

[电子书] Starry Night Pro Plus 6 官方版電子書翻譯計劃<已更新附上原版PDF>

 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-24 19:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-26 19:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾 中华电信(HiNet)数据中心
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:55 编辑

Chapter 3
Appearance of the Sky


Unlike the real world, Starry Night Enthusiast,
Pro and Pro Plus allow you to modify the sky’s
appearance to best suit your needs. You can
display illustrations of the classical
constellations, show only the artificial satellites
circling overhead, or customize your view in
dozens of other ways. You can even change the
look and feel of the user interface with themes.
This chapter will look at all of the functions that
let you modify Starry Night’s simulation of the
night sky.

與現實世界不同的是,Starry Night 業餘愛好者版,專業版與專業增強版允許您修改天空的外觀以最佳的適應您的需求.您可以顯示古典(希臘)星座的插圖,只顯示在頭頂上空盤旋的人造衛星,
或者通過其他幾十種途徑自定義您的視圖,您甚至能用主題來改變使用者界面的視覺效果.本章節將檢視所有[讓您可以修改Starry Night虛擬夜空的]功能

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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-26 19:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾 中华电信(HiNet)数据中心
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:56 编辑

Sky Contextual Menu

You can open a
contextual menu in
Starry Night by pointing
the cursor at any area of
the sky and right-clicking
(Ctrl-click on the Mac).
If you are pointing the
cursor at a specific
object, the contextual
menu will provide
options specific to that object. If you were not
pointing the cursor at a specific object, the menu
gives you options for the appearance of the sky as
a whole and the constellation which you are
pointing at. Many of the most used functions
relating to the appearance of the sky are in this
contextual menu (for example, turning daylight on/off, turning light pollution on/off and,
in Starry Night Pro and Pro Plus, turning
the horizon on/off).

您可以通過將鼠標光標指向任何天區並右鍵單擊(在Mac操作系統中則是按住Ctrl鍵單擊)來打開Starry Night中的上下文菜單
許多關於天空外貌的最常用功能就在這個上下文菜單裡(例如開啟/關閉日光,開啟/關閉光害影響,還有在Starry Night專業版與專業增強中顯示/隱藏地平線)


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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-26 19:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾 中华电信(HiNet)数据中心
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:57 编辑

Options Pane

Many of the options for modifying the
appearance of the sky are in the Options
pane. The Options pane is organized in a
layered framework, based on the distance
of various celestial objects from Earth.
Controls for altering the appearance of the
sky are slotted into the appropriate layer.
For example, controls for adjusting the
appearance of the planets fall into the
“Solar System” layer. Any of the layers in
the Options pane can be expanded by
clicking the expand button to the left of the
layer’s name.

改變天空外觀的控件被開槽進相應分層中.例如,調整行星外觀的控件融入“Solar System”分層.Options側邊窗格中的任何分層都可以通過單擊該分層名稱左側的展開按鈕來展開

Most controls fall naturally into one of
four layers. These layers correspond with
different databases - see
“Introduction to Databases” on page 80 for
a description of these databases.

多數控件自然融入其中四層,這些分層對應著不同的數據庫.閱讀在第80頁的“Introduction to Databases"這些數據庫的說明


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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-26 19:42 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾 中华电信(HiNet)数据中心
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 10:59 编辑

1 Local View.

Controls that affect the
view of the sky from your location. For
example, turning the horizon on/off.


2 Solar System.

Controls for objects in
our solar system. For example, planets,
comets, and asteroids.


3 Stars.

Controls for objects outside the
solar system, but inside the Milky Way.
For example, stars, extrasolar planets,
and the appearance of the Milky Way


4 Deep Space.

Controls for objects
outside our galaxy. For example, other


Tip: This layer also includes databases
that include objects both within and
outside of our galaxy. For example, the
Messier database includes globular
clusters, which are inside our galaxy, but it
also includes other galaxies, so it is
classified in the “Deep Space” layer.

