


浣熊先生 发表于 2008-3-28 23:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 中国–黑龙江–牡丹江 电信


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今年412日是第二届“国际路边天文夜(ISANInternational Sidewalk Astronomy Night)”活动日。这一天也是世界航天日。1961年的这天,人类首次遨游太空。





[ 本帖最后由 浣熊先生 于 2008-4-18 16:02 编辑 ]
 楼主| 浣熊先生 发表于 2008-3-28 23:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–黑龙江–牡丹江 电信


Sidewalk Astronomers Newsletter                                                FEb 22, 2008

Greetings! We have the date set for the 2nd ISAN, April 12, 2008 and we hope you will join us. This will coincide with Yuri's Night and hopefully we will have a great turn out of both amateur astronomers and the general public.

We've made a couple of changes to how we are organizing the event this year and we expect things to run smoother and be even more successful than last year.

We are also asking for your help. Last year, we sent hundreds of emails to clubs around the world, we got the email addresses from internet lists which were terrible. So this year, we are asking you to forward this email to every amateur astronomer you know.
You can use the Forward Email link a the bottom.
Thank you.

Joining ISAN on the Website
We have updated the website www.sidewalkastronomynight.com and instead of listing all the participants, we are using the guestmap that we used for results last year. The map will be a better visual of who is participating and we ask all of you to post your locations. Just go to the website and on the page "Take Part - Join In!" you just click on the little globe. You don't have to post a contact email, if you don't like having it posted on the net, you can instead list your club's website. Just be sure to list your city and country.

Flyers, Posters, and Shirts
You will notice that we have the same flyers that we had last year. If any of you made up different informational flyers, please let us know and we can post them.

We would also like to see your posters and we would like to have an ISAN T-shirt if someone would like to design one. Since we use CafePress.com for shirts, we just need to upload the artwork, with CafePress they are printed on demand, so we can have as many different ones as we want with no minimum orders. The Sidewalk Astronomers don't make profit on the CafePress items, but it allows us to get one or two of an item. Please take a look and give us some ideas. www.cafepress.com/sidewalkastro . When you send artwork, please write "cafe press isan" in the subject line of the email and send it to sidewalkastronomynight@earthlink.net
1st ISAN Booklet Available
We have printed the booklet from the 1st International Sidewalk Astronomy Night available and will send it out to all of our members, but we need to be sure that we have your correct postal address. There is a link at the bottom of this email that says Update Profile, make sure you update yours with your correct address.

Everyone who is on this email list, has ordered products from our website, has taken a class here in LA, has actually "joined" the SA, or has asked to be on the mailing list - all are considered members regardless of whether or not they have paid dues. All these lists are combined, but postage, both international and domestic, is expensive when you are sending out several hundred and we want to be sure we have the correct information.

Become more active!
We need volunteers to help with the newsletters, websites, and artwork for various projects. For ISAN and for the Sidewalk Astronomers, we would like to have photo albums on Picasa or some other photo sharing website and are looking for a volunteer to help with that.

Also, if you have ideas for other projects - great, we'd love to hear them and have you work with us to get them going.

As you can probably tell, I have been doing most of the work on the websites and newsletters (which is why there are so few) and I'm willing to share all this glory!!!!

Our website www.sidewalkastronomers.us and the website for ISAN www.sidewalkastronomynight.com should be linked, if I have done everything right. Please visit both sites and let me know what you think and if everything works.


Donna Smith / Sidewalk Astronomers
Sidewalk Astronomers

[ 本帖最后由 浣熊先生 于 2008-4-10 21:50 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 浣熊先生 发表于 2008-3-28 23:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–黑龙江–牡丹江 电信



第二届国际路边天文夜(ISAN,International Sidewalk Astronomy Night)已经定在2008年4月12日。这一天刚好就是Yuri's Night(尤里 加加林夜,就是为了庆祝第一个太空人),希望我们有普通大众和业余天文爱好者参加进来。



我们建立了一个网站www.sidewalkastronomynight.com(译者注:我必须挂代理才能上这个网站,这是北京网通,不知道其他地方上这个网站的情况如何),取代了把所有参加者都列出来的做法。我们正在用一张(去年的)参加者的地图来展示,希望你能发布你将参加活动的地点来完善这张地图。只需要到网站上的"Take Part - Join In!"页面,点击那个小地球图标,然后再弹出的窗口添加地点就行了。你不一定要添上电子邮件地址,你也可以填上协会的网站,但一定要天上 城市/国家这一项。


