Jerry, Suggest you try a lineup of the Nagler, Ortho, and XW with that killer 8" f/7 you own. Collimate it really well and then take a look at the Moon tonight if that is possible. I think you will be amazed at how something like a 10mm or 7mm XW will compare very favorably to anything you have. I personally found that the light throughput on the Naglers did not agree with my eyes (they always felt like I was looking through coke bottle bottoms?). Probably the best ortho I ever used was a Pentax SMC 7mm. However, when I compared it to the Pentax XL's at the time, I did not see enough of a difference to warrant the tight eye relief and small FOV. Bob 建议你用8寸的镜子试验一下NAGLER OR和Xw。有可能的话就看一下月面。我觉得一定会吃惊于XW 10或者7的表现,我发现NAGLER不适合我,就像从茶色玻璃里面看一样;可能最好的OR就是PENTAX的SMC 7。我比较过SMC7和XL,但是我没有看出太大的区别来。
Will do. I should be able to have a Pentax shoot-out weather permitting. Most of my Naglers have emigrated back to the USA. There were just too many to collect and I had some dependency issues.
I would not give up your Orthos quite yet Each time a review is done by an individual, you simply have to consider it a single data point for you to add to a 損ersonal?collective. Floyd does excellent reviews and has the wonderful talent of cutting to the chase straight away (i.e., lean, mean and efficient reviews - smile). However, as with all reviews, one data point does not make a definitive case, especially not for your unique observing situation.
Besides the obvious parts of the observing chain we all readily consider ?telescope and sky conditions, the atmosphere and our own physiology affect things dramatically. That being the case, Orthos may indeed work best for you! As examples, consider how there is still argument on stellar colors, especially in doubles. Some people see orange, others red, others violet. Who抯 correct? Why the differences? And the same goes for Mars! People have been reporting differing colors on Mars and even shadings and shapes over the course of the same evenings. How is that possible?
I抎 like to suggest that it抯 3 basic things causing the differences: atmosphere, physiology, and perception. For colors, and hence shadings that will become visible for planetary atmospheres, local refractive qualities of the atmosphere will affect this. So how your local atmosphere (pollutants, gasses, local pollens and particulates) refracts and affects light makes things different from place A to place B. Physiology comes to play in many many ways. One example is seeing color changes in real time. This happens when your telescope-sky-eye combination reaches the threshold of where your eye flips between seeing something in color vs grayscale. So if the object, or small portions of it are at that threshold, then things get strange in what you observe. So one reviewer may have been at a different place along that threshold than you, thereby yielding different results. There are a host of things related to physiology that we never keep track of because it抯 just too many variables such as: Bezold-Brucke phenomenon, Tritanomalous vision, Purkinje effect, simultaneous contrast, After-images, etc. All these things 揷hange?what we see, and therefore lead to differing results when we review eyepieces. Finally we have 損erception?or how our expectations affect what we see. As the old research adage goes, 揑f I hadn抰 believed it, I would have never seen it.? We all have personal expectations which affect our perceptions. This is perhaps why the final best determination of what eyepiece will work best is just to try them. For things like astigmatism and chromatic aberration and spherical aberrations, etc, they are cut and dry to determine for the most part. But when we get to which EP is sharper or produces a 揵etter?image, then we are in a huge multivariate land where all those physiological and perceptive and atmospheric things come into play and there really is no absolute 揵est?but only 揵est?for the unique person-telescope-local observing site combination匢MHO of course J
So don抰 ditch those Orthos! If for no other reason than this卼he basic reason for the Ortho is that it gives a nice flat 揳ccurate?field of view. It all started with microscopes and medical researchers need the images to be accurate so determine the biological structures and problems they are trying to diagnose or discover. So while many of the wide-field EPs do produce wonderful and pretty imagry, remember that if there is any barrel/pincushion distortion or the similar, then what you are observing is not how it really looks! So if your interest is in seeing a star field as it actually is, then Orthos are a sure choice. So if for no other reason, Orthos rule in that respect as a general rule.
[ 本帖最后由 我爱祖祖 于 2007-5-24 12:20 编辑 ] |