

[电子书] Starry Night Pro Plus 6 官方版電子書翻譯計劃<已更新附上原版PDF>

 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-14 14:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–新竹市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:25 编辑

Changing The Date And Time

When you open Starry Night, you may see
a bright blue sunny sky, a dark sky filled
with stars, or a twilight realm with only a
few bright stars showing. This is because
Starry Night always opens showing the
sky at the current date and time. The date
and time are shown in the upper left corner
of the toolbar.

當您打開Starry Night時,您也許會看到一個爽朗的藍色晴空,繁星滿布的黑夜,或只有少數幾顆明亮恆星呈現出的曙暮光情景
這是由於Starry Night打開時總是顯示(系統)當前的時間與日期,時間與日期顯示在工具欄的左上角


Tip: A small icon of the Sun
appears to the left of the time in the
toolbar. If Daylight Saving Time is
turned on, this icon is lit up. Starry Night
uses your computer clock to determine if
Daylight Saving Time should be turned on.
Click on the icon to turn on or off Daylight
Saving Time.

Starry Night使用您電腦(系統)裡的時鐘來判定夏令時(日光節約時間)是否應該開啟
在圖標上點擊來開啟或關閉Starry Night中的夏令時(日光節約時間)


See “How does Daylight Saving Time
work in Starry Night?” on page 192 for
more information on Daylight Saving

閱讀在192頁的"在Starry Night中夏令時(日光節約時間)如何運作"來獲取更多有關夏令時(日光節約時間)的資訊

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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-14 15:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–新竹市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:27 编辑

To change the date or time, just click on it.
The date or time will light up, and you can
type in a new value.



If Starry Night is showing a daytime
scene, try changing the time so that it is
night. If you already see a night scene,
change the time so that it is day. Starry
Night allows you to set the date from
anywhere between 4 713 B.C. and 3 000
A.D. for CSAP, 4 713 B.C. and 9 999 A.D.
for Enthusiast, 99 999 B.C. and 99 999
A.D. for Starry Night Pro and Starry Night
Pro Plus.

若Starry Night正顯示白天的場景,嘗試變更時間成夜晚;如果您已經觀賞過夜晚場景,可以變更時間成白天.
Starry Night允許您從任意地點設置:

4 713 B.C.~ 3 000A.D.之間的日期(CSAP版本);
4 713 B.C. ~ 9 999 A.D.之間的日期(業餘愛好者版本);
99 999 B.C. ~ 99 999A.D.之間的日期(專業版與專業增強版本)

Immediately below the Time and Date
control is a set of 3 buttons that allow you
to reset the time to the current time or
quickly change the time to sunrise and


Tip: As you are working through the rest of
the features in this chapter, you will
probably want to set the time in Starry
Night so that the sky is dark. In the day,
only the Sun will be visible onscreen, and
it will be difficult to use some of the

小提示:如果您要(在軟件上)操作本章節描述的其餘功能,您或許要在Starry Night中設置時間讓天空黑暗下來,

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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-14 15:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–新竹市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:28 编辑


Special Times:

Immediately to the
right of the time
display in the toolbar is
a pull-down menu that
lets you quickly change
the time to one of
several key times.


You can reset the time to the current time
by pressing Now or set the time to sunrise,
sunset, moonrise or moonset. You can also
change to solar noon, the time at which the
Sun is highest in the sky, or moon transit,

the time at which the Moon is highest in
the sky.

您也可以變更成solar noon(太陽在天空仰角最高的時刻),或moon transit(月球在天空最高仰角的時刻)


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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-21 08:53 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–新竹市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:34 编辑

Identifying Objects In The Sky

If you point the cursor at any object shown
onscreen, information about the object will
automatically appear. This is Starry
Night’s Heads-Up Display (HUD).
Displayed are the object’s name, the
constellation it is in, and its distance (if
known) from Earth. This makes it easy to
identify any of the points of light
displayed onscreen.
如果您將鼠標指向屏幕上顯示的任何物體,關於該物體的資訊即會自動顯示.此乃Starry Night的Heads-Up Display (平視顯示系統,HUD)


In Starry Night Enthusiast, Pro and Pro
Plus you can choose which information
fields are displayed when you point the
cursor at an object. See
“Heads-Up Display (HUD) Options” on
page 62 for more details.

