本帖最后由 qhyphoto 于 2012-12-3 00:06 编辑
QHY5-II 130万像素 1/2英寸 只有黑白版本 分辨率1280*1024 量子效率56%
QHY5L-II 120万像素 1/3英寸 有彩色和黑白版本 分辨率1280*960 量子效率74%(黑白版本)
另外, QHY5L-II黑白还有一定的深空天体拍摄能力
国外用户用QHY5L-II拍摄的照片及评价: It is very small but its size does not influence their potential for planetary, solar, lunar and double stars images.It is very sensitive as or more than the ICX618, only 15ms gan 10% on three RGB at 43fps 1024x768 (no full resolution), has larger field, lower noise, equal to or faster fps and best price as I have understood, so your card is unbeatable.