NGC 1068 and the X-Ray Flashlight
Credit: X-ray: P. Ogle (UCSB) et al.; Optical: A.Capetti (INAF) et al.; CXO, S
Explanation: At night, tilting a flashlight up under your chin hides the glowi
ng bulb from the direct view of your friends. Light from the bulb still reflec
ts from your face though, and can give you a startling appearance. Spiral Gala
xy NGC 1068 may be playing a similar trick on a cosmic scale, hiding a central
powerful source of x-rays -- likely a supermassive black hole -- from direct
view. X-rays are still scattered into our line-of-sight though, by a dense tor
us of material surrounding the black hole. The scenario is supported by x-ray
data from the Chandra Observatory combined with a Hubble Space Telescope optic
al image in this false-color composite picture. Optical data in red shows spir
al structure across NGC 1068's inner 7 thousand light-years with the x-ray dat
a overlaid in blue and green. A hot wind of gas streaming from the galaxy's co
re is seen as the broad swath of x-ray emission while material lit up by the h
idden black hole source is within the central cloud of more intense x-rays. Al
so well known as M77, NGC 1068 lies a mere 50 million light-years away toward the const
ellation Cetus.
:eek: |