

Alien search merges with other home projects国外的探索外星人计划

yang012 发表于 2005-12-20 11:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–广东–深圳–南山区 电信


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Alien search merges with other home projects
SETI@home is getting a boost in computer power.
Declan Butler
SETI@home, a downloadable screensaver that lets the public donate their unused computer time to the search for extraterrestrial intelligence, switches off today. But it is not going away: it is simply joining forces with similar distributed-computing projects on topics from climate models to cures for diseases. The move should boost the number of users, upping the computing power available to search for messages from alien life.

About a dozen projects are now signed up to a common software system, so that they can pool volunteers' computer time and use it more efficiently (see 'All for one'). As a result, each project should get access to more users, more of the time.

SETI@home, launched in May 1999, looks for regular or strong signals from outer space. It breaks up radio signals from the Arecibo radio telescope in Puerto Rico and sends these to the computers of 5.5 million volunteers, each of which analyses a small chunk of data and sends back the results.

But the project, says director David Anderson, has run out of steam and needs to take a new direction. "The science that SETI@home does is currently a dead end; it was meant to run for two years, it has now run for six. We are just rescanning the sky repeatedly and it's unlikely that we will find anything we haven't found before."

Scientific progress goes BOINC

The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) platform will allow SETI@home to evolve, using data beamed directly from different telescopes, including ones in the Southern Hemisphere, and looking at a wider radiofrequency range. "We designed BOINC to let us do the things that we want to do in the future," Anderson says, including rolling out faster and more complex software.

Moving to the new infrastructure will not be difficult for Anderson. He is also director of BOINC, and his team built the software.

A computer scientist at the University of California, Berkeley, Space Science Laboratories, Anderson was driven to build BOINC because he realized that his and other stand-alone projects, such as Climateprediction.net, were also an inefficient use of resources. Users could subscribe to one or the other, but not both. When each of these projects hit a period of down time, their volunteer computing power went unused. By joining together, computing power can be used where it is needed most at any given time, boosting everyone's resources.

"We get a lot more participants this way," says Myles Allen, a physicist at the University of Oxford, UK, and founder of Climateprediction.net.

If you already have SETI@home or want to start contributing, you will have to download and install software from BOINC. You will then be given the option to donate various percentages of your machine's time to any or all of the projects. Users can chose, for example, to donate 70% of their unused computer power to finding curing disease, 20% to looking for aliens, and 10% to predicting the future climate.

Bigger is better

The list of BOINC projects is sure to get longer, its builders say, because the software makes it easy for scientists to use distributed computing in their pet projects.
听风 发表于 2005-12-20 12:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–天津–天津–南开区 联通
英文的 看不懂 谁能不能给翻译下 谢谢了
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 楼主| yang012 发表于 2005-12-20 15:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–广东–深圳–南山区 电信
探索外星人计划 合并使用  其他本土项目
Declan Butler
SETI@home今天关闭, 它是一个 通过大众下载的荧屏保护程序 利用他们空闲的计算机时间 计算的探索外星智慧生物的计划。 但是它并非停止: 它只是正式合并加入了类似的分布计算项目中 从为疾病治疗到气候模型等广泛的计划。 这个变动增加了使用者的数字,提高可用来寻找来自外星的信息的计算机总量。

现在大约有一打 工程 并入 到一个通用的软件系统, 所以他们能更有效率的合并志愿者的计算机时间和使用它。 (参看  'All for one') 最终,每个工程项目应该得到 更多的志愿者,更多的时间。

在1999 五月开始的 SETI@home, 搜寻固定的或强烈的从外太空来的信号。  它收集来自Puerto Rico Arecibo 射电望远镜的无线电机信号并且分解发送  给 550万 个志愿者的计算机, 每个计算机分析一小块的数据,最后返回结果。

但是项目 主管 David Anderson说,现在已用尽气量而且需要一个新的方向。 " SETI@home 做的科学研究现在已经到了尽头;它必须运行二年, 现在已经运行六年。 我们重复地使用 卫星通讯反射天线 扫描已知天空,我们将来不太可能发现任何事我们以前没有发现。"


伯克利开放网络计算体系构架 (BOINC) 平台将会使 SETI@home 进化发展, 使用不同的望远镜直接的定向的数据, 包括一些在南半球的望远镜, 可以着眼于比较宽的 无线电频率 范围。 Anderson 说:“ 我们设计了 BOINC 让我们做我们未来想要做的事情,包括更加快速和更复杂的软件。 ”

对 Anderson来说各部分移到新的体系内不是问题。 他也是 BOINC 的主管,而且由他的团队构建软件部分。

作为加州 伯克利大学 空间科学实验室的一位计算机科学家 , Anderson 主导建立 BOINC ,因为他认识到其他的单个任务工程,例如  Climateprediction.net(气候网), 是对资源的一种低效利用。 志愿者可以预订 一或另一个, 但不能两者都支持。 当这些项目在一个时期出现了时间上的冲突的时候,他们都用不上志愿计算机的力量。 通过合并在一起,在任何空闲时间的大部分计算机力量能被需要的项目使用,每个人的资源都会成为动力。

"这个方法使我们有了更多的参与者", 英国牛津大学的一个物理学者 和Climateprediction.net 创办人的 Myles Allen说。

如果你已经有 SETI@home 或想要开始为它起作用,你首先必须下载并且安装来自 BOINC 的软件。然后你将要选择你的机器对任意或全部项目所使用占总时间的百分比。举例来说,使用者选择, 花70% 的他们空闲的计算机力量用于治疗疾病的发现,20% 来找寻外星人, 而他们空闲的计算机力量 的10% 用来预知将来的气候。


它的建立者说:BOINC 项目的确定名单比较长,因为科学家很容易使用软件为他们喜欢的项目分配分布式计算机资源 。
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