


DOT 发表于 2008-9-11 21:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–江苏–南京 电信


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First light for the Mini Towers!

I recently had the chance to be with a few friends who have been having a blast with the new Mini Towers from iOptron. When my friend first saw one at NEAF he was very impressed. However, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, so, we waited until he had the actual production units in his hands before we passed judgment. We are all proud to announce that our expectations have been exceeded by a very large margin!

The Mini Towers arrived well packaged.



Here is a picture of the tripod in its box and the Mini Tower case in its shipping box. Personally, I would like to see more padding around the Mini Tower, perhaps a box within a box and some foam would better protect it. I had no issues with mine since it arrived in perfect condition. However, I do see the potential for some of these to be damaged in transit.

The mount itself comes very well protected within its own locking case. Included are just about anything and everything that one needs to be up and running, with the exception of an OTA.


I watched as the mount was lifted easily from its compartment, as did all of the accessories. The items included are the mount, GOTONOVA hand controller, flex cable for the controller, a 20' DC power cord for use with an automotive style 12VDC plug, an AC adapter for use with house current (110-120VAC) and even a USB cable for updating the GOTONOVA controller. Also included are a counterweight shaft, an 8 pound counterweight with locking knob, a SECOND Vixen style dovetail, a mini CD with the manual AND USB drivers and even a set of keys to lock the case!!

The tripod was shipped separately and arrived in perfect condition. The legs are 1.5" OD at the top and 1.25" OD at the bottom. The legs extend quickly and easily. The clamping knobs grip very well with little pressure required. The tripod has a special head which includes three leveling screw assemblies. The Mini Tower rests upon these screws and allows the user to fine tune the mount instead of needing to play with the legs to get things "just right". This is a very smart and well thought out feature. (Obviously, someone had become personally frustrated or lost control of another mount while trying to adjust it to a level position.) The center bolt and tripod spreader are already installed, too!


I was impressed by how easily the setup procedure was. It was just too simple. We took the tripod out, opened the legs, set the spreader and made the tripod close to level. We removed the Mini Tower from the case, placed it onto the leveling screws (There are three hard rubber sockets into which these fit on the bottom of the Mini Tower.) screwed in the center bolt until it was home and then started hooking things up. We quickly discovered that the center bolt should NOT be tightened immediately. If you wish to adjust any of the leveling screws it is necessary to leave it a bit loose until the Mini is leveled. Once that is done THEN tighten the center bolt and follow by tightening the support knob.

The next step was to plug in the cable to the GOTONOVA controller which in turn plugs into one of the two "HBX" ports. It does not matter which one. Then the power supply was attached and the switch was thrown. The GOTONOVA immediately came to life with a confident single "BEEP" to confirm that it was working. The controller first shows the GOTONOVA logo, then the firmware version number (European dated) and then the main screen. This screen displays more information than any other system out there.

The GOTONOVA has 8 basic lines of coordinates as well as the date and time. It also shows the correction speed, tracking rate and that the GPS is communicating with the controller. In the top right of the screen it shows "GPS ON" when looking for the satellites. Once it has locked on the date, time and location are updated and the display changes to "GPS OK". It is necessary to go into the "Set Up Controller" section and make certain that you have the correct time zone, daylight savings and offset from UT settings correct. If not, it will think that you are somewhere else. Also, make certain that the "Mount Type" is set for Alt/Az instead of Equatorial.


Once we had some clear skies and the night had fallen we set about with our first round of testing. Alignment was easy. We set the little "S" to point south and eye-balled the mount to the north. We set the OTA to be vertical and level and then told the mount to begin alignment. The choices are "Easy Align", "One Star Alignment", 'Two Star Alignment", or, "Three Star Alignment". The Three Star does not work on this mount and it will tell you so if you make that choice. We chose the Two Star Alignment and have used it ever since then.