我们也希望看到你的海报,如果有人愿意设计的话我们也希望有一件ISAN T-shirt。我们是用CafePress.com来制作T-shirt的,我们只需要发送一些设计图就可以了,CafePress会按要求印制,所以我们想有多少不同的T-shirt就有多少,不用管订单数。SidewalkAstronomers组织没有在CafePress上获利,不过他们允许我们从每一件中提取壹两美元,请看上一眼然后给我们一些点子.网址:www.cafepress.com/sidewalkastro .当你发送设计图时,请在邮件主题上写上 "cafe press isan"并发送到 sidewalkastronomynight@earthlink.net  





我们需要一些志愿者来在邮件列表网站和艺术设计提供帮助。对于ISAN 和Sidewalk Astronomers,我们都想在Picasa上和一些图片共享网站(注:例如Flickr.com,footbig.com)上共享我们的活动照片,我们正在寻找这方面的志愿者来帮助。


我们的网站:www.sidewalkastronomers.us 和ISAN的网站: www.sidewalkastronomynight.com

署名:Sidewalk Astronomers

[ 本帖最后由 浣熊先生 于 2008-4-10 21:51 编辑 ]
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曦嫣 发表于 2008-3-29 19:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–黑龙江–哈尔滨 联通

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 楼主| 浣熊先生 发表于 2008-3-30 20:37 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–黑龙江–牡丹江 电信

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 楼主| 浣熊先生 发表于 2008-3-30 20:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–黑龙江–牡丹江 电信
原帖由 曦嫣 于 2008-3-29 19:46 发表




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 楼主| 浣熊先生 发表于 2008-3-30 20:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–黑龙江–牡丹江 电信

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 楼主| 浣熊先生 发表于 2008-4-1 21:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–黑龙江–牡丹江 电信
今天收到了Donna Smith女士的电子邮件。
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DIY-king 发表于 2008-4-2 01:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–浙江–宁波–余姚市 电信
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 楼主| 浣熊先生 发表于 2008-4-2 19:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–黑龙江–牡丹江 电信


第一届国际路边天文夜(the 1st International Sidewalk Astronomy Night)于2007519日在全世界六大洲几十个国家和地区举行,上百万人参加。来自我国20多个省、自治区、直辖市的天文组织和爱好者向国际路边天文协会报名参加此次活动。我省大庆、哈尔滨、牡丹江等地天文协会也已经报名。










[ 本帖最后由 浣熊先生 于 2008-4-2 19:04 编辑 ]
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 楼主| 浣熊先生 发表于 2008-4-2 19:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–黑龙江–牡丹江 电信

1st ISAN徽章正面图


[ 本帖最后由 浣熊先生 于 2008-4-6 14:24 编辑 ]
1st ISAN button.jpg
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kjf-kji 发表于 2008-4-3 11:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–黑龙江–七台河 联通
强烈 支持 !!!
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 楼主| 浣熊先生 发表于 2008-4-6 14:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–黑龙江–牡丹江 电信
Donna Smith女士刚刚发到我的电子邮箱。
2nd ISAN button.jpg
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 楼主| 浣熊先生 发表于 2008-4-7 20:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–黑龙江–牡丹江 电信

News from Sidewalk Astronomers 2008-04-06 13:00

Dear Liansheng,

When you joined the email list, you had a choice of signing up for ISAN or for General Sidewalk Information and those lists have been merged. The articles in the monthly newsletters will be about ISAN and also about issues and activities of the Sidewalk Astronomers. I hope all of you who signed up because of ISAN will choose to continue receiving these emails.   

The response to ISAN this year has been great. We haven't promoted it with nearly as much effort as we did last year because that level of work was so difficult to maintain. Last year, we sent out over 2000 emails inviting clubs and individuals to join and this year, you guys have done it all. We simply sent the email to you on the list and you have forwarded the information and the result is that we have nearly the same amount of participation that we had last year.

