



NASA TV北京时间今晚六点直播土耳其日全食

活动星图 发表于 2006-3-29 12:23 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 北京市 鹏博士BGP


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发信人: yaohua2000 (周濟是貓), 信区: Astronomy
标  题: NASA TV北京时间今晚六点直播土耳其日全食
发信站: 水木社区 (Wed Mar 29 08:49:59 2006), 站内

NASA TV: http://www.nasa.gov/multimedia/nasatv/

文档: http://sunearth.gsfc.nasa.gov/eclipse/SEpubs/TP212762a.pdf

Exploratorium Webcast Schedule
(Eastern Standard Time)
5:00 a.m. Welcome
5:02 a.m. What is an eclipse?
5:05 a.m. How are we seeing it?
5:09 a.m. Where we are and why
5:12 a.m. What is the sun?
5:24 a.m. Crowd reactions
5:27 a.m. What will we see looking down?
5:33 a.m. What will it be like for us?
5:39 a.m. Crowd reactions
5:41 a.m. What will we see looking up?
5:47 a.m. What we learn from eclipses (past/present)
5:54 a.m. Prepare for totality
5:54:59 a.m. Totality begins
5:58:44 a.m. Totality ends
6:00 a.m. Crowd reactions
6:06 a.m. Commentary and replay of eclipse and sky darkening
6:12 a.m. Thank you and sign off


※ 修改:·yaohua2000 于 Mar 29 08:56:38 修改本文·[FROM: 218.68.244.*]
※ 来源:·水木社区 newsmth.net·[FROM: 218.68.244.*]
云中岳 发表于 2006-3-29 13:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 广西南宁市 联通

看看电视 也很好啊

wxj 发表于 2006-3-31 22:38 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 北京市丰台区 联通
Exploratorium Webcast Schedule
5:00 a.m. 欢迎光临
5:02 a.m. 什么是日食?
5:05 a.m. 我们怎么观测它?
5:09 a.m. 我们在哪儿 为什么
5:12 a.m. 太阳是什么?
5:24 a.m. 人群拥挤
5:27 a.m. 我们将看到什么?
5:33 a.m. 它对我们来说意味着什么?
5:39 a.m. 人群拥挤
5:41 a.m. 我们将看到什么?
5:47 a.m. 我们从日食学到些什么 (过去/现在)
5:54 a.m. 准备观测日全食。
5:54:59 a.m. 日全食开始了
5:58:44 a.m. 日全食结束
6:00 a.m. 人群拥挤
6:06 a.m. 日全食的解说 天变暗了
6:12 a.m. 非常感谢,活动结束。


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