Guide & camera control: CCDSoft. Processing: PixInsight 1.5
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 楼主| steveyzh 发表于 2011-3-15 10:48 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–厦门 电信
本帖最后由 steveyzh 于 2011-3-15 10:50 编辑


http://astrosurf.com/jordigallego/album/Files_dark_sky_SBIG/M20_detail.jpg 1.7Mb

Object: M20 Trifid Nebula
Date: 29-05, 18-07, 25-07-2009
Observing site: FNO (Fosca Nit Observatory, Àger)
Telescope: Takahashi TOA-150  @ f/7.3 on EM-400 mount
Camera: SBIG STL-11000M  @ -10C
Filters:  Baader RGB
Exposure: 7 x 15 min R; 7 x 15 min G; 7 x 15 min B (all unbinned).  Total exposure: 5,25 h  
Guiding:  Camera guide chip

Software: Guide & camera control: CCDSoft. Processing: PixInsight 1.5
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 楼主| steveyzh 发表于 2011-3-15 10:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–厦门 电信

Object: M51 Whirlpool Galaxy
Date: 21-03, 02-05, 15-05-2009
Observing site: FNO (Fosca Nit Observatory, Àger)
Telescope: Takahashi TOA-150  @ f/7.3 on EM-400 mount
Camera: SBIG STL-11000M  @ -20C
Filters:  Baader RGB
Exposure: 5 x 30 min R; 5 x 30 min G; 5 x 30 min B (all unbinned).  Total exposure: 7,5 h  
Guiding:  Camera guide chip

Software: Guide & camera control: CCDSoft. Processing: PixInsight 1.5
Comment: Pure RGB image.
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 楼主| steveyzh 发表于 2011-3-15 10:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–厦门 电信

http://astrosurf.com/jordigallego/album/Files_dark_sky_SBIG/Leo_Trio_TOA_150.jpg  2.2Mb

Object: Leo Triplet (M65, M66 & NGC3628)
Date: 21-02, 20-03, 21-03-2009
Observing site: FNO (Fosca Nit Observatory, Àger)
Telescope: Takahashi TOA-150  @ f/7.3 on EM-400 mount
Camera: SBIG STL-11000M  @ -20C
Filters:  Baader RGB
Exposure: 1 x 20 min + 6 x 30 min R; 1 x 20 + 7 x 30 min G; 1 x 20 + 7 x 30 min B (all unbinned).  Total exposure: 9,5 h  
Guiding:  Camera guide chip

Software: Guide & camera control: CCDSoft. Processing: PixInsight 1.4
Comment: Pure RGB image. Test shot of new TOA-150 scope & new set of Baader filters
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 楼主| steveyzh 发表于 2011-3-15 10:56 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–厦门 电信

http://astrosurf.com/jordigallego/album/Files_dark_sky_SBIG/M33.jpg  1.4Mb

Object: M33
Date: 25-10, 22-11, 19-12-2008
Observing site: Observatory 16b, Àger
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106N  @ f/5 on EM-400 mount
Camera: SBIG STL-11000M  @ -10C
Filters:  Optec RGB, Astrodon H alpha 6 nm
Exposure: 9 x 15 min R; 9 x 15 min G; 7 x 20 min B; 4 x 30 min Halpha (all unbinned).  Total exposure: 8.9 h  
Guiding:  Camera guide chip

Software: Guide & camera control: CCDSoft. Processing: PixInsight 1.4
Comment: R channel is a composite of R and H alpha data
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 楼主| steveyzh 发表于 2011-3-15 10:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–厦门 电信

http://astrosurf.com/jordigallego/album/Files_dark_sky_SBIG/IC1396.jpg  1.2Mb

Object: IC1396 & Elephant trunck
Date: 3-10-2008
Observing site: Observatory 16b, Àger
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106N  @ f/5 on EM-400 mount
Camera: SBIG STL-11000M  @ -20C
Filters:  Astrodon H alpha 6 nm
Exposure: 3 x 30 min.  Total exposure: 1,5 h  
Guiding:  Camera guide chip

Software: Guide & camera control: CCDSoft. Processing: PixInsight 1.2
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 楼主| steveyzh 发表于 2011-3-15 11:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–厦门 电信

http://astrosurf.com/jordigallego/album/Files_dark_sky_SBIG/NGC7000_and_Pelican_color_version.jpg  3.5Mb

Object: NGC7000  Pelican
Date: 04-07, 26-07, 02-08-2008
Observing site: Observatory 16b, Àger
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106N  @ f/5 on EM-400 mount
Camera: SBIG STL-11000M  @ -10C
Filters:  Optec RGB
Exposure: 14 x 8 min R; 13 x 8 min G; 13 x 10 min B (all unbinned).  
Guiding:  Camera guide chip

Software: Guide & camera control: CCDSoft. Processing: PixInsight 1.5
Comment: H alpha data also used in Red & Luminance channels
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 楼主| steveyzh 发表于 2011-3-15 11:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–厦门 电信

http://astrosurf.com/jordigallego/album/Files_dark_sky_SBIG/NGC7000_and_Pelican.jpg  2.6Mb

Object: NGC7000  Pelican
Date: 08-05-2008
Observing site: Observatory 16b, Àger
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106N  @ f/5 on EM-400 mount
Camera: SBIG STL-11000M  @ -20C
Filters:  Astrodon H alfa 6 nm
Exposure: 1 x 20 min; 1 x 25 min; 1 x 30 min (all unbinned).  
Guiding:  Camera guide chip

