We have added some fancy new features like full or sub-frame guiding using DONUTS algorithm useful for defocused images or high turbulence (if there are more than one star in the frame). It performs better in low SNR compared to Centroid. We also added target shaped drift graph.
Here is the complete list of changes: * Created infrastructure to support selectable drift graphs
* Created infrastructure to support selectable guiding algorithms
* Changing Graph X and Y cells does not require restart any more
* Added guiding status line to display guiding messages
* GUI Tweaks
* Added two versions Target drift graph
* Enhanced Scrolling drift graph
* Added Enhanced DONUTS guiding algorithm
* Gain of Null camera controls the simulated frame noise
* Minor fixes in ASI camera driver
* Use latest ASI SDK (v.0.3.0623)
* Overlays (square and guide frame) are dragged relative to the mouse position not the center
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