

World Year of Physics: A direct test of E=mc^2最近的文章,有空一起翻译

yang012 发表于 2005-12-26 13:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–广东–深圳–南山区 电信


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World Year of Physics: A direct test of E=mc^2
Simon Rainville(1,2), James K. Thompson(1), Edmund G. Myers(3), John M. Brown(4), Maynard S. Dewey(5), Ernest G. Kessler, Jr(5), Richard D. Deslattes(5), Hans G. Börner(6), Michael Jentschel(6), Paolo Mutti(6) and David E. Pritchard(1)

One of the most striking predictions of Einstein's special theory of relativity is also perhaps the best known formula in all of science: E=mc^2. If this equation were found to be even slightly incorrect, the impact would be enormous — given the degree to which special relativity is woven into the theoretical fabric of modern physics and into everyday applications such as global positioning systems. Here we test this mass–energy relationship directly by combining very accurate measurements of atomic-mass difference,  Δm, and of γ -ray wavelengths to determine E, the nuclear binding energy, for isotopes of silicon and sulphur. Einstein's relationship is separately confirmed in two tests, which yield a combined result of 1- Δmc^2/E=(-1.4 +-4.4)* 10^-7, indicating that it holds to a level of at least 0.00004%. To our knowledge, this is the most precise direct test of the famous equation yet described.

1.        Research Laboratory of Electronics, MIT–Harvard Center for Ultracold Atoms, and Department of Physics, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02139, USA
2.        Present address: Département de Physique, Université Laval, Québec G1K 7P4, Canada
3.        Department of Physics, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida 32306-4350, USA
4.        The Physical and Theoretical Chemistry Laboratory, Department of Chemistry, South Parks Road, Oxford OX1 3QZ, UK
5.        National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20899, USA
6.        Institut Laue-Langevin, 38042 Grenoble Cedex, France
Correspondence to: Simon Rainville(1,2) Email: rainville@alum.mit.edu

世界物理年: E=mc^2 的一个直接测试
Simon Rainville(1,2), James K. Thompson(1) ,Edmund G. Myers(3) ,John M. Brown(4) , Maynard S. Dewey(5) , Ernest G. Kessler , Jr(5) ,Richard D. Deslattes(5), Hans G. B?rner(6) ,Michael Jentschel(6) , Paolo Mutti(6) 和David E. Pritchard(1)

爱因斯坦相对论最醒目的预言之一也许是在所有的科学中最好的已知公式: E=mc^2。 如果这个等式被发现有细微的不正确, 都会带来巨大的冲击- 相对论如此的特别以至于他已经完全融入了现代物理和每天的具体应用之中 例如  全球的定位系统。这里我们通过综合性的直接非常精确的测量原子-质量的不同测试这个质-能关系  , Δ m ,和γ- 射线波长决定 E ,它是硅和硫的同位素原子的结合能 。 爱因斯坦的关系在二个测试中被分别的确定, 生产的结合量的结果是 1 -Δ mc^2/E =(-1.4+-4.4)*10^-7, 表明它在这个水平上误差少于 0.00004%. 根据我们所知,这仍然是最精确的著名的等式的直接测试描述。
 楼主| yang012 发表于 2005-12-26 13:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–广东–深圳–南山区 电信

Impact origin of sediments at the Opportunity landing site

Impact origin of sediments at the Opportunity landing site on Mars
L. Paul Knauth(1), Donald M. Burt(1) and Kenneth H. Wohletz(2)

Mars Exploration Rover Opportunity discovered sediments with layered structures thought to be unique to aqueous deposition and with minerals attributed to evaporation of an acidic salty sea. Remarkable iron-rich spherules were ascribed to later groundwater alteration, and the inferred abundance of water reinforced optimism that Mars was once habitable. The layered structures, however, are not unique to water deposition, and the scenario encounters difficulties in accounting for highly soluble salts admixed with less soluble salts, the lack of clay minerals from acid–rock reactions, high sphericity and near-uniform sizes of the spherules and the absence of a basin boundary. Here we present a simple alternative explanation involving deposition from a ground-hugging turbulent flow of rock fragments, salts, sulphides, brines and ice produced by meteorite impact. Subsequent weathering by intergranular water films can account for all of the features observed without invoking shallow seas, lakes or near-surface aquifers. Layered sequences observed elsewhere on heavily cratered Mars and attributed to wind, water or volcanism may well have formed similarly. If so, the search for past life on Mars should be reassessed accordingly.

1.        Department of Geological Sciences, Arizona State University, Box 871404, Tempe, Arizona 85287-1404, USA
2.        Earth and Environmental Sciences, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, New Mexico 87545, USA
Correspondence to: L. Paul Knauth(1) Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to L.P.K. (Email: Knauth@asu.edu).

