“勇气”号漫游者用自身携带的数码相机,尝试着向被称作“Adirondack”的那块火星岩石贴近,然后展开近距离的观测与鉴定。这个指令恰恰是一周以前由NASA发出的,命令其使用分光计等仪器开展工作,以进一步对岩石、土壤的矿物质进行分析,而目标就是那块最靠近的火星岩石“Adirondack”。NASA工程师们正在帮助“勇气”号不断接受新的指令,并且重新投入到在火星地表区域的科学勘探工作。(北方网记者 郭城 编译)
来源: 北方网·科技无限 2004-01-29 11:15
PIA05167: Recovering Spirit Sends a New Picture
NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Spirit took and returned this image on January 28, 2004, the first picture from Spirit since problems with communications began a week earlier. The image from the rover's front hazard identification camera shows the robotic arm extended to the rock called Adirondack. As it had been instructed a week earlier, the Moessbauer spectrometer, an instrument for identifying the minerals in rocks and soils, is still placed against the rock. Engineers are working to restore Spirit to working order so that the rover can resume the scientific exploration of its landing area. |