Lubricate the small roller bearings and replace them
on the worm, then replace the worm in its carrier.
Note: the worm has a longer spindle one end than
the other. The longer end goes to the motor gear. | Replace the float adjuster and tighten down. The
adjuster should be just tight enough to stop the
worm moving from left to right in the carrier but not
over tightened. If its too loose there will be 'play'
in the mount, if too tight the mount may 'bind'. | Here is the assembled worm carrier. Its been
cleaned and loose flaky paint removed.
You can see the worm now has a thin coat of lithium
Note: The motor gear can be reattached now or
left until later.The motor gear must have one of its
set screws on the flat portion of the worm spindle. |