


LAMOST 发表于 2009-10-8 22:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–天津–天津 联通


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                        中文名: 剑桥双星星图(2009年版)
英文名: The.Cambridge.Double.Star.Atlas.2009
资源格式: PDF
发行时间: 2009年
地区: 美国
语言: 英文


Cambridge, New York, Melbourne, Madrid, Cape Town, Singapore, São Paulo
Cambridge University Press
The Edinburgh Building, Cambridge CB2 8RU, UK
First published in print format
ISBN-13 978-0-521-49343-7
ISBN-13 978-0-511-50847-9
© J. Mullaney and W. Tirion 2009
Someof the best tourist discoveries occur off the beaten track. Plan to gosomewhere, choose a fortuitous route and voila, a petite patch ofparadise opens up in front of you. The same can be true for planning anight of star hunting. Dial coordinates into a 'go-to' satellite andyou will immediately see your target, if all works well, but, you won'tsee anything else. However, take "The Cambridge Double Star Atlas" byJames Mullaney and Wil Tirion, then star-hop to your destination, andwho knows what you will find.
By using this atlas, you should stilleasily find some choice targets. It's a book aimed at the amateurastronomer and it well hits its mark. For starters, it's in a verylarge format. Central to the book are 30 maps, each shown across twopages. These wonderfully laid out guideposts show the glow from theMilky Way equator, constellation boundaries, significant stars and, ofcourse, the double stars themselves. And to ease the viewer along theway, many clusters, nebulae and galaxies also grace the pages. Thetypical but necessary coordinates surround the pages' edges; rightacension across the top and declanation along the sides. With this, anda red flashlight, star hopping should be a breeze.
The book also hasa sampling of 133 of what the authors consider showpiece double andmultiple stars. Hence with this, the reader can start by choosing atarget, learning about its discovery, determine where it is shown inthe atlas and then setup the hops to get the wonder into the eyepiece.And with descriptions like the "Easter Egg" double, seen as strkingyellow and ruddy-purple or garnet jewels, the reader will quickly fallinto the joy of viewing the variety and splendor of the night timespectacle.
Two final sections round out this great atlas. The firstis a brief introductory section that shares the particular pleasures ofviewing multiple star systems. Then, in Appendix C, there's a listingof the Cambridge Double Start Atlas target list. These presumablyinclude all the nearly 2,400 double and multpile stars of the nearly25,000 stars plotted on the 30 maps. Most of these are purported to beviewable with typical "backyard" telescopes in the 2-inch to 4-inchrange, so there's no need to worry about not being able to see most ofthem.
So whether you're on a star-finding challenge or a personalquest for striking images, "The Cambridge Double Star Atlas" by JamesMullaney and Wil Tirion is a fabulous resource. Well laid out, fullydetailed and insightfully described, it has the details to get youwhere you want to go and perhaps place you beside many other fabulous,fortuitous views.








                        Introduction page 1
Map parameters and selection criteria 1
Discoverer/catalog/observatory designations 2
Observer, atmosphere and instrument 5
Double and multiple star showpieces 10
Some recommended references 22
About the authors 23
Acknowledgements 24
Star charts 25
Appendix A: Constellation table 89
Appendix B: Table of Greek letters 92
Appendix C: Cambridge Double Star Atlas
target list 93


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