美航空航天局的科学家今晨宣布,“机遇”号火星探测器正从火星上一个远古海洋的海岸边向地球发送信息。负责“机遇”号和“勇气”号探测工作的调查人员史蒂夫-斯克雷斯(Steve Squyres)称:“我们认为机遇号现在所处的位置以前曾是火星上一个盐水海洋的海岸线。”
3月2号,NASA宣布在火星上找到了有水的证据。现在,通过对探测器搜集的岩石进行分析之后,找到了火星上有液态水流动过的确切证据。而NASA负责航天科学的副局长埃德-威勒(Ed Weiler)则指出,火星上的海洋正是寻找火星化石的很好所在。科学家们目前还不知道这个海洋的大小如何,有多深或是如何形成的。即使这样,这一发现也可谓是火星探测器取得的重大成就之一。从理论上讲,如果火星上有水存在,就应该有可能存在过生物。
来源: 新浪科技 2004-03-24 08:36
PIA05624: "Upper Dells" Clues to Watery History
This magnified view from NASA's Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity of a portion of a martian rock called "Upper Dells" shows fine layers (laminae) that are truncated, discordant and at angles to each other. Interpretive black lines trace cross-lamination that indicates the sediments that formed the rock were laid down in flowing water.
This rock, like another called "Last Chance," (see PIA05482) preserves evidence for trough cross-lamination, likely produced when flowing water shaped sinuous ripples in underwater sediment and pushed the ripples to migrate in one direction. The direction of the ancient flow would have been toward or away from the viewer. The interpretive blue lines (Figure 1) point to boundaries between possible sets of cross-laminae.
Several frames taken with Opportunity's microscopic imager during the rover's 41st sol on Mars (March 5, 2004) are stitched together to make this mosaic view. Eight spherules can be seen embedded in the rock, and one larger pebble sits on the present-day surface of the rock. |