

NGC 6188和NGC 6193

Melipal 发表于 2002-10-1 13:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–天津–天津 联通


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The NGC 6188 nebula and NGC 6193
AAO image reference AAT 75

Top left is NE. Image width is about 19 arc min
Image and text © Anglo-Australian Observatory, Photograph by David Malin.

Here we see two bright stars whose radiant energy is beating down on to the surface of a dark cloud, very similar to the Horsehead in Orion. The cloud itself is opaque and because of that, very cold inside. These conditions are ideal for the formation of organic molecules on the surfaces of the chilled dust particles. The opacity of the cloud protects the fragile molecules within from the energetic radiation of nearby stars, but as its surface is gradually warmed and eroded, the delicate organic molecules are destroyed and the hydrogen released glows as a distinctive red emission nebula.


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