

the 29MAR09 fireball

948221078 发表于 2009-4-1 16:00 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–福建–厦门 电信


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汉普顿路,弗吉尼亚-这正是每个人都在谈论-的闪光,并听到巨大的爆炸声从所有一路东海岸马里兰州至伊丽莎白城,北卡罗莱纳州。 WAVY.com first started getting bombarded with calls and emails around 9:45 pm Sunday. WAVY.com开始越来越轰炸电话和电子邮件星期日下午9时45分左右。 Most were from concerned viewers asking, "What was that?"大多数人是从有关的观众问, “那是什么? ” Ralph Snell's security camera was rolling at 9:40 pm and captured a very bright light zoom through the dark night sky in Virginia Beach.拉尔夫斯内尔的安全摄像头是在下午9时40轧制抓获一个非常明亮的灯光变焦通过黑暗夜空在弗吉尼亚州海滩。 Click HERE to watch his video.点击这里看他的录像。 WAVY.com spoke with several experts, including officials at NASA. WAVY.com以一些专家,包括美国航天局的官员。 No one seems to know for sure what it was that everyone saw in the sky.似乎没有人知道这是什么,每个人都看到天空中。 Stefan Boccino, with the Joint Space Operations Center in California told WAVY.com, "The JSpOC tracks over 19,000 manmade objects in space. The "bright light" that was reported on the East Coast on Sunday, 29 March at 9:45 pm EST was not a result of any trackable manmade object on reentry. Natural phenomena are not tracked by JSpOC professionals."斯特凡Boccino ,与联合太空作战中心在加州告诉WAVY.com说: “ JSpOC轨道超过1.9万人为对象的空间。在”强光“报道说,在东海岸周日, 3月29日在美国东部时间下午9点45分不因任何可追踪的人造物体折返。自然现象不跟踪JSpOC专业人士。 “ Kent Blackwell, an amateur astronomer who was star gazing last night in Pungo, witnessed what he says was a meteor passing overhead.肯特布莱克威尔,一个业余天文爱好者观星谁是昨晚在庞戈,目睹了他所说的话是一颗流星传递开销。 He said this particular kind of meteor, called a fireball, is rare and he's not surprised other Hampton Roads residents felt vibrations and heard a loud boom.他说,这一特定种类的流星,所谓一个火球,是罕见的,他并不感到惊讶其他汉普顿路居民感到震动,并听取了巨大的爆炸声。 After all, Blackwell said, it may have broken the sound barrier traveling at 100-thousand miles per hour.毕竟,布莱克威尔说,它可能已经打破了音障,行至100万英里每小时。 "All of a sudden the ground just lit up a brilliant green color and I immediately looked skyward toward the north and saw this brilliant green flash going across the sky, lasted about 5-8 seconds, and it turned from green to brilliant orange with a white core and then faded away," Blackwell said. “忽然间地面只是点燃了亮绿的颜色和我立即望着天空对北,看到这亮绿闪存将划过天空,大约持续5-8秒,并把从绿色变成了明亮的橙色白色的核心,然后消失, “布莱克威尔说。 The National Weather Service says there is no evidence of any naturally occurring phenomenon to explain bright lights in the eastern sky that prompted hundreds of calls to the service and emergency officials.美国国家气象局说,没有证据证明有任何自然发生的现象作出解释明亮的灯光在东部的天空,促使数以百计的呼叫服务和紧急事务部门的官员。 Callers from Maryland, Virginia and North Carolina described brilliant, streaking lights followed by an explosion-like sound around 9:45 pm Sunday.来电来自马里兰州,弗吉尼亚州和北卡罗来纳描述出色,其次是裸奔灯爆炸样健全星期天下午9点45分左右。 A spokesman for the weather service's Wakefield office said the lights are "nothing meteorological that we can see."发言人表示,气象服务的韦克菲尔德办公室的灯光说: “没有什么气象,我们可以看到。 ” Callers reported seeing "great balls of fire" lighting up the sky in shades of yellow, white orange and blue.来电看到“大火球”照亮了天空颜色黄色,白色橙色和蓝色。 Some described the explosion as sounding like thunder.有的描述了爆炸的声音听起来有点像打雷。 The weather service said no damage was reported.气象局说,在没有任何损失报告。 Other experts, however, have different theories.其他专家,然而,有不同的理论。 Geoff Chester, spokesperson for the Naval Observatory, told WTOP News the flashing lights and booming sounds that astounded people up and down the East Coast Sunday night likely came from "just a piece of orbiting space junk."杰夫切斯特发言人美国海军天文台说, WTOP新闻闪灯的蓬勃发展的声音震惊人民向上和向下的东海岸星期天晚上可能来自“仅是一张轨道太空垃圾。 ” Chester says he's 99.44 percent sure that's the source of the yellow and orange flashes seen around 9:45 pm切斯特说,他相信,百分之99.44的来源,黄色和橙色闪烁看到下午9点45分左右 Chester says the timing makes sense since Soyuz docked at the International Space Stations Saturday.切斯特说,时间才有意义,因为联盟号停靠在国际空间站星期六。 "Typically, the rocket boosters, the final stages that they use for these, will be placed in an orbit such that they will decay and burn up in the earth's atmosphere, so they don't litter up the space near the Space Station with excess space junk." “通常情况下,火箭的助推器,已进入最后阶段,他们使用这些,将在一个轨道上,例如,他们将腐烂和燃烧在地球大气层中,因此他们不乱抛垃圾的空间接近空间站过剩太空垃圾。 “ WAVY.com and WAVY News 10 is following the story throughout the day and we'll have a full report beginning at 5 pm WAVY.com和波状新闻10以下的故事在一天内,我们将有一个完整的报告下午5时开始
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