小提示: Deep Space這一分層也包含[那些同時收錄銀河系內外天體]的數據庫(星表)
例如梅西耶星表含有銀河系球狀星團與其他星系球狀星團的資料,所以它被分類到Deep Space分層

Guides and constellations do not fall
naturally into this layered scheme, so they
are given their own layers. Finally, certain
databases overlap with other databases, so
their controls are placed in the “Other”
layer. See “Databases 4 (Other)” on
page 83 to see which objects fall into this

Guides 與constellations並沒有自然融入此分層方案,所以它們有自己專屬的分層
最後,某些數據庫(星表)資料與其他數據庫(星表)部份重疊,所以它們的控件被放在“Other”分層,閱讀第83頁的“Databases 4 (Other)”查詢那些物體(天體)屬於這一類。

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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-26 19:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾 中华电信(HiNet)数据中心
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 11:00 编辑

Most of the object classes listed in the
Options pane have special options
associated with them. Clicking on the
object name in the pane will open a dialog
box with options for that object class. For
example, clicking on the word “Comets”
in the Options pane (“Solar System”
layer) will open a dialog box with options
for altering the appearance of comets.

例如在Options側邊窗格中(“Solar System”分層)的“Comets”詞彙上單擊,將打開一個帶有調整彗星外觀選項的對話框

2011-11-26_19-35-43.jpg 2011-11-26_19-35-43.jpg

Tip: Use the brightness slider to the right
of an object class name to control how
bright these objects appear onscreen.



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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-28 15:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–新竹市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 11:01 编辑


Many celestial objects are only visible
during certain times of the year. At other
times in the year, they are above the
horizon only during the daytime, when
they are washed out by the Sun’s light.
With Starry Night, you can get around this
problem by selecting View->Hide
Daylight from the menu, or unchecking
“Daylight” in the Options pane (Local
View). This turns on or off the effects of a
planet’s atmosphere, including the
scattering of light which makes our sky
appear blue. If it is daytime and you turn
daylight off, you will be able to see the
stars which are normally hidden.

使用Starry Night時您可以通過從主菜單中選擇View->Hide Daylight,或者在Options側邊窗格中(Local View分層)取消勾選“Daylight”解決上述問題

Tip: This feature works on any planet
which has an atmosphere. On Mars, the
atmosphere scatters sunlight and makes
the sky look pink. Turning off daylight
eliminates this effect. Our Moon has no
atmosphere, so turning daylight off on its
surface has no effect.



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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-28 15:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–新竹市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 11:02 编辑

Light Pollution:

There may be times when
you want to add light, instead of
eliminating it. This is because the default
night view in Starry Night assumes the
observer is far from bright lights, under
dark skies. As a result, many stars are
visible, perhaps too many for the urban

有時您可能想要補充光線照明,而不是消除它的影響.這是因為Starry Night中默認的夜景是假設觀測者遠離明亮的燈光,並且位於黑暗的天空下.

Even on a perfectly cloudless and
moonless night, an observer in a big city
will not see anywhere near the number of stars which his or her counterpart in the
country will see. Starry Night allows you
to mimic the effects of light pollution,
showing only the brighter stars and
making the sky more closely resemble
what you see from home. To turn light
pollution on or off, check or uncheck the
“Light Pollution” box in the “Local View”
layer of the Options pane.

Starry Night允許您模擬光害造成的影響,只顯示最亮的幾顆星並且更接近於您從自家後院看到的星空.
在Options側邊窗格“Local View”分層中勾選或取消勾選"Light Pollution”方框來開啟或關閉光害影響

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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-11-28 15:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–新竹市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 11:05 编辑

Distant Light Pollution:

Even when we
live in an area of low local light pollution
there is often a source of artificial light on
the horizon. A nearby city for example,
can create a light pollution dome, washing
out celestial objects that are low on the
horizon. You can add light pollution
domes for one or more nearby cities.



To add the light pollution dome of a
nearby city, click on “Distant Light
Pollution” in the “Local View” layer of the
Options pane. This will open a dialog box
with options for adding distant light
pollution sources.

要添加一個鄰近都市的光污染(光害)蒼穹,在Options側邊窗格的“Local View”分層中單擊“Distant Light Pollution”(鼠標停在名稱上數秒後再單擊)

Click the “+” button in the Distant Light
Pollution section of the dialog box to bring
up another dialog box that will allow you
to name the light source, set the direction
and control the intensity of the light
pollution dome.