L. Paul Knauth(1) ,Donald M. Burt(1) 和 Kenneth H. Wohletz(2)

火星探险车机遇号发现 分层堆积结构的 沉积物 并认为唯一的可能是水成沉积物 ,矿物由于酸的有盐份的海洋蒸发产生。 富-铁 的小球现象被归于后来的地下水变更,而且加强了乐观主义的推论,一旦火星可居住水是足够用的。被分层堆积的结构,然而,层状结构,不是只有水能沉淀形成,而且需要解释以下遇到的现象 难溶解的盐与易溶解的盐一起混合,来自酸- 岩石反应的泥土矿物的缺乏,和盆地界线上缺少大小一致的和球度很圆的小球体。在这里我们提供一种简单的替代方案解释下面现象 包括来自地面的沉淀-包裹岩石碎片,盐,硫化物,盐水和被陨石冲击生产的冰叶的流程。晶粒间的 水流的并发的风化 能解释被观察的所有特征,不会在浅的海洋,湖或靠近- 表面带水土壤层发生。 分层堆积结构在火星深地火山口上观察到并理所当然的归于风,水或火山等类似作用形成。 如果如此,应该重新评价搜寻火星上的过去生命。
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 楼主| yang012 发表于 2005-12-26 13:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–广东–深圳–南山区 电信

Light echoes from ancient supernovae in the Large Magellanic

Light echoes from ancient supernovae in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Armin Rest(1), Nicholas B. Suntzeff(1), Knut Olsen(1), Jose Luis Prieto(2), R. Chris Smith(1), Douglas L. Welch(3), Andrew Becker(4), Marcel Bergmann(5), Alejandro Clocchiatti(6), Kem Cook(7), Arti Garg(8), Mark Huber(7), Gajus Miknaitis(4), Dante Minniti(6), Sergei Nikolaev(7) and Christopher Stubbs(8)

The light from historical supernovae could in principle still be visible as scattered-light echoes centuries after the explosion(1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6). The detection of light echoes could allow us to pinpoint the supernova event both in position and age and, most importantly, permit the acquisition of spectra to determine the 'type' of the supernova centuries after the direct light from the explosion first reached Earth. Although echoes have been discovered around some nearby extragalactic supernovae(7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13), targeted searches have not found any echoes in the regions of historical Galactic supernovae(14, 15, 16). Here we report three faint variable-surface-brightness complexes with high apparent proper motions pointing back to three of the six smallest (and probably youngest) previously catalogued supernova remnants in the Large Magellanic Cloud, which are believed to have been thermonuclear (type Ia) supernovae(17). Using the distance and apparent proper motions of these echo arcs, we estimate ages of 610 and 410 years for two of them.

1.        Cerro Tololo Inter-American Observatory, National Optical Astronomy Observatory, La Serena, Chile
2.        Department of Astronomy, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio 43210, USA
3.        Department of Physics & Astronomy, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ontario L8S 4M1, Canada
4.        Department of Astronomy, University of Washington, Seattle, Washington 98195, USA
5.        Gemini Observatory, La Serena, Chile
6.        Departamento de Astronomía y Astrofísica, Pontifica Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, Chile
7.        Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, California 94550, USA
8.        Department of Physics and Harvard/Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 02138, USA
Correspondence to: Nicholas B. Suntzeff(1) Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to N.B.S. (Email: nsuntzeff@ctio.noao.edu).

来自大麦哲伦星云 中远古的 超新星 的光回波
Armin Rest(1) , Nicholas B. Suntzeff(1) , Knut Olsen(1) , Jose Luis Prieto(2) , R. Chris Smith(1) ,Douglas L. Welch(3) ,Andrew Becker(4) ,Marcel Bergmann(5) , Alejandro Clocchiatti(6) , Kem Cook(7), Arti Garg(8), Mark Huber(7) , Gajus Miknaitis(4) , Dante Minniti(6) , Sergei Nikolaev(7) 和Christopher Stubbs(8)

来自历史上过去的 超新星 的光在 爆发(1,2,3,4,5,6) 之后原则上仍然可以看得见的 继续从中心位置散布-光回波. 侦测 光的回波可以帮助我们精确地发现超新星事件的点包括位置和年龄 , 最重要的是 , 在来自爆发的第一束光直接到达地球之后 可以获得 光谱范围 决定 超新星核心'类型'。 虽然我们发现了一些附近的 银河系外的 超新星 回波(7,8,9,10,11,12,13), 不过没有在搜寻(14,15,16) 的区域发现过去的银河 超新星的任何回波. 我们 报告里三个微弱的可变的- 表面的- 光 联合体 和高速的自行视运动点显然的向后地指向的先前在大 麦哲伦星 云中编入目录的超新星残骸里六个中的最小的三个( 或许很年轻), 相信有是高能原子核反应的 (Ia型) 超新星(17)。 使用这些回声弧的外表自行视运动和距离 , 我们估计他们中的两个年龄为 610 和 410 年。
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