MySQL Error
Message: MySQL Query Error SQL: UPDATE uchome_cron SET `lastrun`='1264578623', `nextrun`='1264578900' WHERE `cronid`='1' Error: Incorrect key file for table './bootesdb/uchome_cron.MYI'; try to repair it Errno.: 126
MySQL Error
Message: MySQL Query Error
SQL: UPDATE uchome_cron SET `lastrun`='1264583165', `nextrun`='1264583400' WHERE `cronid`='1'
Error: Incorrect key file for table './bootesdb/uchome_cron.MYI'; try to repair it
Errno.: 126
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MySQL Error
Message: MySQL Query Error
SQL: UPDATE uchome_cron SET `lastrun`='1264671814', `nextrun`='1264671900' WHERE `cronid`='1'
Error: Incorrect key file for table './bootesdb/uchome_cron.MYI'; try to repair it
Errno.: 126
Click here to seek help.