Confirmations (finally!)
Soho# Date/Time of Post Discoverer Tel Group Images of..
xc59 Apr06,07 18:25:47 B.Zhou C2 Kreutz Apr06,07
1280 Apr07,07 22:46:28 T.Hoffman C2 Kreutz Apr08,07
1281 Apr18,07 21:59:23 B.Zhou C2 Kreutz Apr18-19,07
1282 Apr20,07 15:08:06 R.Kracht C2 Kreutz Apr20,07
1283 Apr22,07 13:08:56 V.Bezugly C2 Kreutz Apr21,07
1284 Apr23,07 01:10:58 B.Zhou C2 Kreutz Apr23,07
1285 Apr30,07 09:03:12 B.Zhou C2 Kreutz Apr29-30,07
1286 Apr30,07 10:05:03 B.Zhou C2 Kreutz Apr30,07
1287 May02,07 13:16:19 R.Kracht C2,C3 Meyer May02-03,07
1288 May03,07 08:30:39 B.Zhou C2 Kreutz May03,07
1289 May04,07 15:10:32 T.Hoffman C2 Kreutz May04-05,07
1290 May04,07 15:52:47 T.Hoffman C2 Kreutz May04,07
1291 May07,07 17:21:47 B.Zhou C2 Kreutz May07,07
1292 May09,07 02:24:43 B.Zhou C2 Kreutz May09,07
1293 Apr19,07 EMAIL B.Zhou C3 Kreutz Jan22,05
1294 Apr19,07 EMAIL B.Zhou C3 Kreutz Jan30,05
1295 May10,07 00:39:00 B.Zhou C3 Kreutz Jan10,06
1296 May13,07 EMAIL B.Zhou C3 Kreutz Jan08,04
1297 May13,07 EMAIL B.Zhou C3 Kreutz Jan20-21,04
1298 May13,07 18:22:23 B.Zhou C2 Kreutz May12-13,07
1299 May13,07 20:08:36 S.Yuan C3,C2 Kreutz May13-14,07
1300 May14,07 10:41:13 B.Zhou C2 Kreutz May14,07
1301 May15,07 12:13:14 B.Zhou C3,C2 Kreutz May15-16,07
1302 May15,07 13:16:54 B.Zhou C3,C2 Kreutz May15-16,07
Many congratulations to Bo Zhou for flying past the 50-comets mark!
Unfortuntately I was unable to confirm several other claims he made,
mostly because the objects were at the level of background noise.
This included the Kracht-group comets he reported.
As always, email me if you have any problems, questions, etc.
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