在Starry Night 業餘愛好者版,專業版以及專業增強版中,您可以選擇當您將滑鼠游標指向任一物體時將顯示哪些資訊欄.
閱讀第62頁的“Heads-Up Display (HUD) Options"以獲取更多資訊

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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-21 09:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–新竹市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:33 编辑

Labeling Objects

The Heads-Up Display is great for finding
out what a specific object is, but it’s not
much help if you want a quick overview of
all of the brighter objects onscreen. The
best way to quickly identify all bright
objects is to choose
Labels->Show All Labels from the menu
(in Starry Night CSAP press the “L”keyboard key). This labels the brightest
objects in each category (stars,
constellations, planets, deep space
objects). You can turn these labels off
again by choosing
Labels->Hide All Labels or by pressing
the “L” keyboard key.

Heads-Up Display 非常適用於查清某特定物體(天體)是甚麼,不過它對於需要將屏幕上所有明亮物體(天體)做一次快速概覽方面並無多大幫助
要快速辨識所有明亮物體(天體)的最佳方式是從主菜單中選擇Labels->Show All Labels
(在 Starry Night CSAP版本中則是按下鍵盤上的"L"快捷鍵)
您可以通過從主菜單中選擇Labels->Hide All Labels或者按下鍵盤上的"L"快捷鍵,再次關閉這些標記

Starry Night Enthusiast, Pro and Pro Plus
offers much more precise control over
object labels. You can label only certain
types of objects, increase/decrease the
number of labels, or label only the objects
that you select. See “Labeling Celestial
Objects” on page 39 for more information.

Starry Night 業餘愛好者版,專業版以及專業增強版提供了對物體(天體)標記更為精確的控制
閱讀第39頁的“Labeling Celestial Objects”獲取更多資訊

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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-21 09:37 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–新竹市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:35 编辑

Displaying Constellation Figures

For thousands of years, stargazers have
joined the brighter stars together into
patterns that we call constellations.
Astronomers currently recognize 88
constellations, which together cover the
entire sky. Knowing which constellation
an object is in is the first step to finding the


You can turn on the stick figures for the
constellations by choosing
from the main menu (in Starry Night
CSAP press the “K” keyboard key).
Choosing this option again will remove
the figures. Use the Labels menu in Starry
Night Enthusiast, Pro and Pro Plus to turn
on/off the constellation labels.

您可以通過從主菜單中選擇View->Constellations->Astronomical(在Starry Night CSAP版本中則是按下鍵盤上的"K"快捷鍵)來開啟星座的輪廓顯示
再次選擇該項則會移除輪廓顯示.使用Starry Night 業餘愛好者版,專業版以及專業增強版中的Labels菜單來開啟/關閉星座標記(名稱)

<總結> 若要只顯示星座輪廓: View->Constellations->Astronomical


Many more options exist in Starry Night
Enthusiast, Pro and Pro Plus for displaying
the constellations. These options are
outlined in “Constellations” on page 53.

更多存在於Starry Night 業餘愛好者版,專業版以及專業增強版中顯示星座的選項,在第53頁的Constellations”有這些選項的概述

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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-21 17:51 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–新竹市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:37 编辑

Solar System Object List:

If you clear the
text box at the top of the Find pane, the
list of items found is replaced by a list of
solar system objects.



Click the symbol to the left
of an object’s name to
expand the list to include all other objects
that orbit this object.Click the symbol to the left
of an object’s name to
expand the list to include all other objects
that orbit this object.


For example,
clicking on this
symbol for Mars
will expand the list to include the moons
of Mars. Clicking again collapses the list
and hides Mars’s moons. You can doubleclick
on any object in this list to centre on
the object in Starry Night’s main window.

您可以在這個列表中的任何天體(名稱)上雙擊讓它位於Starry Night軟件的主窗口中心


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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-22 08:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:38 编辑

Finding Celestial Events

If you want to know what is happening in
the night sky tonight, open the Events side
pane. Events such as lunar phases, eclipses
and meteor showers are listed for the
upcoming month.



