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M8 LAGOON NEBULA (diffuse Nebula in Sagittarius).
DEEP-SKY: (3) Some increase in contrast, with a bit more nebulosity visible than without a filter.
UHC: (5) Large boost in contrast and visiblity of outer nebulosity. Nebula appears much larger (nearly a degree wide) with some detail enhancement, especially in the outer regions.
OIII: (5) Slightly fainter than in the UHC, but shows slightly more contrast and dark detail than UHC does. Some of the outermost nebulosity fades, but detail in inner regions is remarkable. Faint red color can be noted in the brighter areas. May be the better filter under light polluted conditions. H-BETA: (2) Dims the nebula considerably, with only the circular ball of haze around the Hourglass nebula and the external arc being easy to see.
M27 DUMBELL NEBULA (planetary nebula in Vulpecula) DEEP-SKY: (3) Some improvement in visibility of outer haze off the sides of the dumbell, but the object is also slightly fainter.
UHC: (5) Large improvement in contrast and outer detail, with large "wings" of light off the Dumbell's sides becoming easy to see. Interior seems brighter and bigger, with interesting greenish glow.
OIII: (4) Dimmer than with UHC, but interior shows more dark detail and contrast. "Wings" off the sides remain fairly easy to see.
H-BETA: (1) Nebula is dimmed greatly by the filter, extinguishing the fine outer detail and only showing the inner dumbell-shape.
RECOMMENDATIONS FOR M27: UHC (OIII also useful in showing some inner detail, but H-BETA is NOT recommended).
NORTH AMERICAN NEBULA NGC 7000 (diffuse nebula in Cygnus). DEEP-SKY: (2) Nebular overall form is easier to see than without a filter, but only slightly.
UHC: (5) Very noticable improvement in contrast over the DEEP-SKY filter, with both "Florida" and "Mexico" now quite easy to see.
OIII: (4) Some improvement in contrast and detail, with brighter "spine" on east side of "Mexico" and some faint dark detail being easy to see, but nebula is somewhat fainter than in UHC.
H-BETA: (3) Detail is similar to OIII, but nebulosity is fainter than OIII. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR NGC 7000: UHC/OIII but both H-BETA/Deep-Sky are useful on the object (UHC was brighter, but OIII shows more contrast). |