


meteorobs 发表于 2010-6-20 01:02 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–天津–天津 联通


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2010 年 6 月 18 日 星期 五 今晚报

  • 发布日期: 2010-06-18 00:00
  • 作者:by Melissa Macron 朱敏琦 译



Make sure you and your pops have the best relationship possible——through the good times, the bad times and the just plain awkward times. Your dad is way more than your personal ATM. He’s actually got a lot to offer, if you’ll let him. After all, it wasn’t all that long ago when you two were super-tight-remember the father-child fishing trips, bike rides and softball games? You dad hasn’t forgotten, and he totally misses those days-and you. But as you become more of an adult and less of a little child, things between you and Dad can get, well, awkward. We’re here to steer you through some potentially difficult situations so you and Daddy Dearest can be closer than ever.


PAPA PROBLEM: You have nothing in common! He’s a sports nut; you love the arts. He’s into action-adventure flicks; you’re all about indies. And the list goes on…
ADVICE: Having different interests doesn’t mean you and your dad have to lead separate lives. Find something just the two of you can do: Suggest signing up for a beginner’s karate class or guitar lessons at the local community college (most offer noncredit classes). Or get into doing crosswords together. Whatever you pick, make sure it’s something you’re both new to so you’ll learn at the same speed. Then, you can talk about your shared activity, which will lead to other conversation topics, too. Voila! Now you have something in common.


PAPA PROBLEM: You talk to your mom about everything. Your dad? Not so much. But you’re in major crisis mode, and Dad’s the only one around to confide in. Eek…
ADVICE: Sure, it’s only natural for you to gravitate to your mom for comfort and advice——who else can offer the whole been-there-done-that vibe? But let’s not forget Dad’s been-there-done-that, too, but only as a guy! And he may be able to offer you some insight. So when your troubles reach a boiling point, ask your dad if he has a few minutes to talk. Even if it’s a bit odd at first to chat about such personal stuff, listen up for the valuable things he has to say. You’ll probably learn a lot——and he’ll be one proud pop knowing he has the chance to help you out.


PAPA PROBLEM: You and your dad used to spend tons of time together. But now, between swim team, piano lessons and weekends with friends, you barely see him.
ADVICE: Of course your dad wants you to stay bust——and happy. But he’s probably also silently wishing you’d pass on chilling with your BFF for the 50th time this week and hang with him instead. So add a block of time into your schedule for dear Dad: Think about starting a Sunday morning tradition of cooking up——then eating up——fabulous breakfasts together. Or earmark Thursday nights for a foosball tournament followed by ice cream sundaes. It’s cool if you have to bail when something super important comes up, but aiming for regular together time will bring a bonus boost to your bond with Dad.


PAPA PROBLEM: You’re totally responsible and reliable, but your dad still treats you like a baby. He insists on checking your homework each night, and you can’t make and plans without him giving you the third degree.
ADVICE: From teach- ing you to tie your shoes to bandaging your skinned knees, your dad’s been there for you from day one. And naturally, it’s gonna be hard for him to let go of his little child. But to make life easier for both of you, he has to loosen the reins. Sit him down and tell him you’re ready to handle things like homework on your own. Promise to provide regular updates on your progress in each class when the school year starts. And as for him wanting to know where you are and who you’re with 24/7, earn his trust by offering him honest info before he even asks. But he’s always going to be super-protective of you——that’s just a dad thing. (摘自2010年6月《新东方英语·中学生》)
生活精彩在于想象力丰富和善于调整心态。幸福来自于深切感触、简单享受、自由思考以及被需要    ——地球历公元2006年2月10日上午11:55分。by  meteorobs
生命不熄, 观星不止!
yuwenhuajia 发表于 2010-6-20 10:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–山东–泰安 电信
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