單擊在該對話框中,"Distant Light Pollution"部分的“+”按鈕,會打開另一個允許您對遠方光害命名的對話框,還可以設置光害來源的方位,控制光汙染(光害)蒼穹的強度(亮度)



Your new distant light pollution entry will
be added under “Distant Light Pollution”
in the Options pane (“Local View” layer).

您新的遠方光污染(光害)項目將被添加在Options側邊窗格 “Local View”分層中的“Distant Light Pollution”下方(需展開 Distant Light Pollution)

Tip: You can also turn on light pollution
by right-clicking (Ctrl-click on the Mac)
on the background sky in the main window.
This will open a contextual menu with two
light pollution options: Local Light
Pollution and Distant Light Pollution.

小提示:您也可以通過在軟件主窗口的背景天空右擊鼠標(在Mac操作系統則是按住(Ctrl鍵單擊)來開啟光污染(光害),這將打開帶有兩個光污染(光害)選項的上下文菜單: Local Light Pollution與Distant Light Pollution

Tip (Pro and Pro Plus only): Another way
to customize light pollution levels is to
specify a limiting magnitude for celestial
objects, especially stars. See “Co
on page 40 for more information.



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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-12-2 20:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾 中华电信(HiNet)数据中心
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 11:06 编辑

Ambient Sounds

Ambient environment sounds can be
played in the background by checking the
Ambient Sounds box in the “Local View”
layer of the Options pane.

周邊環境的聲音可以通過勾選在Options側邊窗格“Local View”分層中的Ambient Sounds 方框在後台播放


Click on the word “Ambient Sounds” to
open a dialog box with options for
choosing from several naturally occurring
sounds such as crickets, wind and water.

在單詞“Ambient Sounds”上面單擊以打開一個帶有選項的對話框,能從其中幾種自然產生的聲音進行選擇,例如蟋蟀的叫聲,風聲,水聲等


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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-12-6 20:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾 中华电信(HiNet)数据中心
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 09:33 编辑

Changing the Horizon

By default, Starry Night shows a
photorealistic horizon. Photorealistic
horizons are panoramic images. A pulldown
menu lets you choose from one of
several horizon images and also cloud
types. To view a dialog box with options
for changing the horizon, choose Options-
>Other Options->Local Horizon.

默認情況下,Starry Night會顯示一個照片般逼真的地平線(全景圖).一個下拉菜單能讓您在數個地平線圖像中進行選擇,甚至還可以選擇雲的類型
要查看一個帶有改變地平線選項的對話框,請從主菜單中選擇Options->Other Options->Local Horizon


Horizon Styles:

You can choose from one
of four horizon types. Flat horizons have
no variation in elevation or scenery.
Custom horizons are illustrated horizons
with images of trees, hills and clouds. See
“Custom Horizons” on page 159 for
information on modifying custom
horizons. Photorealistic horizons use
panoramic images. Animated Horizons
show a live landscape view with moving
elements such as grass.

閱讀第159頁的“Custom Horizons”以獲取更多修改自定義地平線方面的信息

In all Starry Night software, if you
do not have an OpenGL compatible
graphics card, you will not be able to view
the photorealistic or animated horizons, so
you will probably want to use the custom
horizon type.

注意:如果您的顯卡不兼容OpenGL協議,則在Starry Night軟件中您將無法正常預覽逼真類地平線或動畫類地平線,所以您必須使用自定義類型的地平線

(我的使用經驗是,即便從顯卡製造商網站下載了最新版本的支持openGL的驅動程式,可以設置"Photorealistic horizons ",但是無法使用"animated horizons",
因為我的上網本是集成顯卡:    Intel(R)  Graphics  Media Accelerator 3150 ,
因此或許不支持基於新版的openGL 4.2 環境編寫的 Starry Night, 必須使用支援DX11的 NVIDIA GeForce400/500Radeon HD 5000/6000系列, 或其他中高檔顯卡 就能正常使用 animated horizons)


The standard horizon view is
opaque, but you can make it semitransparent
by checking “Translucent” or
reduce the horizon to a thin line by
checking “Outline”. This will help you
determine which objects and
constellations are about to rise above the


By default, Starry Night displays
compass points on the horizon. If
you find that you don’t use or need them,

you can turn them off by unchecking
“Show Compass Points”.

