The elements of a general-purpose Argus array should have hemispherical coverage, aimed straight up. They should have nulls at the horizon for rejection of terrestrial interference, have dual circular polarization, be broadband, and mass producible. The best candidates are from the helix family. A multifilar contrawound conical helix can achieve these requirements.
Argus天线单元首先必须有半球面视野. 另外把诸如排除地面干扰,拥有左右旋圆偏振,宽带,最大效率等因素考虑周全,最好是选择螺旋family. 其中多臂反锥形螺旋阵能满足以上的要求.
The Argus array geometry should have approximately circular symmetry (for uniform beams), and not have uniform spacings (to avoid grating lobes). Placing the elements logarithmically spaced along the arms of a multiarm logarithmic spiral (see Figure 2 below) achieves these requirements. To calibrate the array occasionally, small remote-controlled omnidirectional transmitters are placed inside and near the array.
(在此基础上)Argus几何阵的形状为满足均匀波束的条件(主瓣)必须尽量圆对称, 另外为了避免旁瓣影响其主瓣间空处必须尽量不均匀. 这样天线各单元最好形成对数螺旋分布. 另外为了平时对天线阵的定标(调整阵的空间频率分布和尽量排除大气不稳定等的影响), 在阵的内部和附近,需要额外安装发射器 |