本帖最后由 gohomeman1 于 2009-12-20 00:47 编辑
20 April 2009: Lord Drayson opens JENAM 2009
Today, 20 April 2009, was the opening of the European Week of Astronomy and Space Science (JENAM 2009), which takes place at the University of Hertfordshire, UK. Lord Drayson, the British Minister of State for Science and Innovation, addressed the many attendees to this conference, expressing the importance of astronomy and space science for today’s society. He visited the ESO stand where he was introduced to ESO’s flagship astronomical facility, the Very Large Telescope, by Tim de Zeeuw, the ESO Director General, and Patrick Roche, UK member of the ESO Council. Tim de Zeeuw also talked about the future European Extremely Large Telescope, a project which the minister showed great interest for.
今天是2009.4.20,欧洲天文和空间科学周在英国赫特福德大学(位于英格兰东南部)开幕。英国科学和创新部长,国防大臣罗德.德雷森在会议上向诸多与会者发表演说,阐述天文学和空间科学对当今社会的重要性。他参观了ESO英国办事处,在那里ESO常务理事蒂姆.德泽乌(Tim de Zeeuw)和ESO理事会英国理事帕特里克.罗氏(Patrick Roche)向其介绍了ESO的旗舰天文设施——甚大望远镜(VLT);蒂姆还介绍了德雷森颇感兴趣的未来项目——欧洲特大望远镜(E-ELT)。
This image in high-resolution is available in the image archive.
Credit: ESO
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