

astromist update 2.3

andy2000a 发表于 2006-8-29 13:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–台湾 中华电信(HiNet)数据中心


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27/08/2006: 2.3.0 Version Release
# The new features: New SkyChart design,
# New dynamic object selection inside skycharts (the more you zoom the more objects you discover),
# New Star Color and Black&White scheme within SkyChart,
# New SkyChart toolbar design with hide/show buttons,
# New Rey constellation lines support (Classic and Rey lines available now),
# New Compass assistant,
# New Lunar Eclipse simulator,
# New WorldWide map to easily locate your place without a GPS,
# New Rambaut pole alignment method for user close to the equator,
# New Moon Visiblity Assistant to find days when you can see the moon,
# New Slide show mode for NightTripper to display the photos of the selected ojects,
# New PnoJpegLib support to enable real time load of images,
# New SkyCommander drive support,
# New Persistant telescope connection mode if you quit astromist (even in bluetooth mode)
# New Automatic save/restore of aligment data
# New DeltaT estimation formula selector to better match Nasa prédiction for old eclipses
# New Meteor Showers catalog support,
# New External Bright Stars list catalog support. More than 200 available now,
# New Location catalog support,
# New Eyepiece catalog support,
# New program to create custom eyepiece database (eyepiecedb.exe),
# New program to create custom location database (locationdb.exe),
# New 2.3 English Doc (Huge thanks to Christopher Erickson),
# New 2.3 French Doc.
The Improvements:
# Improved SkyChart rendering speed using external catalogs
# Improved CometDb.exe program (add Asteroid support),
# Improved Wizzard shotrcuts
# Improved 2-Star Aligment process
# Improved N-Star Aligment process
# Improved SkyChart Object selection management
# Improved Telescope control using sky chart (specifc cursor)
# Improved Night mode support (better contrast)
# Improved Jupiter Assistant (swap view selector)
# Improved Saturn Assistant (swap view selector)
# Improved NightTripper (Reset buttons, improve window sequence)
# Improved ObjectChoser (Add Meteor and User Object support)
# Improved MoonAssistant (Draw shadowed moon within Feature and Terminator assistant),
# Improved Comet Assistant (Better Asteroid support, better background).

04/02/2006: 2.2.1 Update
 楼主| andy2000a 发表于 2007-5-9 13:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾 中华电信(HiNet)数据中心
update 2.41

05/05/2007: 2.4.1 Palm
Add new set of DeepSky Object Picture (more than 17000 now)
Add new cross reference idx to get the most well know name of each object within skycharts
Add support for dobsnian equatorial platform
Add new skyscan/EQ6 telescope drive
Add new SkyCommander telescope drive (only based on encoder)
Add high precision mode support for LX200 telescope drive
Add switch to dedicated assistant from ObjectInfo when pressing ? button on some objects (comets, moon, mars, jupiter, saturn)
Add selection of particular date by a single tap on the PlanetAssistant Charts and Twilight charts
Add more information in DayNight Assistant in 320x480 mode
Add adjustable serial temporisation during communication with telescope in Preference 6/6
Add new look&feel of the buttons
Add Bluestar device support
fix bug when using ? icon from CometAssistant to go to ObjectAssistant on the selected commet
fix bugs in CompassChart (selection produce popup messages)
fix bugs in SatelliteAssistant (bad display for satellite at east longitude)
fix bugs (rounding) in night tripper when advanced selection is done using magnitude or visibility criteria
fix bugs in object catalog (several object types has been updated)
fix bugs using Finder Assistant (erase of Dreyer information, search of star inside Tycho and Hipparchos catalogs)
fix bugs using skychart control (display and managelent of handpad)
fix bug using improve pointing function from SkyChart when using intergrated Astromist 2 StarAlignment

回复 顶~ 砸~

使用道具 举报

花楹 发表于 2007-5-9 16:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–天津–天津–河东区 联通
回复 顶~ 砸~

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