小蔡 发表于 2004-6-4 11:01


    我觉得nagler 22比XW 30更加合适,价格似乎也差不多。

denebman 发表于 2004-6-4 14:46

小蔡,谢谢指导,刚才有看到一款University Optics的 Knoig MK70,25毫米焦距,2寸直径的目镜,FOV=70度,excelsis上的评价很高,如果配合景德80的主镜巡天不知好不好?

小蔡 发表于 2004-6-4 14:47


denebman 发表于 2004-6-4 14:58


I have 30 years experience in astronomy. The UOptics abbé style orthoscopic eyepieces are really excellent and I was persuaded to test some of the 2" barrel UOptics konig eyepieces.

The Mk70-25mm is a beautifully constructed and visually pleasing eyepiece with a large eyecup (same as the 34mm Axiom eyecup - a camera hood!) and a solid chromed barrel threaded to hold filters. It is rather heavy as would be expected, but half the weight and cost of a Panoptic 35mm.

Optically, the eyepiece is so-so. UOptics advertising a wide field of view, one would expect the stars to stay focused to the edge. They don't. Images become distorted in the outer third of the field of view, making this eyepiece less useful for wide-field viewing than eyepieces of similar cost, such as the Axiom 34mm by Celestron.

This is basically an erfle-type eyepiece and although beautiful to look AT, it is not great to look THROUGH. I don't recommend it and you will see many "konig" eyepieces for sale on the used market...

Michael J. Spicer,
Royal Astronomical Society of Canada
Hamilton Centre
Overall Rating: 6
Optics:6 Value:5

denebman 发表于 2004-6-5 09:25


1. VixenLVW 8, 2. Antares SpeersWaler 14mm, 3. Scopetronix 40mm Plossl, 4. 32 mm Plossl, 5. Skywatcher 25mm Plossl, 6. UO 6mm Ortho, 7. Antares 2X barlow, 8. Vixen 3 X barlow

haili 发表于 2004-6-10 08:03


dingye 发表于 2004-6-10 08:48

TV PL15 vs 国产 ED14 :

过马路 发表于 2004-6-10 09:12


ASTROLAN 发表于 2004-6-10 21:16

最初由 denebman 发表
小蔡,谢谢指导,刚才有看到一款University Optics的 Knoig MK70,25毫米焦距,2寸直径的目镜,FOV=70度,excelsis上的评价很高,如果配合景德80的主镜巡天不知好不好?

德国有人对市面上常见的几款30毫米两吋超广角目镜做过客观评估, 评估过程如下, 找10个评估人, 每个目镜外面都用黑布蒙上,  只能通过目镜观测, 每人单独填写报告,  评估项目主要是这些目镜的偏轴特性, 几度时能看到慧差, 但能容忍, 几度时慧差大到不可容忍, 等等.

结果: 对f/5, f/4 的主镜, 所有目镜性能都差不多差, 只有一个性能超群, 就是 NAGLER 30毫米.
对f/6的的主镜, 所有目镜性能都有改善, NAGLER 的优势不再明显.
对f/10的主镜, 所有目镜性能都很好, NAGLER的视角稍微大一些, 但偏轴特性都一样. 所以SCT对目镜的选择要求不是很高.


denebman 发表于 2004-6-11 13:35


Denebman:  Just want to check with you all if the Univerisity Optics' Konig MK70 (2 inch barrel, 25mm FL, 70 degree FOV) is a good eyepiece for Megrez 80 II OTA? Purpose: enjoy a wide field of view at low power (20 X)

Tom Trusock: Yep. It surely is. We have one in the CN Loan program (Tiny Eyes) and while not perfect, it holds up nicely - especially in comparision to the more expensive eyepieces like the pan 24.

MMIKELS: "I've got one and for my F6 it produces coma or some sort of astygmatism towards the edge of the field"

Tom Trusock: "Yep, it's astigmatic, (and it's a little worse at f5), but overall it's a pretty nice eyepeice. YMMV of course. If you'd like to try one, take a look at the kids program... http://www.cloudynights.com/kids/tiny%20eyes.htm"

Denebman:"Thanks a lot buddies! my local dealer said it stay sharp up to 85%-90% the whole FOV, but some people experienced black-out problem since the eye relief is too small. My scope is f6.25, not sure if astigmatism still bothers? "

MMIKELS:" I hope that my previous post is not taken in a negative way. I only meant to inform others that I had problems with astigmatism in my scope with this EP. Even though I could see the problem, it was not insurmountable. "

Warpdhavoc: " They have some astigmatism, but it is far enough out on the edge that I don't notice it. "

ASTROLAN 发表于 2004-6-11 15:22

不错, 在快速镜子上, 几乎所有目镜都能看到COMA和ASTIGMATISM, 脱离主镜谈目镜毫无意义, 你的 MN66 配目镜还是很宽松的.

以前有一种误解, 认为2吋NAGLER 30MM 纠正的是COMA 其实不是, 而主要是ASTIGMATISM, 所以它不仅适用与快速牛顿, 同样适用于快速折射镜. 对F/6 或更慢的镜子其实没必要用它, 另外它不适用于亮天体,  有黑斑效应,  我白天用F/5牛反看地面目标时, 边缘有明显色差, 非常出乎意料, 另外失真严重, 一根直的电线能看成弧线,  其设计中牺牲了图象的保真度而换来边缘清晰度, 看星野时无关紧要, 但不能用它测角度.

过马路 发表于 2004-6-12 06:52

其实我不是很赞成视野过大的目镜. 因为人眼看不到那么大的视野, 必须转动眼球才可以.  一般>65度的目镜就很开阔了, 观测的舒适程度才是更重要的.

ASTROLAN 发表于 2004-6-13 16:59


其实我觉得没有必要把钱砸在TV, PENTAX 等等目镜上, 有那钱还不如买个好的BINOVIEWER, 当然要有主镜口镜做保证, 再买一堆价廉物美的目镜, 都要一款两个. 配合BINOVIEWER观测效果绝对比那些巨贵但单目观测的目镜好很多, 我现在的配置大致如此,  当然大款还是应该买TV, PENTAX 目镜, 一款两个;-) 那可是高烧的大款了;-)

小蔡 发表于 2004-6-14 16:12


ASTROLAN 发表于 2004-6-15 02:24

不错, 我买f/5牛反的时候就想一起配一个, 但那店主听说我是目视, 自己劝我别买, 现在看来是不用, 但如果摄影还是需要的.

大口径望远镜 发表于 2005-6-25 19:19


呵呵物品爸原是昆明晶华的总工,所以我对你的目镜很亲切啊!,我有一套MEADE 2寸的目镜。

玄键 发表于 2005-6-26 09:54

Re: 大家来说说自己的目镜好么?


   后排左起TV PO24 ,TV PL 15, Ortho 12.5, Vixen PL 9.
   前排左起 Vixen PL 7, Ortho 4.
   最后是TV Powermate 5X。


玄键 发表于 2005-6-26 09:58

Re: 大家来说说自己的目镜好么?


   后排左起TV PO24 ,TV PL 15, Ortho 12.5, Vixen PL 9.
   前排左起 Vixen PL 7, Ortho 4.
   最后是TV Powermate 5X。

玄键 发表于 2005-6-26 10:01

Re: 大家来说说自己的目镜好么?


   后排左起TV PO24 ,TV PL 15, Ortho 12.5, Vixen PL 9.
   前排左起 Vixen PL 7, Ortho 4.
   最后是TV Powermate 5X。


Alone狼 发表于 2005-6-26 22:18

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