Ancient orbs
Release date: 3 September 2012, 10:00
发表时间:2012.9.3 10:00
This sparkling picture taken by the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope shows the centre of globular cluster M 4. The power of Hubble has resolved the cluster into a multitude of glowing orbs, each a colossal nuclear furnace.
M 4 is relatively close to us, lying 7000 light-years distant, making it a prime object for study. It contains several tens of thousand stars and is noteworthy in being home to many white dwarfs — the cores of ancient, dying stars whose outer layers have drifted away into space.
M4(又名NGC 6121)离我们很近,仅7000光年,因此成为我们的主要研究目标。它包含上万颗恒星,其中值得注意的是有很多白矮星——垂死的古老恒星褪去外层气壳后的核心残骸。
In July 2003, Hubble helped make the astounding discovery of a planet called PSR B1620-26 b, 2.5 times the mass of Jupiter, which is located in this cluster. Its age is estimated to be around 13 billion years — almost three times as old as the Solar System! It is also unusual in that it orbits a binary system of a white dwarf and a pulsar (a type of neutron star).
2003年7月,哈勃帮助天文学家在M4中发现了一颗围绕着脉冲星旋转的系外行星——PSR B1620-26 b,它的质量约为2.5个木星。它的年龄估计达130亿年,几乎是太阳系的3倍!另外特别的一点是,它围绕着一个由白矮星和脉冲星(一种中子星)组成的双星系统旋转。
Amateur stargazers may like to track M 4 down in the night sky. Use binoculars or a small telescope to scan the skies near the orange-red star Antares in Scorpius. M 4 is bright for a globular cluster, but it won’t look anything like Hubble’s detailed image: it will appear as a fuzzy ball of light in your eyepiece.
On Wednesday 5 September, the European Southern Observatory (ESO) will publish a wide-field image of M 4, showing the full spheroidal shape of the globular cluster. See it at on Wednesday.
Credit: ESA/Hubble & NASA