說的不錯,人家是問問題啊!並不是取笑,看人家說什麼: (不好意思,把chanlunlun兄的問題貼在這裡)
Questions :-
1. How could you trigger the firing of the flash ? I don't see any synchronizing sockets from the compur shutter.
2. How could you possibly synchronize the flash and the shutter of camera if no synchronizing socket exists ?
3. How could you focus the camera for objects not at infinity ? I see that the calibration figures on the lens barrel is a little bit rough. A 75 mm focal length will give a rather shallow depth of field, requiring very precise focuing.
就因原相機只在鏡頭貼距離標尺,只能用估算調焦,所以非無窮遠的對焦較困難,所以裝這閃登座最主要的目的是裝外置測距器的,上面圖片所裝的是前蘇聯BLIK測距器,使用疊影測距,這是很多無建內調焦系統相機的必要配件. (還付兩張圖片)
凡事要留點口德,不要自己想說什麼就說什麼,想說也拿出些本領,拿不出本領,就在旁邊多看多學,這是我的想法及做法,但無記名的網路世界,誰也拿誰沒辦法,想說什麼,由你了.但相對的,想說什麼也由我了. |