From: Karl Battams (Contractor) []
Sent: Friday, August 06, 2004 12:10 AM
To: Yan YaDing
Subject: Re: Chinese SOHO Hunter - Zhou XingMing was died this morning.
Dear Yan,
Thank you for passing the information along. This is indeed extremely
sad news. XingMing Zhou was one of the best and most successful SOHO
comet hunters -- in fact 5 of the last 8 SOHO comets were discovered
by him. Very sad.
Yan YaDing wrote:
> Hi.
> Yes, I checked 3 major astro BBS in mainland and Hong Kong and saying the
> news is confirmed, the Chinese Astronomy Union has confirmed that and mourn
> for the deadd. The accdent was happend on this morning in Fujian province.
> Mr Zhou has a web site, please see our fans words for him after this
> accident..., I have post something
> too...
> Yan YaDing
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karl Battams (Contractor) []
> Sent: Thursday, August 05, 2004 9:26 PM
> To: Yan YaDing
> Subject: Re: Chinese SOHO Hunter - Zhou XingMing was died this morning.
> Dear Yan,
> Thank you for passing on this news. This is terrible if it is true.
> Can you confirm it at all? Have you seen it in the news anywhere else?
> Regards,
> ~~Karl
> Yan YaDing wrote:
>>Mr. Karl,
>>It's sad news this time, Mr. Zhou was died in a traffic accident this
>>morning. On behalf of our Chinese amateur astronomy people and SOHO
>>comet hunters, I say it is a very sorrow news... We all hope it was not
> real...
>>The original Chinese post for this can be found at
>> ... amp;postid=216655#p
>>- Yan YaDing
> --
> /===============================================\
> | Karl Battams (Interferometrics, Inc.) |
> | Naval Research Laboratory - Code 7660 |
> | 4555 Overlook Avenue, SW |
> | Washington, DC 20375 |
> | ph:202-404-8598 |
> \===============================================/
| Karl Battams (Interferometrics, Inc.) |
| Naval Research Laboratory - Code 7660 |
| 4555 Overlook Avenue, SW |
| Washington, DC 20375 |
| ph:202-404-8598 |
\===============================================/ |