本帖最后由 northwolfwu 于 2014-2-7 00:49 编辑
MetaGuide has demonstrated sub 2" fwhm's in 10-15m exposures with mid-range mounts that have relatively high PE, and cost much less than high-end mounts with expensive bearings. I commonly see similar equipment produce stars in the 3.5-4.5" range - and I think the autoguiding software and technique are factors in explaining the difference.
MG的纠正速度是1Hz,速度比真正的AO慢 但是比MDL要快很多(4~5秒修正一次),另外MG采用Lucky Image 算法,大大降低视宁度的影响。我拍的M1就是在小区拍得,导星星点抖得非常厉害,但是实际的效果确实比较意外的好。
MG支持Q5 IIL的st-4接口,其他的支持情况可以参考网站:
For guiding, you need either an ASCOM connection, GPUSB, TOGA, QHY, AstroGene, or LPT port interface.
2)很遗憾,stt的内置导星CCD没有WDM驱动,无法使用MG。我用的是外置OAG+Q5 II L。
3)Remote Guide Head的目的是给独立的导星镜或者另外的OAG用,你就理解为一个单独的导星CCD。STT已经内置导星CCD,RGH就没有多大用,除非想搞个独立导星镜导星。