There will be a results page on the website that will be available for you to post results. Please do not post until after you've been out on the 12 th .   And we encourage everyone to post their results. We are still receiving emails from amateurs who took part last year that we were unaware of. We receive so many of these emails that our guess is that whatever we have posted, the actual participation is double.
We're looking forward to a great 2nd ISAN and thank all of you for making it a success.
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 楼主| 浣熊先生 发表于 2008-4-7 20:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–黑龙江–牡丹江 电信

ISAN Buttons

All the buttons requested have been mailed. If you ordered buttons and you live in Iran, Syria or other countries with "documents only" restrictions, your package was returned to us.   Many of the orders were emailed and many were orders placed through our website/pay pal account. If you live in one of these countries and ordered through pay pal, please let me know so that I can reverse the charges and refund your money.

We also received many late requests from China for buttons.   I have sent them, I just don't know if they will get there in time and we couldn't afford expedited shipping. If you don't receive your buttons, I suggest you copy the artwork from the website and print on large mailing labels. I did this last year to hand out stickers to the younger observers and they were very popular.
If you missed ordering buttons from either 1 st or 2 nd ISAN and want to have them as collectibles, they will be available on the website until we run out. At this time, we still have some left and can fill orders as long as they are for small quantities.
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 楼主| 浣熊先生 发表于 2008-4-7 20:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–黑龙江–牡丹江 电信

Address Verification

We have been sending out postcards/letters in the last couple of weeks to verify the addresses we have on file. If you haven't updated your profile, please follow the link at the bottom of this email and fill out the form with your mailing address and phone number.

We are sending out the ISAN booklet, but not until we have received an address verification. Postage for the booklet will cost about $3,000.00 so we can't afford to send to bad addresses.

PLEASE don't send me an email with your mailing address! This means that I have to manually update your profile and chances are you will get left out.

If you are receiving a print version of this email, please go on line and join the mailing list and complete the profile. We really want to phase out the printed newsletters, so if you don't have Internet and must get printed copies, please fill out and return the form to the left.
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 楼主| 浣熊先生 发表于 2008-4-7 21:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–黑龙江–牡丹江 电信

Dobson Collection

In the last year, we've gotten inquiries about different items concerning telescopes that John has had over the years, newspaper or magazine articles about him, articles he's written, photos of him in certain places, etc. and it is extremely difficult to track down these items. John meets so many people in the course of a year that its hard for him to remember who someone is or where they live. We are trying to put together a "Dobson Collection" for possible display in observatories, museums, etc.

Please check the list to the left, if you own the item and don't want to send us the original, we understand and we aren't trying to take possession of anyone's property. In that case, please send us the information on the item so that we know what and where it is. If you send any photos, artwork, video, articles, etc., please be sure to include copyright/credit information.
We appreciate your assistance and hope to put together a great collection.   

As many of you have probably heard, John Dobson had a small stroke a few weeks ago and as a result has some minor mobility problems . He is already improving and we expect a full recovery, although we have cancelled any upcoming speaking engagements. While he is recuperating, John will be staying at the Vedanta Society in Hollywood. John sends his thanks to all of you for the kind letters, cards, and emails he received and as always encourages you all to get out with a telescope!

At this time we are asking that you only send letters and cards. The phone isn't near John's room and it is somewhat inconvenient for him to be called to the phone repeatedly.   John's mailing address is:

John Dobson
1946 Vedanta Place
Hollywood , Ca. 90068

Donna Smith
Sidewalk Astronomers
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 楼主| 浣熊先生 发表于 2008-4-7 21:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–黑龙江–牡丹江 电信

Worldwide Activities - Help us stay connected!

We are lucky to be involved in an activity that connects us to others around the world, but that also means that it is increasingly hard to keep up with all the events. Someone recently said "it's hard enough keeping up with what is happening locally, let alone globally."

If you've visited the www.sidewalkastronomers.us   website lately, you've noticed that I've taken the calendars down. I wasn't happy with the Google calendar that I was using and I am looking for a calendar or code to post a page where you can post your own activities. If anyone has an idea or can help with that, please contact me.
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 楼主| 浣熊先生 发表于 2008-4-7 21:34 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–黑龙江–牡丹江 电信

Share Your Ideas IYA EVENTS

I am sure that many of you are involved in planning IYA activities for next year. We'd like to hear what all of you are organizing and what kind of activities you plan on holding. Also, if you have hand out materials that you'd like to share, we'd be happy to post them on the website so that others can copy or download them.

We've noticed that events vary in different geographic areas and some of the best events we've had here in the Los Angeles area were ones where we incorporated ideas from clubs around the world.
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zipot 发表于 2008-4-8 16:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–黑龙江–大庆 大庆中基石油通信建设有限公司
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