To view an event, right-click (Ctrl-click
on the Mac) on the event name and choose
View Event from the contextual menu.
Starry Night Pro and Pro Plus users should
read “Event Finder” on page 116 for more

要查看某天象,在該天象名稱上右鍵單擊(在Macintosh操作系統則是按住Ctrl鍵單擊)然後從出現的上下文菜單中選擇View Event
Starry Night 專業版和專業增強版的使用者應該閱讀在第116頁的 “Event Finder”以獲取更多資訊

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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-22 09:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:39 编辑

Zooming In On Objects

Now that you know how to find objects,
you will probably want to know how to
zoom in for close-up views of spectacular
objects such as Saturn and the Andromeda


The amount of sky that you can see is
called the field of view. If it were possible
to see the entire hemisphere of sky that is
above the horizon at any time, you would
have a 180° field of view. Of course, this is
impossible. Including some peripheral
vision, the human eye can see
approximately a 100° field of view. If you
look through binoculars, the area you see
is a much smaller piece of the sky, which
means binoculars have a correspondingly
smaller field of view (usually 5° to 7° ).
Telescopes have an even smaller field of
view than binoculars.


Starry Night opens with a 100° field of
view. We call this the normal field of view,
since it approximates a view of the sky
that you would see with your own eyes.
Along the top right corner of the toolbar is
a set of zoom buttons which adjusts your
field of view.

Starry Night軟件打開時的視野為100度,我們稱之為正常視野,因為它接近於您用自己眼睛能看到的天空(大小)

Clicking the (+) zoom
button on the right zooms in
(reduces your field of view), while
clicking the (-) button on the left zooms
out (increases your field of view). Clicking
the left zoom button and holding your
mouse button restores your field of view to 100°. It is important to remember that
when you zoom in on objects, you are not
in fact changing your location. Think of
zooming as looking through a more and
more powerful telescope, while your feet
remain firmly planted.



Your exact field of
view is always listed
in the Zoom control of
the toolbar.



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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-22 09:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:40 编辑

Tip (Pro and Pro Plus only): If you click
on the arrow to the right of the Zoom
display, a pull-down menu opens which
allows you to choose from several preset
fields of view. You can also use the
Magnification tool to adjust your field of
view. See “Magnification Tool” on
page 31 for more information on the
Magnification tool.

您也能使用"放大工具"來調整您的視場,閱讀在31頁的“Magnification Tool以獲取關於放大工具方面的更多資訊

Note: When you zoom in to a very small
field of view, your field of view will be
shown in arcminutes. If you zoom in even
closer, your field of view will be shown in
arcseconds. One arcminute is 1/60 of a
degree, and one arcsecond is 1/60 of an
arcminute. The smallest field of view
which Starry Night can display is 1

1角分=1/60角度;1角秒=1/60角分;Starry Night軟件能顯示的最小視場為1角秒

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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-22 09:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:42 编辑

The compass image in
the upper right corner
(visible only when you
are using the field of view controls or changing your viewing
direction) provides an excellent graphical
interpretation of the field of view. This
image shows how large a patch of sky is
being displayed in your current view. As
you zoom in, the patch of sky shrinks. As
you zoom out, the patch of sky expands.
The compass image also shows your
viewing direction.



(奇怪的是,在我的Starry Night pro plus 6 中怎麼找也找不到這個指南針,我甚至為此重裝最新版QuickTime 也還是找不到,並且也沒有找到下文提及的“Show compass indicator while scrolling”

Tip (Enthusiast, Pro and Pro Plus only):
To hide the compass, open the Options
pane, expand the “Guides” layer and
uncheck the “Show compass indicator
while scrolling” box.

要隱藏指南針圖示,請打開Options側邊窗格,展開“Guides"層,然後取消勾選“Show compass indicator while scrolling”方框

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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-22 09:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:42 编辑

Maximum Zoom Out:

By default, you are
unable to zoom out past the standard view
of 100°. To zoom out to see an even larger
field of view, choose Preferences from the
File menu (Windows) or the
Starry Night menu (Macintosh), choose
General from the dropbox in the upper
left corner of the Preferences dialog box,
and check the box marked “Allow
Maximum Zoom Out”. Then continue
zooming out using the left zoom button
until you have a circular field of view of
180°, which is the entire hemisphere of
sky that is above the horizon at any one
time. This is the view of the sky that most
planispheres (handheld circular star
charts) represent.