The mount offered its first star selection and we pressed the ENTER key to confirm the choice. The Mini Tower placed the OTA very close to the first alignment star. A little bit of correction and the star was within the FOV. We centered the star in the EP, hit ENTER and it gave us the next choice. The next star WAS within the FOV. We centered it and again pressed ENTER. That's it! We're done! Total time from opening the case to the beginning of our viewing test was 10 minutes, MAX!


The real proof was now to come. We pressed the MENU key. The choice of SELECT & SLEW was made and the ENTER key was pressed. The next choice was Planets and Solar System Objects. Again, the ENTER key was pressed. We toggled down to Jupiter and pressed the ENTER key once more. The Mini Tower took off and started heading for Jupiter. In moments the planet was right smack dab in the FOV. It was a bit off center, but, with the limited FOV that this MAK has it was very well placed. We pressed the MENU key and toggled to the "SYNC TO OBJECT" selection and pressed the ENTER key once. It told us to center the object and press ENTER, which we did. It returned to the next level up and we selected the SELECT & SLEW section, then DEEP SKY and the MESSIER OBJECTS. We chose M-13 because it was nearly overhead and is always a favorite. The Mini again took off and when we looked through the EP the big bright globular was dead center!! We kept this up with more and more objects, such as M-15, M-31, M33, M-17, M-57, M-20, M-81/82, the Double Cluster and on and on. Most all were very well within the FOV and the few that weren't were brought to center with little effort and the SYNC function was again used to help update the controller. Eventually, Mr. Moon decided to wipe out any further deep sky seeing. Yes, the Mini went straight to the Moon and it was placed dead center in the FOV.

The first observing run was an unqualified success! The people that were present took notice that the mount was very quiet. That should be something that people in close neighborhoods will appreciate. The fact that it can be set up with two different instruments at once will make it a hit at star parties and educational functions. The simplicity of setting up and tearing down makes the Mini Tower an absolute dream. It is very portable since the tripod only weighs about 11 pounds and the mount in the case is about 28 pounds.

To date, the Mini Tower has been tested with a 150mm f/12 MAK, a Celestron C-6, C-8 and C-9.25. It has also very easily held my 5" f/8 refractor.

It is a rare item that gets this writer excited. I've only recently become involved with GOTO mounts. The few that I have tried have not been nearly this much fun or as easy to use as the Mini Tower. With the years passing more quickly as well as lots of mileage, I need to consider the fact that my 12-1/2鈥?f/4.9 reflector along with its mount, weights, etc. are no longer a portable item! The Mini Tower is a perfect set up to help me remain a mobile astronomer. (I live in the center of Manchester, NH and the light pollution here is horrible, to say the least!) If there is a better and more capable mount, with the same features for the same small cost, I am not aware of its existence! IOptron has hit the ball out of the park with the Mini Tower.

Clear skies to all,

Jeffrey H. Carter
Manchester, NH

PS According to a few friends this mount works well with the planetarium programs Cartes du Ciel and HNSky. I鈥檝e not yet tried them, but I will at some time in the future.

caihong325 发表于 2008-9-11 21:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–四川–德阳 电信
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 楼主| DOT 发表于 2008-9-11 21:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–江苏–南京 电信

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我在旁边看着那经纬台从手提式箱中被轻易取出,然后是那些配件。手提箱中包含了经纬台,GOTONOVA手控器,手控器连接线,20英尺长的12V直流车载电源线,110-120伏家用交流电源适配器,甚至还有一根为GOTONOVA 控制手柄升级用的USB电缆。箱里还有配重螺杆,8磅配重锤及锁紧旋钮,另一副Vixen 式燕尾槽,一个包含说明书及USB驱动程序在内的小光盘,甚至还有一副开启手提箱的钥匙。

三脚架是单独包装运输的并且完好无损。每条腿是1.5英寸套1.25英寸的不锈钢管并且伸缩自如。锁紧旋纽毋须太用劲就能锁牢。三脚架上端的特殊设计包括了三个水平调节螺栓。经纬台坐落在三个螺栓之上,用户可以轻松调节水平而无需劳顿再去伸缩三脚架。这是一个考虑周密的绝佳设计, (显然有人对其它的经纬台的水平调节很不满意才想出了如此绝招)。中心螺栓和脚架支撑盘也已经一体化设计进去了。

