



[新闻] 卡西尼号状态报告(2004年03月12日)

meteorobs 发表于 2004-3-14 09:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 天津市 联通


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卡西尼号 Significant Event Report
For Week Ending 2004年03月12日

The most recent 飞船 telemetry was acquired from the Goldstone tracking statio
n on 星期一, 03月08日. The 卡西尼号 飞船 is in an excellent state of health an
d is operating normally. Information on the present position and speed of the
卡西尼号 飞船 may be found on the "resent Position" web page located at http:
//saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/operations/present-position.cfm .

卡西尼号 has resumed approach science activities following last week's 探测器
checkout. Images of 土星 continue to be taken that will be used to make approa
ch movies to study the planet's atmosphere and its temporal variations, determ
ine wind speeds and cloud properties, and to build up global temperature and c
omposition maps. A map of 土星's magnetosphere in the ultraviolet will create
a 3-dimensional map of the distribution of atomic hydrogen and other atomic sp
ecies. 卡西尼号 continues to monitor the solar wind as it approaches 土星, inc
luding looking for upstream ions and upstream wave phenomena.

Additional activities include the uplink of a Visual and Infrared Mapping Spec
trometer mini-sequence containing flight 软件 版本 8.1 and instrument expanded
blocks, uplink of a Cosmic Dust Analyzer denoising relative timed direct pack
et, and clearing of the ACS high water marks.

A preliminary port 1 delivery was made for Science Operations Plan (SOP) Imple
mentation of tour sequences S25 and S26. The SOP update process was begun for

Cycle 1 products and the most recent sequence merge products for the C44 Preli
minary Sequence Integration and Validation2 Science and Sequence Update Proces
s (SSUP) have been released for review. C44 is the final sequence in the Appro
ach Science subphase.

SOP Update of the S01 sequence concluded this week. A hand-off package was tra
nsferred from Science Planning to Uplink Operations. A kick off meeting was th
en held for the S01 SSUP, and stripped SASF subsequence products were released
to all teams. S01 is the first tour sequence.

This week's Tour Science Plan presentation to the flight team covered plans fo
r the flybys of 土星's icy 卫星.

The Navigation Team reported that 75 images containing 117 卫星 have been proc
essed from between the start of optical navigation on February 6 through Febru
ary 27. In addition, the convergence of 飞船 and 卫星 ephemerides is as expect
ed. Regular processing of radiometric tracking data has begun and the quality
is very good. A preliminary reference trajectory using the latest 卫星 ephemer
is has been developed. A final 版本 will be released in the May timeframe.

Delivery coordination meetings were held for Mission Sequence Subsystem (MSS)
D10.2, and for the Electronic Command Request Form tool V1.2. MSS D10.2 will b
e used to support the start of the S02 SOP Update process.

The Navigation and Ancillary Information Facility (NAIF) at 喷气推进实验室 ann
ounced a "SPICE" Tutorial class that will be held at a hotel near 帕萨迪那, Ca
lifornia on May 4-6, 2004. SPICE is an ancillary information system that provi
des scientists and engineers access to 飞船 orbit, attitude and similar inform
ation needed to determine observation geometry used in planning and analyzing
space science observations, and to conduct mission engineering planning and an
alysis. Check http://pds-naif.jpl.nasa.gov/ for further information about SPIC
E. The class is open to all 喷气推进实验室 and contractor personnel, and is al
so offered to 喷气推进实验室/美国国家航空航天局 colleagues - domestic and fore
ign - who are now participating, or may participate in the future, in any 美国
国家航空航天局 space exploration endeavor where SPICE capabilities could be us
eful. There are no ITAR restrictions on the material to be presented.

Outreach provided an opportunity for the flight team to attend a 卡西尼号 Miss
ion overview for a general, non-technical audience. The presentation was given
to acquaint the flight team with 卡西尼号 Speakers and the types of presentat
ions that are given to the public. Sample presentation materials were availabl
e for checkout for those interested in joining the Speakers organization.

Outreach hosted a group of informal educators from the Chabot Space and Scienc
e Center in Oakland California and the Los Angeles County Museum of Natural Hi
story. The attendees were briefed on 卡西尼号 science objectives, worked with
some of the hands-on education activities available, and were introduced to 'R
eading, Writing, and Rings.'

The following data release was posted 星期五 2004年03月05日:

甲烷 Image (single filter) of 土星 from ISS NAC: PIA 05381

The image scale is 397 千米 (247 英里) per pixel. Image details reveal a high,
thick equatorial cloud and a relatively deep or thin haze encircling the pole
, as well as several distinct latitude bands with different cloud height attri
butes. It also shows a high atmospheric disturbance, just south of the equator
, which has persisted throughout the 1990s in images returned by 美国国家航空航
天局's 哈勃太空望远镜. For more information go to:

http://saturn.jpl.nasa.gov/cgibi ... a/images/saturn/ima



Additional information about 卡西尼—惠更斯号 is online at http://saturn.jpl.n

卡西尼号 will begin orbiting 土星 on July 1, 2004, and release its piggybacked
惠更斯号 探测器 about six months later for descent through the thick atmosphe
re of the moon 土卫六. 卡西尼—惠更斯号 is a cooperative mission of 美国国家航
空航天局, 欧洲航天局 and 意大利航天局. 喷气推进实验室, a division of 加州理工学
院 in 帕萨迪那, manages the mission for 美国国家航空航天局's Office of Space S
cience, 华盛顿, D.C.

Media Relations Office
帕萨迪那, Calif. 91109.
Telephone (818) 354-5011
生活精彩在于想象力丰富和善于调整心态。幸福来自于深切感触、简单享受、自由思考以及被需要    ——地球历公元2006年2月10日上午11:55分。by  meteorobs
生命不熄, 观星不止!
quasar 发表于 2004-3-14 10:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江苏省南京大学 浦口校区宿舍电信
 楼主| meteorobs 发表于 2004-3-14 20:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 天津市 联通


=HF=大虾 发表于 2004-3-16 23:42 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 福建省厦门市 电信


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