mandii 发表于 2011-1-13 10:27

本帖最后由 mandii 于 2011-1-20 12:26 编辑

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mandii 发表于 2011-1-17 17:33


Uncle Peter : Today, 03:23 AM from Toronto, Ontario

That's one great observatory that you've built! Just from one look, you can tell that that thing is solid. It's great that you posted your progress on it here, as well as pictures; they are very inspiring for other people.

You have some really great moon photos, too. I am trying to get into astro-photography, and have started on the moon, identifying a few of it's seas and craters along the way.

One question though, does your observatory help to decrease light pollution?

I can't wait to see more of your photos.

Clear Skies,

Uncle Peter

MANDII : Today, 09:10 AM
Thanks Uncle Peter‘s comment ,

You mean how the observatory can be hided from some of the outside light source ?
Or how the light pollution come from the sky , can be reduced it's impact in taking the images ?

For the first question , the dome halves can sheild away from much of the outside light sources already .
At least halfly ( 180 degree) light is avoided . Sometimes I even open the dome much less , with a little hole only, that can let me still enough to observe the object . Normally I kept very dark inside the dome( no lamp , PC monitor turns off , use red light star chat etc...) , during observation time .

If you are asking the 2nd question , I think you know that most people would choose to use some kind of imaging filters , to get rid of light pollution . However , for the moment , I didn't use filter yet .

Hope this answer are helpful . . .

wweiboo 发表于 2011-1-17 18:41


mandii 发表于 2011-1-18 09:53

谢谢 ::42::

mandii 发表于 2011-1-20 12:25

本帖最后由 mandii 于 2011-2-23 09:37 编辑

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mandii 发表于 2011-2-5 16:05

去年6月8日买回来的ORION 6" F5 牛反,当时考虑到原来那部牛反要拍再多些深空,计划是大半年后使用,


louww 发表于 2011-2-5 20:30


mandii 发表于 2011-2-6 00:15

louww 发表于 2011-2-5 20:30


mandii 发表于 2011-2-7 10:31


samgray1 : Yesterday, 12:03 AM from San Diego, Calif., USA
It looks good Mandii.

Uncle Peter Yesterday, 01:34 AM from Toronto, Ontario
Nice set-up Mandii and great shot of M50.

What kind of mount are you using for your 6" Orion? It looks like an EQ mount, but I'm not sure which one it is.

MANDII : Today, 09:47 AM
Yes, it's the "智通"EQ3 made in China ,with one motor , no goto and guiding .
A new one is selling several hundreds Hong Kong Dollars in the market .
It carry up around 10KG things on a normal star tracking , I think .
I had used it nearly 1 year with my 4" Newtonian without complaint on it's perfomance in such good price .And now , it's going on the tough hunting task with this newly installed 6" newtonian .
So far so good , within my estimation when I decided to bring it home last year .

mandii 发表于 2011-2-7 15:21


sxinias : Today, 12:23 PM from Sxinias Marathon Greece

Congratulations on getting your 6 inch telescope in operation. You are doing some good work without sophisicated equipment. Have you had the opportunity to accurately polar align your mount?


MANDII : Today, 02:56 PM

Dear JOE ,

The day of 5th Feb , I setup this scope .
On the same night , I did polar alighment by Drifting method , and took the picture of M50 & NGC3242 .
Polar alighment is always important . In my situation , it helps me to find the object efficiently ,accuratly ,and helps to track the object during the imaging process . To explain this two points indepth , it can be too much to say .
For this time , I want to say something about how I do the polar aligment , find the object , and track the object into pictures . It's my first time to explain this in this forunm , in English .

I did the drifting not by naked eye with eyepieces .It's done on a computer screen by inserting the camera(DSI-I) . The EQ3 mount is turned the polar at the same time when I look at the star moving-discrepancy from the screen . The more exposure time taken in a single flame , the more discrepancy( star tails) we can see from the screen . And then adjust(polar align ) the mount to reduce the discrepancy .

2ndly , if the mount is not aligned well , I can't find the DSO objects properly .
Actually , I am not free-finding the objects , like the star-hooking inside the eyepiece .
Becasue star-hooking is difficlut in my case , there is not much stars in the View finder. The FOV in an eyepiece(25mm eyepiece ) is so small( less than 1 degree) , and the star positions is always rotated to some degrees in a Newtonian scope , it's not fully inverted as the normal refractors do . So you cannot easily recognise those stars in a mean time , when you are looking at the the star-chat at the same timming. In summary speaking , It's very hard to find the object .
Indeed , I was usually using the numeric calibration ( RA and DEC scales ) on the mount . I turns the RA axis according to the time angle of an object ,meaning the RA value the object is located at the time it is observed . Let say this moment the object is located at time-angle 22h10m , the next hour it will move to position 23h10m . The time angle is very looks like to the RA value of an object , but it's changing with time and RA is fixed . After the mount's RA axis is rotated well , I turns the DEC axis to the DEC value of that object , this is traight forward because the DEC of an object is always fixed whenever any time is concerned .
THE ABOVE METHOD TO FIND AN OBJECT , I PERSONALLY CALLED THE " MANUAL GOTO" , it's similar to electronic GOTO , but using your own hand . If the mount is not aligned well, I can't see the objects within the FOV . This time , I can see the M50 and NGC3242 within the eyepiece FOV , by just one time turning of the RA and DEC aixs . It's located not really at centre , but within the area of the FOV .

3rdly , the polar alignment is aimed to star tracking in imaging .
My tracking this time was 1 minute single exposure , for total 10-20 minutes .


三味_jim 发表于 2011-2-7 15:25


mandii 发表于 2011-2-7 16:17

本帖最后由 mandii 于 2011-2-7 16:18 编辑

年初三当晚拍的,赶新年新镜开光日 !

mandii 发表于 2011-2-8 12:16


dmbryan : Yesterday, 11:56 PM from b'ham alabama
Looks like a nice setup there. Congratulations.

Lenbo : Today, 01:05 AM from Cochranville Pa.
Looking good MANDII. Great use of your available resources. You've come a long way.

PBalu : Today, 01:14 AM from Bloomington, Indiana
Nice work Mandii. I like your observatory too.

sunyuanzhen 发表于 2011-2-10 11:59

村屋就是好啊。以前在大埔住的时候那个天,随便一看就是一大堆星星啊~ 羡慕一下楼主的天文台~ ::070821_04.jpg::

mandii 发表于 2011-2-10 17:07

村屋就是好啊。以前在大埔住的时候那个天,随便一看就是一大堆星星啊~ 羡慕一下楼主的天文台~ ::070821_04. ...
sunyuanzhen 发表于 2011-2-10 11:59

原来系自己友 , 多谢 !

mandii 发表于 2011-2-10 17:38


Uncle Peter : Yesterday, 10:42 PM from Toronto, Ontario
Ah I see, thanks Mandii!

wx1980112 发表于 2011-2-12 10:17

当年鬼子打过来的时候 要是家家有这个 抗日战争还能提前4年结束哦

mandii 发表于 2011-2-13 17:18

而不用分开用另一个相机脚架 。这样做主要是为了能节省空间以利双筒目视观察。


mfx 发表于 2011-2-13 18:51

在HK 在这个小屋子里 很热阿!

mandii 发表于 2011-2-13 22:04

本帖最后由 mandii 于 2011-2-13 22:12 编辑

在HK 在这个小屋子里 很热阿!
mfx 发表于 2011-2-13 18:51

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查看完整版本: 自制家用天文台 --- MANDII(香港)