默認情況下,您無法縮小超過100度的標準視野,若要縮小以便查看更大的視野,請從File菜單中(Windows)或者Starry Night菜單中(Macintosh)選擇Preferences,
然後從Preferences對話框左上角的下拉式列表中選擇General,並且勾選稱為"Allow Maximum Zoom Out"的方框


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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-22 09:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:43 编辑

Changing the Zoom Step:

If you choose
Preferences from the File menu
(Windows) or the Starry Night menu
(Macintosh) and choose Responsiveness
from the dropbox in the upper left corner
of the Preferences dialog box, you will see
a slider named “Zoom Step”. This slider
adjusts the rate at which Starry Night
increases and decreases your
magnification when you use the Zoom
buttons. By setting this slider farther to the
right, you will zoom in or out faster,
because each zoom step will be larger.

如果您從File菜單中(Windows)或者Starry Night菜單中(Macintosh)選擇Preferences,
然後從Preferences對話框左上角的下拉式列表中選擇Responsiveness,您將會看到一個叫做“Zoom Step"的滑桿,
這個滑桿可以調整在Starry Night中當您使用縮放按鈕時增加和減少倍數的比率

重要:保存任一Starry Night的.snf文件後不要變動該文件的路徑,否則下次Starry Night在開啟該文件時會發生錯誤

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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-22 10:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:45 编辑

Angular Separation:

Angular separation
provides another way of understanding
fields of view and angles in the sky. If you
point at an object and click and hold the
left mouse button and then drag the mouse
to a second object, a line appears which
connects the two objects. The angular
separation between the two objects is
displayed, along with the direction of the
line and the actual distance between the
two objects (if known).



The angular separation measures how far
apart in the sky two celestial bodies
appear. The entire sky is divided into 360°,
so an object which is directly in front of
you and an object directly behind you in
the sky have an angular separation of
180°. If you measure the angular
separation between two objects on
opposite sides of your screen, you should
find that it is very close to the field of view
that Starry Night is showing. Note that the
angular separation of two objects has no
connection to how far apart these objects
really are: two bodies which appear side
by side in the sky may be hundreds of light
years apart!

如果您測量在您屏幕兩側物體(天體)之間的角距離,您應該會發現該角距離非常接近Starry Night當前顯示的視場

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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-22 14:24 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:46 编辑

Example: Magnifying Jupiter

1 Open the Find pane and type in

1.   打開Find側邊窗格並且鍵入“Jupiter”

2 Double-click on Jupiter’s name in the
list to centre on Jupiter. If a dialog box
shows that Jupiter is beneath the horizon,
choose the Best Time option.

2.   在列表中雙擊Jupiter的名稱,把木星定位在屏幕中心,如果出現"木星此刻在地平線以下"的對話框,選擇其中的Best Time選項

3 If Starry Night is displaying a
daylight sky, choose View->Hide
Daylight from the menu to turn off daylight.

3.   如果Starry Night正顯示為白天,從主菜單選擇View->Hide Daylight 來關掉日光

4 Click the “+” zoom button to slowly
zoom in on Jupiter. As you zoom in, Starry
Night automatically shows dimmer stars.
Once your field of view reaches about 30
arcminutes, Jupiter will start to look like a
ball instead of a point.

4.   點擊“+”縮放按鈕緩慢放大木星.當您放大時,Starry Night會自動調節周圍星體的亮度.一旦您的視場達到約30角分,木星將開始看起來像顆小球而非點狀

5 Continue clicking the “+” zoom button
all the way until your field of view is about 6 arcminutes. Note that Jupiter will still not
fill the screen.

5.   繼續一路點擊“+”縮放按鈕直到您的視場約為6角分為止.注意此時木星還沒有填滿整個屏幕

6 Press the “+” zoom button to continue
zooming in on Jupiter. Once you reach a
field of view of about 35 arcseconds, Jupiter
should fill the screen.

6.   按“+”縮放按鈕繼續放大木星.一旦您達到約35角秒的視場時,木星應該會填滿整個屏幕

7 Click the “-” zoom button and hold your
mouse button down to restore your field of
view to 100°.

7.   點擊“-”縮放按鈕並按住您的鼠標不放讓您的視場恢復100度  


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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-24 17:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:47 编辑

Learning More About Objects

You can double-click on any
object displayed onscreen in
Starry Night to learn more
about it. Double-clicking will open the
Info pane, which has information on the
object organized into different categories.
All of the information fields in the Info
pane are described in detail in “Info Pane”
on page 91.

