

Radioactive 26Al from massive stars in the Galaxy星的年龄新计算方法

yang012 发表于 2006-1-5 15:14 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–广东–深圳 电信


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Radioactive 26Al from massive stars in the Galaxy
Roland Diehl(1), Hubert Halloin(1), Karsten Kretschmer(1), Giselher G. Lichti(1), Volker Schönfelder(1), Andrew W. Strong(1), Andreas von Kienlin(1), Wei Wang(1), Pierre Jean(2), Jürgen Knödlseder(2), Jean-Pierre Roques(2), Georg Weidenspointner(2), Stephane Schanne(3), Dieter H. Hartmann(4), Christoph Winkler(5) and Cornelia Wunderer(6)

Gamma-rays from radioactive 26Al (half-life  7.2 * 10^5 years) provide a 'snapshot' view of continuing nucleosynthesis in the Galaxy(1). The Galaxy is relatively transparent to such  -rays, and emission has been found concentrated along its plane(2). This led to the conclusion(1) that massive stars throughout the Galaxy dominate the production of 26Al. On the other hand, meteoritic data show evidence for locally produced 26Al, perhaps from spallation reactions in the protosolar disk3, 4, 5. Furthermore, prominent  -ray emission from the Cygnus region suggests that a substantial fraction of Galactic 26Al could originate in localized star-forming regions. Here we report high spectral resolution measurements of 26Al emission at 1808.65 keV, which demonstrate that the 26Al source regions corotate with the Galaxy, supporting its Galaxy-wide origin. We determine a present-day equilibrium mass of 2.8 (  0.8) solar masses of 26Al. We use this to determine that the frequency of core collapse (that is, type Ib/c and type II) supernovae is 1.9 (  1.1) events per century.

1.        Max-Planck-Institut für extraterrestrische Physik, D-85748 Garching, Germany
2.        Centre d'Etude Spatiale des Rayonnements and Université Paul Sabatier, 31028 Toulouse, France
3.        DSM/DAPNIA/Service d'Astrophysique, CEA Saclay, 91191 Gif-Sur-Yvette, France
4.        Clemson University, Clemson, South Carolina 29634-0978, USA
5.        ESA/ESTEC, SCI-SD 2201 AZ Noordwijk, The Netherlands
6.        Space Sciences Laboratory, Berkeley, California 94720, USA
Correspondence to: Roland Diehl(1) Correspondence and requests for materials should be addressed to R.D. (Email: rod@mpe.mpg.de).
 楼主| yang012 发表于 2006-1-10 17:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–广东–深圳–南山区 电信

从银河中的巨大的恒星发出的放射性 26Al

从银河中的巨大的恒星发出的放射性 26Al
(1 ) Roland Diehl , Hubert Halloin (1 ),  Karsten Kretschmer (1 ),  Giselher G. Lichti (1 ),Volker Schönfelder (1 ),Andrew W. Strong(1 ),  Andreas von Kienlin (1 ),  王炜(1 ), &nbspierre Jean(2 ), Jürgen Knödlseder  (2 ), Jean - Pierre Roques( 2 ),Georg Weidenspointner ( 2 ),Stephane Schanne ( 3 ), Dieter H. Hartmann ( 4 ),Christoph Winkler ( 5 )和 Cornelia Wunderer ( 6 )

来自放射性的 26Al(半衰期-  7.2*10^5 年) 的伽马- 射线提供了一个银河( 1 )中持续 核合成 的 '快照' 。 银河对于γ-射线相对地是透明的,这种喷发被发现沿着它的平面( 2 )集中。 这带来一个结论( 1 )巨大的恒星在银河各处支配 26Al 的制造。另一方面, 陨石的 数据为本地生产的 26Al 提供证据,说明它也许在 原恒星星盘 (3,4,5) 中从裂变反应中产生. 此外,来自 天鹅座 区域的显著的 γ- 射线喷发 提示 银河的 26Al 的一部分肯定本地化的起源是在星-形成区域。 我们  报告里通过测量1808.65 keV的 26Al 喷发 的高光谱, 证明 26Al 起源区域和银河同步旋转,支持它的银河- 广泛起源论。 我们现在断定26Al 的平衡质量是 2.8(+-0.8) 个太阳。 我们确定核心倒塌 (类型 Ib/ c 和2型) 超新星 的频率是每世纪出现 1.9(+-1.1)个。
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