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发表于 2005-12-21 17:51 来自: 北京市 鹏博士BGP
不影响极限星等吗?[/quote]何止啊,连大气视宁度都要受到影响! :x

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发表于 2005-12-22 08:47 来自: 天津市河西区 联通
不影响极限星等吗?[/quote]何止啊,连大气视宁度都要受到影响! :x[/quote]

LAMOST带的一大包碳能把不晴的天都能烤晴了。 :mrgreen:

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发表于 2005-12-22 10:44 来自: 山东省青岛市 联通

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发表于 2005-12-22 11:54 来自: 北京市 鹏博士BGP
不影响极限星等吗?[/quote]何止啊,连大气视宁度都要受到影响! :x[/quote]

LAMOST带的一大包碳能把不晴的天都能烤晴了。 :mrgreen:[/quote]不如让小宁再做台电扇把云吹了!:mrgreen:

LAMOST 最后编辑于 周日 18 12月, 2005, 总第 18 次编辑

哟!怎么搞的? :shock:

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发表于 2005-12-22 18:14 来自: 广东省阳江市江城区 电信

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发表于 2005-12-22 18:18 来自: 北京市 鹏博士BGP

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发表于 2005-12-23 17:29 来自: 广东省阳江市阳西县 电信

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发表于 2005-12-23 17:51 来自: 北京市 鹏博士BGP

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发表于 2005-12-23 18:21 来自: 广东省阳江市阳西县 电信

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发表于 2005-12-23 18:35 来自: 北京市 鹏博士BGP
Radiant: α = 230°, δ = +49°

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发表于 2005-12-23 18:51 来自: 广东省深圳市 电信
好羡慕! :cry:

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发表于 2005-12-24 14:56 来自: 天津市南开区 联通
顶啊! ^^

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发表于 2005-12-24 15:14 来自: 天津市河东区 联通
A splendid return of the Quadrantids starts the northern observers' year very well, with an expected peak around 18h20m UT on January 3/4. The waxing crescent Moon was new on 2005 December 31, and will set by mid-evening in early January, so producing no significant problems at all. From many northern locations, the shower's radiant is circumpolar, in northern Boötes, but it attains a useful elevation only after local midnight, rising higher in the sky towards morning twilight. Consequently, east Asian to Far Eastern longitudes will be the most favoured places to catch the shower's best, if the peak keeps to time. An interesting challenge is to try spotting the occasional long-pathed shower member from the southern hemisphere around dawn, but sensible Quadrantid watching cannot be carried out from such places.

The maximum time given above is based on the best-observed return of the shower ever analysed, in IMO 1992 data, confirmed by radio results in most years since 1996. The peak itself is normally short-lived, and can be easily missed in just a few hours of poor northern-winter weather, which may be why the ZHR level apparently fluctuates from year to year, but some genuine variability is probably present too. For instance, visual ZHRs in 1998 persisted for over two hours at their best. An added level of complexity comes from the fact that mass-sorting of particles across the meteoroid stream may make fainter objects (radio and telescopic meteors) reach maximum up to 14 hours before the brighter (visual and photographic) ones, so observers should be alert throughout the shower. A few, but apparently not all, years since 2000 have produced a, primarily radio, maximum following the main visual one by some 9 —12 hours. Visual confirmation of any repeat near this time in 2006 would fall ideally for sites in Europe, North Africa and the Near East.

Past observations have suggested the radiant is diffuse away from the maximum, contracting notably during the peak itself, although this may be a result of the very low activity outside the hours near maximum. Photographic and video observations from January 1 —5 would be particularly welcomed by those investigating this topic, using the PFCs and TFCs given above, along with telescopic and visual plotting results.

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发表于 2005-12-24 20:25 来自: 天津市滨海新区 联通
不影响极限星等吗?[/quote]何止啊,连大气视宁度都要受到影响! :x[/quote]
放心不会有这么大的烟的 :?

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发表于 2005-12-24 20:27 来自: 天津市滨海新区 联通
[quote:37a4527326="房 崑"]请LAMOST同好带我向天津中学的阎为国老师问好。
不过,,,,,,,闫老师好像不想去了!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil: 他不去我和徐震怎么办呢!!!!!!!!!! :evil:  :evil:  :evil:  :evil:

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发表于 2005-12-24 21:17 来自: 天津市河东区 联通

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发表于 2005-12-24 21:30 来自: 北京市 鹏博士BGP
不影响极限星等吗?[/quote]何止啊,连大气视宁度都要受到影响! :x[/quote]
放心不会有这么大的烟的 :?[/quote]

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发表于 2005-12-24 21:36 来自: 天津市滨海新区 联通

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发表于 2005-12-24 21:37 来自: 天津市滨海新区 联通
不影响极限星等吗?[/quote]何止啊,连大气视宁度都要受到影响! :x[/quote]
放心不会有这么大的烟的 :?[/quote]

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发表于 2005-12-25 01:13 来自: 天津市南开区 联通

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