默認情況下,Starry Night會在地平線上顯示指南針(羅盤)的方位點,如果您不需要,可以通過取消勾選"Show Compass Points”來關閉顯示

Nighttime Slider:

Adjust the brightness of
a photorealistic horizon at night.


在Java, C++ 与C# 等面向对向编程中,,,真正能提高程序可读性的办法是提高代码的可读性….
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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-12-6 20:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾 中华电信(HiNet)数据中心


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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-12-7 20:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾 中华电信(HiNet)数据中心
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 09:30 编辑

Displaying Celestial Objects

Checkboxes in the Options pane for each
database of celestial objects let you turn on
or off these databases. See
“Object Databases” on page 79 for a
complete listing of the object databases
included in Starry Night. You can turn
databases on/off so that only the objects
that you are interested in appear onscreen.
For example, you may want to find out
which of the many points of light shown
onscreen represent planets. By turning the
database of stars off, it will be much easier
to identify the planets.

在Option側邊窗格中每一個天體數據庫/星表的複選框讓您能開啟或者關閉這些數據庫/星表,閱讀第79頁的“Object Databases”以獲取Starry Night中含有的天體數據庫(星表)完整列表



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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-12-15 17:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 09:28 编辑

Tip: You can also turn databases on/off by
choosing View from the main menu and
checking the appropriate database.


If a database is turned off, no objects from
this database will be displayed. However,
if a database is turned on, not all of the
objects in the database will be displayed.


There are two reasons for this. First,
several databases are very large. It would
be impossible for Starry Night to show all
of the millions of stars in its database
onscreen at one time! Second, Starry Night
strives to present a realistic representation
of the sky, so it only shows those objects
bright enough to be visible. As you zoom
in to a smaller field of view, dimmer
objects are automatically shown
(remember that zooming in is equivalent
to looking through a more powerful
telescope). Many databases have options
that let you adjust how many objects are
displayed. See
“Celestial Object Display Options” on
page 40 for more information.

這有兩個原因:首先,對於幾個大型數據庫/星表而言,Starry Night不可能在屏幕上一次顯示完這些數據庫/星表裡的百萬顆星體;
其次,Starry Night始終致力於呈現出一個代表真實的天空圖像,所以僅顯示亮度足夠可見的天體.當您放大到一個更狹小的視場後,較微暗的天體會自動顯示(要記住"放大"是相當於通過一個更強大的望遠鏡來觀看)
許多數據庫/星表都有能讓您調整顯示天體數目多寡的選項,閱讀第40頁的“Celestial Object Display Options”獲取更多信息

By default, all databases are turned on,
with the exception of those databases in
the “Other” layer, which are turned off
because they may overlap with the core
databases. See “Databases 4 (Other)” on
page 83 for a listing of these “other”

閱讀第83頁的“Databases 4 (Other)”以取得一張[這些被分類成“other”的數據庫]列表

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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-12-15 17:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 09:26 编辑

Labeling Celestial Objects

In “Labeling Objects” on page 22, you
learned how to turn on labels for all types
of objects. You can also selectively choose
which types of objects to label. To the
right of each database listed in the
Options pane is a “labels” checkbox.
Checking this option will label the
brightest members of this database.
Labeling certain object types makes it
easier to identify these objects. For
example, deep space objects may be hard
to identify among the glare of the brighter
stars and planets. By labeling only deep space objects, these objects will be easy to

在第22頁的“Labeling Objects”這一小節裡,您學會了如何開啟所有類型天體的標籤,您也能選擇性的選取要標記的天體類型.
位於Options側邊窗格中列出的每個數據庫/星表右側是一個"標籤" 核取方塊,勾選此選項將會標記本數據庫/星表中最明亮的成員天體.

Tip: You can also turn database labels on/
off by choosing Labels from the main
menu and checking the appropriate


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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-12-15 17:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 09:25 编辑

Labeling Select Objects:

If you only want
to label a few specific objects, point the
cursor at the first object, and click the left
mouse button. This “selects” the object,
and its label will appear, along with an
arrow pointing to the object. For
subsequent objects, hold down the Shift
key and click on the object. You can
deselect all objects by choosing
Edit->Select None from the menu. You
can change the label colour for selected
objects by choosing Preferences from the
File menu (Windows) or the
Starry Night menu (Macintosh), choosing
General from the dropbox in the upper
left corner of the Preferences dialog box,
and clicking on the “Selection colour”