下一步就是将GOTONOVA 控制手柄电缆插进插孔然后插入经纬台的两个HBX插口之一(任何一个都可以)。连接电源线,开机。GOTONOVA 立即发出一清脆的嘟声预告系统进入工作状态。手控器首先显示GOTONOVA 图文商标,然后是版本号码(欧洲日期),然后是主菜单屏幕。这个大屏幕显示的内容比市场上的任何同类产品要多。

GOTONOVA 的8行显示包括坐标位置,日期时间,修正速度,跟踪速率,以及GPS与手控器的通讯状况。当GPS与卫星建立联系时,屏幕右上方显示"GPS ON" ,一经获得时间与坐标信息,显示即变为"GPS OK"。有必要再进入手柄设置菜单确认时区,夏时制,以及与格林威治标准时的时差。如果没做这一步,手柄有可能会当你是在别的什么地方。同时还要注意将手柄设为地平式,而不是赤道式。



这下才是轮到正式的验证了。在主菜单中我们选择了“选星和旋转”并按下输入键。然后选择太阳系行星。按下输入键后我们在列表中选择了木星。再次按下输入键,MiniTower 开始旋转然后指向木星。只一小会儿,这颗行星就钉在了望远镜视场内,偏离中心一点点,但在这款马卡镜的视场中已经是非常不错了。在主菜单中我们选择了“同步目标”并按下输入键。手控器告知我们把目标调到视场中心并按下输入键。我们照做了。下一步我们在“选星和旋转”选项里选择了深空和麦瑟尔星体。我们选了M-13因为它几乎就在头顶,并且是一颗广为熟知的星体。Mini 再次旋转,当我们在目镜里观察时,一个硕大明亮的球状物赫然钉在视场正中心! 如此步骤,我们又观察了更多星体,比如M-15,M-31,M33,M-17,M-57,M-20,M-81/82,双星群,等等。这里的绝大多数都在视场中心,但也有少数几个需要毫不费力的稍作调整。同步功能于是再次被使用以更新手控器记忆。后来月亮先生出来了,他不让我们再做深空观测。对了, Mini 直接指向月亮,并把他牢牢地钉在视场中心。

第一次观测是如此的成功!在场的人都注意到了那个经纬台是非常的安静。这点会让周边的邻居们深表感激。它的出众要在星空大会或教学场合与别的仪器同时架设比较时才能真正表现出来。如此简单的装卸,使得MiniTower 绝对是爱好者的梦之物。它非常的便携,因为三脚架只重11磅,而装有经纬台的手提箱只有28磅。

至今,我们用MiniTower 与150毫米 f/12 马卡,Celestron 的C-6,C-8 和 C-9.25,做了测试,它还能轻松地架设我的5英寸f/8折射镜。

其实很少有能象这款使作者感到兴奋的东西。我是最近才开始介入自动寻星跟踪平台的,在我试过的几款中,还没有任何一个在使用的趣味性和简易性上可以和MiniTower 相媲美。在多少年转眼而过以及跑了成千上万里程以后,我可以考虑这样一个事实了,我的12英寸半f/4.9 折反镜和它的经纬台,重量再也不是一个头痛的问题了! MiniTower 是一个完美的装置能让我继续成为一个常常出行的天文爱好者。 (我住在新罕布什的曼切斯特,其光污染糟糕透了)。如果说有什么经纬台还具备更好更多的功能而与MiniTower有同等的特征和价格的话,至少我还不知道它的存在!艾顿用它的MiniTower打出了一个漂亮的本垒打!



另,据好几位朋友介绍,这款经纬台与Cartes du Ciel 和HNSky 天文软件配合得很好。我自己还没有用过,但近期会去试试。JHC
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northwolfwu 发表于 2008-11-18 02:42 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 泰国 True网络
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