Observations of most galaxies do not show the individual stars — even the most powerful telescopes cannot normally resolve the cloudy white shapes into their hundreds of millions of constituent stars.
In the case of the Andromeda Galaxy, however, astronomers have a few tricks up their sleeves. Firstly, images from Hubble Space Telescope have unparalleled image quality as a result of the telescope’s position above the atmosphere. Secondly, M 31 is closer to our own galaxy than any other spiral galaxy (so close that it can even be seen with the naked eye on a very dark night ). And thirdly, these observations avoid the crowded centre of the galaxy, where the stars are closest together and hardest to separate from each other.
但是对M31而言,天文学家却有施展手段的余地。首先,哈勃望远镜在大气层外工作,能提供无与伦比的高清晰度图像;其次,M31是离我们最近的巨型旋涡星系,它近到能在良好的夜空中用肉眼看见(注1);第三,观测避开了星系的核球区,那里的恒星过于密集,要逐一辨析确实很难。 |