Crosses the disk of Sun. Separation=0.059° Position Angle=107.8°. Transit duration=3.22s
Angular diameter=15.9" size=73.0m x 44.5m x 27.5m
Satellite at Azimuth=120.5° ESE Altitude= 12.2° Distance=1162.7 km
In a clock-face concept, the satellite will seem to move toward 4:49
Angular Velocity=9.8'/s
Centerline, Closest Point→Map: Longitude=115°55'02" E Latitude=+28°39'49" Distance=1.41 km Azimuth=219.1° SW Path direction=129.1° SE ground speed=13.190 km/s width=16.2 km max. duration=3.3 s
如果是你家的经纬坐标,Crosses the disk of Sun. Separation=0.059° ,这个已经表示在凌日带里了,且非常接近中心了,要知道太阳视直径是0.5度,最边缘里中心是0.25度,0.059度是离中心非常近,你家离中心1.4公里远都有这么小角度,我估计太阳高度不是很高。高度越低,凌日带越宽,反之,凌日带越窄,如果是中午时分,凌日带只有几百米宽了。