C43 activities 本周继续 with a 复合红外分光计 mirror calibration, RADAR Instru
ment Expanded Block (IEB) exercise, Optical Navigation SSR IEB load, 卡西尼号等
离子体分光计 power on/off and high voltage IEB trigger Immediate/Delayed Actio
n Program uplink, Radio and Plasma Wave Science 太阳风 observation, Imaging Sc
ience Subsystem (ISS) Saturn Approach 影片和飞船定期工程维护。
本周的主要活动 was execution of the 惠更斯号探测器中继 Critical Sequence demon
stration。在此之前,所有指令要么关闭要么沉默,处于睡眠状态。24-hour coverage w
as provided for the four days of the demonstration by the Goldstone, Madrid, a
nd Canberra DSN complexes. Personnel from the Spacecraft Operations Office, Mi
ssion Support and Services Office, Probe, and the Instrument Operations Distri
buted Operations Coordinator supported the exercise.
The activity began with uplink of sequences to the Solid State Recorder, and c
ulminated in the delivery of probe data to the Huygens Project Operations Cent
er in Darmstadt, Germany. The demonstration included the spacecraft turning to
the Probe Relay attitude, recording approximately six hours of simulated Prob
e data, then turning back to Earth to downlink the Probe data at the expected
mission rates to the 70 meter DSN station at Goldstone, California.
上个星期,185张成像科学子系统的图片 were acquired and distributed before the i
nstrument went to sleep for the Probe demonstration. So far in Approach Scienc
e, 994 ISS images have been acquired. 在这中间,84张是光学导航图片。
The C44 Preliminary Sequence Integration and Validation Sequence Change Reques
t approval meeting was held this week.
Preliminary and official port 2 deliveries were made for Science Operations Pl
an (SOP) Implementation of tour sequences S23 and S24. A wrap-up/program brief
ing/waiver disposition meeting was held for SOP Update of S01, the first tour
sequence. Sequence generation will begin next week.
Science Planning launched a series of Tour Science Plan presentations to the f
light team with an historical overview of the timeline and process that led to
selection of the current baseline tour, and how that tour would then be segme
nted and integrated with detailed science requests from which the tour sequenc
es would be developed.
Members of Program Science and SCO met to discuss G ring brightness in the sta
r tracker during the ascending ring plane crossing just prior to Saturn Orbit
Insertion. Further dialogues will be held with some ring scientists to obtain
information on G ring brightness, and some G ring scientific papers were ident
ified for SCO to reference. Another topic discussed involved small satellites,
3.5 to 7 km diameter, that might be confused as stars. The Voyager upper limi
t for this region was 10 km. Hubble images can detect moonlets down to 3 km, b
ut no Hubble searches in the vicinity of the G ring have been done.
SCO delivered ground software for Maneuver Automation Software (MAS) version 4
.3. The MAS tool takes the Navigation solution for a trajectory correction man
euver and builds a sequence ready for uplink to the spacecraft in less than 30
Additional Delivery Coordination meetings were held for the Navigation T1.1 an
d Mission Sequence Subsystem D10.2 software.
Outreach personnel participated in a career day at San Dimas High School in Sa
n Dimas, California. Eighty students attended a two-hour presentation and disc
MSNBC 最近报道了卡西尼号儿童站点的一个更新。With 卡西尼号飞船 sending regular
postcards from 土星 and its surroundings,一位科普作家 sent a timely reminder
regarding 美国航空航天局的喷气推进实验室 and the Cassini children's tale。这个
更多关于 MSNBC 报道的土星及其光环 taking center stage in 卡西尼号飞船的最新图片
,snapped from 6940万千米 away http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/4400056/
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