

[天文相机] 答案:富士相机不能连接盒子或NINA

nitricoxider 发表于 2022-4-18 22:24 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–广东–深圳 天威视讯


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The ASIAIR isn't compatible with Fujifilm cameras. This is due to the fact Fujifilm doesn't provide an API for 3rd party software companies to work with, communicate with the camera, transfer pictures, etc. This is not the case with Canon and Nikon, which is why these brands are supported by many image acquisition software, including the ASIAIR.
There's hope though: some camera manufacturers like Sony are slowly opening their APIs to the world, so hopefully we'll see more camera models supported from Fujifilm as well. I never really understood why they have such a closed ecosystem, if more apps can support a camera model, that's another reason for the customer to buy that model -- or stick with the brand. And camera manufacturers aren't software developers anyway, their core business is to make cameras, so I don't see how it can hurt to provide API...

To answer your question: the ASIAIR can handle polar alignment, guiding and plate solving with your ASI planetary cam. But it won't be able to communicate with the X-T30, and you'll have to do the focusing and setup the exposures manually on your X-T30 (you can use the built-in intervalometer to program a series of exposures, or a good old remote control). That's the only drawback, but that doesn't prevent you from making gorgeous pictures at all! It's simply less convenient.

Also beware of dithering: since the ASIAIR cannot communicate with the X-T30, it won't be able to pause the exposure sequence while it's dithering. In other words, dithering will happen in the middle of an exposure and so some of your subs will be wasted. It's probably better to turn dithering off in that case, and do it manually yourself.

Here's a pic I did with a stock X-T3, Optolong L-eNhance and RedCat 51!

ASIAIR 与富士相机不兼容。这是因为 Fujifilm 没有提供 API 供第三方软件公司使用、与相机通信、传输图片等。佳能和尼康不是这种情况,这就是为什么这些品牌得到支持的原因许多图像采集软件,包括 ASIAIR。

不过还是有希望的:像索尼这样的一些相机制造商正在慢慢向世界开放他们的 API,所以希望我们也能看到富士支持更多的相机型号。我从来没有真正理解为什么他们有如此封闭的生态系统,如果更多应用程序可以支持相机型号,那是客户购买该型号的另一个原因 - 或坚持使用该品牌。无论如何,相机制造商都不是软件开发人员,他们的核心业务是制造相机,所以我不认为提供 API 会有什么坏处……

回答您的问题:ASIAIR 可以使用您的 ASI 行星凸轮处理极轴对准、引导和板解算。但它无法与 X-T30 通信,您必须在 X-T30 上手动进行对焦和设置曝光(您可以使用内置的间隔计来编程一系列曝光,或一个好的旧遥控器)。这是唯一的缺点,但这并不妨碍您制作精美的照片!它只是不太方便。

还要注意抖动:由于 ASIAIR 无法与 X-T30 通信,因此它无法在抖动时暂停曝光序列。换句话说,抖动会发生在曝光的中间,所以你的一些潜艇会被浪费掉。在这种情况下,最好关闭抖动,然后自己手动完成。


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