cccp123 发表于 2010-8-2 12:51


mandii 发表于 2010-8-2 12:57

cccp123 发表于 2010-8-2 12:51


mandii 发表于 2010-8-2 14:06




天望坐标式追踪,观察山上的 [果实,鸟巢 ,密蜂巢和奇花异草]

12321 发表于 2010-8-3 15:51


zylxp 发表于 2010-8-3 16:02

mandii 发表于 2010-8-19 22:58

It's long time no take an astro picture ,
cause recently not always stay at home .
Tonight , I come to take a picture of Archimedes .
I pick up the moon map , nevigate the moon surface for nearly 15 minutes . And center the eyepiece after I can locate the Archimedes . Then use web cam to shoot it . Finally make the picture by Registax software .

ksana 发表于 2010-8-20 15:02

mandii 发表于 2010-8-20 15:16

本帖最后由 mandii 于 2010-8-20 15:20 编辑


huichen 发表于 2010-8-20 21:16


swp1998 发表于 2010-8-21 17:33


luliuzhi007 发表于 2010-8-21 22:33

mandii 发表于 2010-8-27 23:48


mandii 发表于 2010-8-29 00:27

Tonight is cloudy .
Long time no take a picture .

So samely I come for those plants over the hill , they are always my favourite simple picturing objects .Anytime I want to take a picture , I just come to take them ,so easily .
No need to wait for clear sky , no need too much concern on machine or whatever , because they are just easy and funny . And plants observation is gradually becomming my new hobby since the time I established such a kind of telescope imaging system ,as times goes by . Besides the fact that the moon crators and the Deep sky objects is always my fancy .

I had recorded down as a well organised databse system for the each plants' visual position/location in my home forunm indeed . Easy to find them out everytime by just turning the mount's DEC & RA circles accordingly . So far I had 17 plant objects in well notes and did 26 observation ( photos) within this 8 months time ,day and night observations . Actually I am still finding the bird nest or honey bee nest over the trees , they were once my expectation at the beginning time of this hobby . One day I may find it out , or I could never find it out , who knows .

But I do like taking a simple photo of plants/trees actually ,with the use of DSI-I .
Same object is always change with time , they looks different as times goes by , that will never make me feel routine and boring as well .


fishspace 发表于 2010-9-4 13:42

yjfPhoenix 发表于 2010-9-5 17:18

mandii 发表于 2010-9-6 10:14

本帖最后由 mandii 于 2010-9-6 10:39 编辑

fishspace 发表于 2010-9-4 13:42

没错, 以最底的金钱,最大的劳动,做到自己想做的事情。

mandii 发表于 2010-9-6 10:22

本帖最后由 mandii 于 2010-9-6 10:28 编辑

天文台是不是只是为了防风 ?
yjfPhoenix 发表于 2010-9-5 17:18


xzh_redhat 发表于 2010-9-7 18:34

厉害   支持下啊

彩云飞飞 发表于 2010-9-12 22:15


mandii 发表于 2010-9-17 11:21


Last night the moon was very bright , actually not a good time to take a image ,atmosphere was not stable as well .

This time I tried my new bought 1.25" 2X barlow together with the web cam . Previously I had failed to capture a good 3X barlow image , cause too big magnification for my 4" telescope and blur the image indeed . But this time with 2X barlow , the image is still acceptable . I am satisfield with this cheap price Barlow very much .

This time the target is the "比利牛斯" mountain chain , the BillyNews mountain chain . You can also see some nearby crators , and such magnification is just enough for me , compared with those taken previously without the barlow

Finally , this time I write my report on the next day of observation night . So that I can have plenty of time to prepare a better image . Before I didn't pay too much attention on the image processing indeed , cause I don't have much time to try on the night time . So,this morning I am free in office and try more on the software REGISTAX . I found it has good tools to make the image better and sharper . That's a good and neat software .
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查看完整版本: 自制家用天文台 --- MANDII(香港)