2.水平微调RA,选一个Meridian附近并且dec=0° (原文是elevation,根据漂移法原理应该是dec=0°)的星星,让phd校准然后关掉dec的修正观察dx/dy图。通过看dy的偏移来向左或者向右水平微调RA轴直到dy没有变化。
Drift Alignment Using PHD Guiding Software:
Just recently an acquaintance ( Ted Rafferty) put me on to doing the drift alignment using the popular auto guiding program (PHD) available for free at Stark-Labs.
The process begins as all the other drift alignments. To check the RA alignment chose a star at 0° elevation close to the meridian. To set the DEC alignment choose a star as close to the E or W horizon as possible.
Turn on the guiding program (PHD) , select the mount and camera and run thru your calibration a usually.
To Check the RA select a star near the Meridian at 0° elevation.
Start Guiding on the selected star.
Turn on the GRAPH and select DX/DY instead of RA/DEC.
Turn off the DEC guiding
If your mount is perfectly aligned the DY ( red line) should track across the graph near the center line. If it drift up or down you need to make a very small adjustment to your AZIMUTH screws to compensate for that. You will see the change immediately. No need to wait 5 or 10 minutes for the visual drift.
Now set up the elevation.
Stop the guiding and look for a star near the western or eastern horizon at whatever elevation allows you to clear any obstruction. The lower the better.
Recalibrate the guiding on the new star.
As in step 3,4 & 5 above start guiding and make sure that the DEC guiding is off.
Once again if your alignment is on then the DY trace should not drift from the horizontal graph line. If it does, carefully mar small adjusts to the ELEVATION screws to compensate. Again you should see an immediate change in the graph.
This process is simple enough to allow you to check you polar alignment whenever you feel it necessary. The only requirement is that you get a copy of PHD and have a camera that is supported by the program ( there are many). |