前年,我们发表了一篇否定磁冻结原理的论文。前一段时间,我们把我们的观点加入了维基百科的词条《阿尔文原理》之中( Alfvén's theorem),等待别人的编辑和评价。 前天发现。这个词条再次被该词条的创建者Elenceq编辑了一遍。我们的观点在被删减一些内容以后,表述在新进展(New progress)一节,其内容为: Though Alfvén himself later objected this theorem and thought that it is a dangerous pseudo pedagogical concept, sadly, it is still very popular. The causations that lead to this theorem incorrect and the correct understanding for the interaction between conducting fluid and magnetic field lines have been put forward in a new work.[6]