本帖最后由 5884kuangfeng 于 2010-2-11 19:32 编辑
Celestia 1.5.1终于发布了,它带给我们不仅是新的享受,更是更多语言的融合。不过,由于字体及配置文件的不完善,中文显示也会不正常,所以本人再次推出新版汉化(之前那版汉化由于一个问题造成大家人无法打开,请大家原谅我的疏忽)
一个免费的开放源代码天文类软件,通过它你不仅可以鸟瞰地球,还可以畅游太阳系,以 及其它多达10万颗星,甚至是银河系以外的星座.你可以远观星云,也可以近看飞行器.所有的查看和缩放都非常平滑.Celestia 包含了巨大的天文数据库,包括恒星,行星,卫星,彗星以及太空船;如果原带的这些库还不能满足你,你可以方便的下载和安装扩展信息库.Celestia虽然是英文软件,但操作并不复杂,甚至可以通过快捷键控制.[F8>开始运行,按1~9是快捷键,代表九大行星,再按“G”可以飞到你想要的行星了.空格键是暂停和恢复.“K”和“L”是时间加速和减速.“O”是显示轨道.上下左右控制方向.
更新: - Added fonts for Russian, Chinese, and Japanese
- Updated translations
- Fixed date formatting for non-UTF8 locales
- Fixed crash for dates prior to JD -1.5 when local format is used
- Fixed star rendering for Macs with ATI graphics hardware (worked around a driver bug in point sprite support.)
- Fixed star glare clipping bug
- Fixed bug that caused some stars to be drawn untextured
- Fixed faster/slower options in the Windows time menu to adjust time by 10x instead of 2x
- Fixed translation of time acronyms DST and STD
- Use localized versions of start script, guide, demo, license, and controls file from locale directory
- Fixed Windows 98/ME input problem; most keyboard commands weren't working on the OSes
- Made Lua os functions available from celx scripts when access policy is "ask"
| | A view of Earth from far out in space. | A closeup of the space shuttle Discovery in orbit over Florida; this shot demonstrates Celestia's virtual texture feature for extremely high resolution mapping of planets. | | | Looking down at Mars's tiny moon Phobos and the giant Valles Marineris rift valley. | The 1989 flyby of Neptune by Voyager 2--last stop before leaving the solar system. | | | Saturn and its rings. Dark shadows cast by the rings are visible in the top hemisphere of Saturn. | Jupiter and its large moon Europa. The surface of Europa is mostly water ice and full of cracks created by tidal stresses. | | | The recently discovered extrasolar planet Rho Cancri e, one of a system of at least four planets. Rho Cancri b is visible just to the right of e. | The orbits of a number of main belt asteroids (in brown) plotted togeter with major planet orbits (in blue). |
Download 区:celestia 1.5.1 final (必需):http://www.shatters.net/~claurel/celestia/files/celestia-win32-1.5.1.exe
旧版已经不提供 最新: http://expolrer.blogbus.com/logs/43509812.html
大家 5.1快乐!
[ 本帖最后由 5884kuangfeng 于 2008-12-14 08:36 编辑 ] |