日前S·H·E接受日本一个综合电台采访时被问及:"Are you Chinese?" (你们是中国人吗?) 她们三个的回答是-- "NO! We are Taiwanese!"(不不!我们是{台湾人}!)(她妈的!!垃圾!!)请问看到这句话后,这儿还有人愿意当她们的歌迷吗? 至于这一个, 她前不久在兰州演出时问歌迷: 你们喜欢我吗? 歌迷答喜欢,她说:"对,你们中国人有好多都喜欢我"! 如果你是中国人,请转发!!!!!!!!!是中国人就鄙视她们~~不买他们的CD VCD还有一切和他们有关的东西~~~~~~~~~(别人发给我的)[/quote]
I don't think it's true. :roll: If the message is true, Hong Kong newspapers must report this case. But the fact is that none of them reports this case.
Very often, the messages that spread on the net are falsehood. :twisted: Fellow members, it is better to think about it before you pass the message. :wink: If not, we will mislead by someone. :?[/quote]
说得对,上次我们浙大的事件就是有人煽动,更有人轻信的缘故 |