本帖最后由 一丈法师 于 2012-9-15 17:28 编辑
Helicon Focus:
- Quality: advanced interpolation techniques, 16 bit workflow, direct RAW input
- Scope: unlimted number of images, resolution over 100Mpixels, 64 bit support, Windows/Mac versions
- Performance: very fast, multi-threaded, i7 compatible, batch and command line modes available
- Tools: clone from source brush to repaint possible artifacts, 3D model , dust map, 2D panorama, Helicon Remote for automated focus bracketing
Zerene Stacker
- Highest quality output images, especially in difficult cases
- Accurate and robust alignment and interpolation
- Advanced stacking algorithms
- Clean handling of hairs and bristles – no halos or contour lines
- Preserves low contrast detail and avoids “stacking mush” with deep stacks
- Fast and flexible retouching makes it easy to combine the best features of multiple algorithms as well as original frames
- Supports 8- and 16-bit input and output files
- Can generate stereo and 3-D rocking animations from a single stack, even for difficult subjects with structural overlaps and bristles.
- Fully utilizes modern multi-core processors and multi-processor computers
- Runs on all major computer systems: Microsoft Windows®, Macintosh OS X®, Linux®.
Helicon Focus相比其他叠加软件最大的优点就是运算速度非常快(官方介绍它是插入式技术,多线程),这在需要多次试用不同的参数来达到最佳合成结果的时候就更显优势;另外它支持RAW格式文件的直接输入,也是一大特色。
ZS VS PS CS5 (PS耗时是ZS的8-10倍)