其實 UHC 及 O-III 說是光害濾鏡不是完全正確. UHC 主要用於發射星雲, 而 O-III 主要用於行星狀星雲. 如果用在以上目標, 效果會非常明顯.
O-III narrowband 8.5nm CCD filter
- Delivers the absolute highest contrast views of many diffuse and planetary nebula.
- For many objects, the O-III reveals a level of intricate detail that rivals the best deep sky photographs.
- The majority of nebula, especially The Veil, Lagoon (MCool, Swan (M17), Ring (M57) and Dumbell (M29). With a large scope, you can even view the famous 'Pillars of Creation' in M16 (Eagle).
- Combine with UV/IR filter for the ultimate in O-III deep sky imaging.
UHC-S filter
- excels at delivering a high-contrast and natural view of emission nebula
- without excessive dimming and loss of background star fields.
- The perfect filter for viewing emission nebula from light polluted skies, or for boosting the contrast of nebula from dark sky sites. |