您可以在任何顯示於Starry Night軟件屏幕上的物體(天體)上雙擊以獲取更多相關信息
所有Info側邊窗格中的信息字段在第91頁的"Info Pane”有詳細描述

Tip: Right-clicking (Ctrl-click on the Mac)
on any object onscreen will open a
contextual menu of options. Select Show
Info from this menu to open the Info pane
and learn more about the object.

從這個菜單中選擇Show Info來打開Info側邊窗格並且獲取更多相關信息

(最保險的辦法是先選擇黑色的箭頭工具,然後在任意天體上單擊左鍵使其成為紅色高光狀態,此時要雙擊打開Info側邊窗格或者右鍵單擊彈出上下文菜單再選Show Info都不會有操作失誤)

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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-24 17:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:48 编辑

Printing Star Charts

Starry Night has a special set of print
settings which make printing informative,
legible charts a snap. You can then take
these charts outside to help with your

Starry Night有一組特別的打印設置可以讓打印(的內容)更翔實,瞬間看懂清晰易讀的星圖

Once you have set the time, viewing
direction and field of view, select
File->Print from the menu. You will get a
full-page printout of the area shown


Starry Night Pro and Pro Plus users should
read “Printing” on page 140 for more

Starry Night專業版以及專業增強版的使用者應閱讀在第140頁的“Printing”以獲取更多信息

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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-24 18:21 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:50 编辑

Tool Selection Control


Now that you know about some of the
major features in Starry Night, we’ll take a
quick look at the Tool Selection Control.
This control (in the upper left corner of the
toolbar, to the left of the time controls)
alters the functionality of the cursor,
giving you easier access to a variety of the
program’s features.

現在您明瞭了Starry Night中一些主要的功能,我們來看看"選取工具"控件

The Tool drop down menu contains a
number of selections. To use a tool, click on its name. When selected, the tool’s icon
replaces the mouse pointer on your
computer screen.




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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-24 18:37 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:52 编辑

2011-11-24_18-09-11.jpg Arrow Tool:
Highlights objects in the
sky. To select multiple objects, press the
Shift key while making selections.


2011-11-24_18-09-11.jpg Hand Tool:
Changes the direction in
which you are viewing. Use this tool to
drag the sky to the left or right, up or
down, until you reach the area you want to


Tip: When using any other tool, you can
temporarily switch to the Hand tool by
holding down the keyboard’s space bar.


2011-11-24_18-09-11.jpg Constellation Tool:
Selects constellations. Choose this tool and click
anywhere in the sky to select the
constellation that contains that point.


2011-11-24_18-09-11.jpg Location Scroller:
Changes the latitude
and longitude from which you are
observing. Dragging up or down adjusts
your latitude, while dragging left or right
adjusts your longitude. For example, while
viewing from Earth, you can use this tool
to quickly travel anywhere on the Earth’s


Tip: This tool is particularly useful when
you’ve lifted off into space and want to
adjust your view of the planet below you.


2011-11-24_18-09-11.jpg Angular Separation Tool:
Displays the angular separation between two objects, as
seen from your current viewing position.
Select the tool, click on one object, and
drag to another.


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-24 18:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:54 编辑

2011-11-24_18-09-11.jpg Magnification Tool:
Magnifies your
current view. Select the tool and click
anywhere in the window to zoom in that
direction. To magnify a specific area of the
sky, hold down the mouse button and drag
to encompass the area you want


Tip: Holding down the Ctrl key (Windows)
or the Option key (Macintosh) while using
the Zoom tool zooms you back out.


2011-11-24_18-09-11.jpg QTVR Tracker Tool:

Changes your
viewing direction. Unlike the hand tool,
you don’t drag the sky around. When you
hold down the mouse button, the cursor
changes from a bull's eye icon to an arrow
icon that points in the direction you move
the mouse. The sky will move in the direction
you are moving the cursor, and moves
faster the further you move the cursor with
the mouse button down. If a line appears in
front of the arrow cursor, it means you
have reached the limit of scrolling in that
direction. The QTVR tool is a fast way of
moving around the sky.


2011-11-24_18-09-11.jpg Adaptive Hand Tool:

By default, the
adaptive hand tool is selected. This tool
allows you to change your viewing
direction. However, unlike the regular
Hand Tool, the adaptive hand tool can
change to other tools automatically. For
example, it will change to a selection tool
when you point to a selectable object, a
location scroller when viewing from space
or an angular separation tool when you
click-hold on an object and drag to


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