Software: Guide & camera control: CCDSoft. Processing: PixInsight 1.0
Comment: First contact with new Astrodon filter
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 楼主| steveyzh 发表于 2011-3-15 11:04 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–厦门 电信

http://astrosurf.com/jordigallego/album/Files_dark_sky_SBIG/M81_M82_with_Integrated_Flux_Nebulae.jpg  `1.4Mb

Object: M81, M82 & IFN
Date: 11-01, 12-01, 02-02, 08-02, 09-02-2008
Observing site: Observatory 16b, Àger
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106N  @ f/5 on EM-400 mount
Camera: SBIG STL-11000M  @ -20C
Filters:  Optec LRGB
Exposure: 24 x 7 min L; 11 x 15 min R and G;  11 x 20 min B (all unbinned).  Total exposure:  12 h
Guiding:  Camera guide chip

Software: Guide & camera control: CCDSoft. Processing: PixInsight 1.0
荣登: NASA  APOD on May 12, 2008  
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 楼主| steveyzh 发表于 2011-3-15 11:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–厦门 电信
http://astrosurf.com/jordigallego/album/Files_dark_sky_SBIG/IC443_detail.jpg 1Mb

Object: IC443
Date: 30-12/02-02-2008

Observing site: Observatory 16b, Àger
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106N  @ f/5 on EM-400 mount
Camera: SBIG STL-11000M  @ -20C

Filters:  Optec RGB
Exposure: 8 x 12 min R; 9 x 12 min G; 9 x 15 min B (all unbinned).  Total exposure: 5,6 h  
Guiding:  Camera guide chip

Software: Guide & camera control: CCDSoft. Processing: PixInsight 1.0
Comment: Luminance from H alfa

http://astrosurf.com/jordigallego/album/Files_dark_sky_SBIG/IC443.jpg  1.6Mb

Object: IC443
Date: 30-12/02-02-2008

Observing site: Observatory 16b, Àger
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106N  @ f/5 on EM-400 mount
Camera: SBIG STL-11000M  @ -20C

Filters:  Optec RGB
Exposure: 8 x 12 min R; 9 x 12 min G; 9 x 15 min B (all unbinned).  Total exposure: 5,6 h  
Guiding:  Camera guide chip

Software: Guide & camera control: CCDSoft. Processing: PixInsight 1.0
Comment: Luminance from H alfa

http://astrosurf.com/jordigallego/album/Files_dark_sky_SBIG/IC443_Halfa_detail.jpg  878kb

Object: IC443
Date: 04-01/11-01/12-01-2008
Observing site: Observatory 16b, Àger
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106N  @ f/5 on EM-400 mount
Camera: SBIG STL-11000M  @ -20C
Filters:  Astronomik H alfa 13 nm
Exposure: 4 x 20 min + 11 x 25 min (unbinned).  Total exposure: 6 h  
Guiding:  Camera guide chip

Software: Guide & camera control: CCDSoft. Processing: PixInsight 1.0
Comment: Big halos. Cover image at PixInsight web site

http://astrosurf.com/jordigallego/album/Files_dark_sky_SBIG/slides/IC443_Halfa.jpg   815kb

Object: IC443
Date: 04-01/11-01/12-01-2008
Observing site: Observatory 16b, Àger
Telescope: Takahashi FSQ-106N  @ f/5 on EM-400 mount
Camera: SBIG STL-11000M  @ -20C
Filters:  Astronomik H alfa 13 nm
Exposure: 4 x 20 min + 11 x 25 min (unbinned).  Total exposure: 6 h  
Guiding:  Camera guide chip

Software: Guide & camera control: CCDSoft. Processing: PixInsight 1.0
Comment: Big halos. Cover image at PixInsight web site


参与人数 1牧夫币 +120 收起 理由
edward0102 + 120 感謝加碼賜圖~


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 楼主| steveyzh 发表于 2011-3-15 11:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–厦门 电信


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vixen 发表于 2011-3-15 12:39 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–嘉兴 电信
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东写西涂 发表于 2011-3-15 20:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–广西–桂林 电信
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cj2000_cn 发表于 2011-3-15 21:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–广东–深圳 电信
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ova520 发表于 2011-3-15 23:22 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–广东–佛山 电信
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 楼主| steveyzh 发表于 2011-3-16 11:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–厦门 电信


InstrumentsFSQ 106t
MontureEM400 TEMMA2
CCDPlatinum UXL, KAF-3200ME CCD Grade2
FiltresFiltre anti IR/UV AstronomiK
Exposition37 X 300s
LieuChamp du Feu (France)
DiversRapport CCD Inspector

http://www.nightpixels.net/photos/grand%20format/markarian_fsq106ed_kaf3200_full.jpg  (2129X1043)
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 楼主| steveyzh 发表于 2011-3-16 11:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–厦门 电信


InstrumentsTOA 150
MontureEM400 TEMMA2
CCDPlatinum UXL, KAF-3200ME CCD Grade2
FiltresFiltre anti IR/UV AstronomiK
Exposition28 X 300s
LieuChamp du Feu (France)
DiversRapport CCD Inspector

http://www.nightpixels.net/photos/grand%20format/m100_toa150_kaf3200_full.jpg   (2129X1043)
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 楼主| steveyzh 发表于 2011-3-16 13:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–福建–泉州 电信
TOA-150 and STL-11000M

Bubble nebula and M52

http://legault.perso.sfr.fr/cocoon_large.jpg   (3905X2126大分辨率图)
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