


笑嘻嘻 发表于 2014-2-14 23:31 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–广东–广州 电信


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Hong Kong (CNN) -- Reports of Jade Rabbit's demise may have been premature.
China's first lunar rover had stoppedfunctioning, state media reported Wednesday, but signs are emerging that Yutu,as it is known in Mandarin, may be up and running again.
Following technical malfunctions Xinhuasaid that the lunar rover had lost communication with mission control but onThursday the state news agency said that the rover was "fully awake"and had returned to its normal signal-receiving status.
"Jade Rabbit has fully resurrected andis able to receive signals, but still suffers a mechanical controlabnormality," China'slunar program spokesman Pei Zhaoyu told Xinhua.
"The rover entered hibernation whilein an abnormal state. We were worried it wouldn't be able to make it throughthe extreme cold of the lunar night. But it came back alive. The rover stands achance of being saved as it is still alive."
Xinhua also posted a screenshot of theChang'e-3 Moon Probe's Sina Weibo account, which, at 8.49am Thursday morninglocal time, asked: "Is anyone out there?"
“玉兔”号月球车已全面苏醒,恢复到休眠前正常的信号接收状态,但机构控制异常的故障仍在分析排查中。探月工程新闻发言人裴照宇13日说:“玉兔是以非正常状态进入睡眠的,我们原来担心它无法承受月夜极低温度,但它活过来了!它起码还活着,就有救过来的可能性。” 新华社还发布了一个嫦娥三号月球探测器的新浪微博的截图,在当地时间周四上午0849分,他问道:“hi,有人在吗?”
The rover has over 300,000 followers on theChinese Twitter-like social media site, some of whom celebrated the luckyrobot's resurrection.
One Weibo user said that the rabbit was"waking up for the [Chinese lantern] festival" which starts onFriday.
Another took a cynical view, commentingthat some countries would "be disappointed" at China's spaceprogram's ability to come back from the dead.
An amateur website dedicated to monitoringradio signals from space also reported on its Twitter account that it haddetected "pretty good signals" from the device.
月球车在这个社交媒体网站上拥有超过30万粉丝,很多人都在为这个幸运的机器人的复活而欢呼。 一位微博用户说,小兔子是因为星期五的元宵节而醒来的。 另一个则尖刻地评论道,一些国家将因中国太空计划死而复生的能力而感到“失望”。 一个致力于监测太空无线电信号的业余网站也在推特上说,它已从玉兔那里检测到“非常不错的信号”。
The lunar rover's end seemed near when itsigned off at the end of January with a poignant message: "Goodnighthumanity."
The device had been out of action for twoweeks following a technical malfunction, and media around the world filed itsobituary late on Wednesday after a short statement on Chinese state mediaalerted the world to its apparent terminal failings.
"China's first lunar rover, Yutu,could not be restored to full function on Monday as expected," the reportstated.
However, the robot has given its fans in China andaround the world hope that it will resume its planned three-month mission andcontinue examining the moon's surface for potential resources.
The deputy chief designer of the Chang-eprobe system told China National Radio the technical team is still trying todetermine the source of problem and work on the plan for repair.
Should Jade Rabbit make a full recovery, itwould cap another success for space exploration, which has seen NASA'sOpportunity Mars rover, currently exploring the red planet, far outlast itsexpected lifespan.

kalman133 ? 4 hours ago     32   0
chinamust have launched someone up there to kick it

Midkingdom kalman133 ? 41 minutes ago       3 0
Accordingto Chinese mythology, a guy called Wugang is there being punished chopping thetree. I guess he took a rest and fix it.

Raven Openheart ? 2 hours ago      12   2
I'm gladto see actual pictures of the moon from Jade Rabbit. I believe this rover willprove without a doubt the Apollo landings were fake. It was a good con jobwhile it lasted, but eventually the truth had to come out...most governmentallies take about 50 years to expose. But I know how this will play out...JadeRabbit will be fake, it's not really on the moon...it's all being created in asecret Chinese television studio some place...American Politicians would neverlie! The truth is about to come out.

guest ? 9 minutes ago       3   0
Chineseare very smart, they do not choose the same landing site for a reason. They donot want to find out anything.

MDAT ? 32 minutes ago       0   0

FyshGrrL Elizabeth ? an hour ago      10   0
I'mactually glad to see that Jade Rabbit made it through lunar night. It alwaysseems like such a tragedy when years of research and planning, not to mentionmillions of dollars, go into a project and something goes catastrophicallywrong before anyone gets to use the thing. We (the USA) have a dead lander on Marsbecause one team measured in English and the other in metric -- and no onerealized until it hopelessly wrecked the landing. For all the high-technologyand super intelligent people involved with this kind of exploration, things DOfall through the cracks. It's so great when, despite that, it works anyway!

MDAT FyshGrrL Elizabeth ? 33 minutes ago      3   0
I agree.People screw up. It is alive, and that is good.
JPL: Weneed to burn at #### lbf per second?
LockMart:What do you mean lbf per second? I told you to give us units in newtons!
MarsClimate orbiter connection is lost.
JPL: *-*
JPL* - *

me_me ? 3 hours ago      4   1
I amwondering how complicated it could be to catch signals coming from space, orfor that matter, from such vehicle

Hank  me_me ? 2 hoursago      1 0
Actually, not verycomplicated to catch, if you know where to look for them, decrypting them mightalso present a problem. even if the data istself is not encrypted, you'd stillhave to reverse engineer the protocol they are using.
then again, if you hadall that, you could remote control it if you wanted, so its probably not goingto be all that easy for u to glean much from it, unless they were really lazyabout their security (which they might be!)

budadahal ? 3 hours ago       5   3
"Jade Rabbit"must have discovered soy sauce in moon. So it is replenished.

WebWhip  budadahal ?39 minutes ago        0 0
Ba-Ha-Ha. You so fonny.

Le Thi Be Bay ? 2 hours ago      0 2
Did some Japanese helpthem ?
Japanese citizens butroot from China...

Daniel Lee  Le Thi BeBay ? 2 hours ago       0   0
Japs? why do I hearingdogs barking?

Gol1ath ? 2 hours ago       6 0
Made in China

massltime ? an hour ago        0 0
Jade Rabbit wakes upfor the Lantern Festival, maybe also for the Valentine's Day. Have a good day,humanity! And have a good date, lovers!

reddfrog  massltime ?21 minutes ago        0   0
They should have sent 2and they will breed like rabbits.
kxjh 发表于 2014-2-15 14:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–河北–石家庄 联通
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北极之星 发表于 2014-2-16 07:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–山东–济宁 电信
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