From: "brian_cudnik" <>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 2004 17:50:39 -0000
Subject: [lunar-impact] Impact Alert 21 July 2004
A reminder of the Delta Aquarid event coming up on the 27-28 July
(next week). At least one other group plans to mobilize up to (even
more than) 60 observers for this event. An individual from the
Transient Lunar Phenomena group believes that the probability of
observing impact flashes is higher than what is indicated by the
Impact plots on the website.
His information is as follows:
Shower: SDA (Southern Delta Aquarids)
Shower starts on 2004-07-27, radiant max peak is 7-28
The max peak occures at 22:36 UT, meteor show starts at 18:35 UT +/-
2 hours. The moon sets abot 8.1 hours after sunset, so I figure about
40-43 % of the unlit side of the moon will be hit. 20 or more meteors
will be seen per hour, so again I estimate about 5-7 will strike the
moon in a given time. Also the velocity of the meteors is high, so
impacts will cause some bright (hopefully) flashes.
It is also good to remember too that the drift of the radiant is
large for this meteor shower (-16 degrees a day) so the best
observational results will come on the above given dates.
In summary, please observer the moon as long as possible on the night
of July 27-28 (Tuesday evening). Thanks.
Brian Cudnik
Lunar Meteoritic Impact Search
Association of Lunar & Planetary Observers
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