要選擇後續的天體,按住Shift然後點擊天體.您可以通過從主菜單中選擇 Edit->Select None,來取消選擇所有天體
您可以通過從File菜單中(Windows)或者Starry Night菜單中(Macintosh)選擇Preferences,並且從Preferences對話框左上角的下拉式列表中選擇General,
然後在“Selection colour”矩形區域上單擊,來改變選中天體的標籤顏色

subsequent  後面的;隨後的


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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-12-15 18:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 09:23 编辑

Database Label Options:

You have great
control over how labels appear in Starry
Night. You can change, the size, colour,
font and number of labels for each
database. See “Label Options” on page 52
for more information.

您對於標籤如何在Starry Night軟件中顯示方面有很大的控制權:您可以改變每一個數據庫/星表標籤的大小,顏色,字體與數量,閱讀第52頁的“Label Options”取得更多信息

Celestial Object Display Options

As mentioned in “Displaying Celestial
Objects” on page 38, clicking on a
database name in the Options pane will
open a dialog box with display options for
that database. The options fall into two
categories: options for displaying the
objects in the database, and options for
displaying the labels for these objects.
This section focuses on the options for
displaying the objects, while
“Label Options” on page 52 will look at
label options.

正如第38頁“Displaying Celestial Objects”這一小節所描述的,在Options側邊窗格中的某數據庫/星表上單擊,將會打開帶有該數據庫/星表顯示選項的對話框
as mentioned  如前所述
本節側重於講解顯示天體的選項(前者),而第52頁的"Label Options"會講解顯示天體標籤的選項

Tip: You can also access database options
by choosing Options from the main menu
and selecting the appropriate database.

小提示:您也可以通過從主菜單中選擇 Options,然後選擇相應的數據庫/星表,來訪問該數據庫/星表的選項

Some display options are common to all
object databases, while some are specific
to certain databases.



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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-12-15 18:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 09:21 编辑

Most (but not all) databases have these
three options:


Number of objects:

This slider controls
how many objects from this database are
displayed onscreen. Moving the slider to
the right will display more objects.




If this box is checked, only
objects that fall within the apparent
magnitude range that you specify will be
displayed onscreen. For example, if you
live in a city, and your naked eye limiting
magnitude is around 4.00, you could use
this function so that Starry Night displays
all stars whose magnitudes are between -2
and 4. That way, what you see on the
computer screen will be similar to what
you actually see while observing from
your urban location.

舉例來講,若您居住在城市中,您肉眼可見的極限星等約在4.00左右,所以您可以使用此功能讓Starry Night顯示所有星等在-2~4之間的恆星

You may also want to use this control to
simulate your telescope view on a given
night. If you know the magnitude of the dimmest star that your telescope can make
out, setting the “Dimmer” end of the slider
to this magnitude gives you a good idea of
what you can view through your


Tip: The “Constrain” function only
displays a subset of the objects that would
be shown if this function was turned off.
For example, assume you want to increase
the number of stars onscreen so that all
stars brighter than magnitude 7 are
visible. If you are at a 100° field of view,
then Starry Night will only show stars up
to a magnitude of 5.7, by default.
Increasing the apparent magnitude range
using the “Constrain” function would
have no effect. To increase the number of
stars shown, you would first move the
“Show” slider farther to the right (so that
stars as dim as magnitude 7 are now
visible), and then use the “Constrain”
function to ensure that no stars dimmer
than magnitude 7 are shown.

舉例來講,假定您要增加屏幕上的星體數目讓所有亮於7等的恆星為可見狀態.當您在100度的視場時,默認情況下Starry Night顯示的星體最暗只到約5.7等

若要限制某給定視場下所能見的天體極限星等以便與您的儀器擬合,首先大致計算出您的光學系統視場,然後在Starry Night軟件中調整至相應視場;
然後在了解Starry Night軟件在該視場下默認能顯示的最暗星等前提下,使用Number of objects滑塊讓更多暗淡的天體顯示出來,再使用“Constrain”功能來設定您想顯示的星等上限與下限.
Number of objects滑塊顯示的星等一定要比“Constrain”所設定的星等下限更暗,例如在Number of objects滑塊設定顯示到7等星,在“Constrain”滑塊設定星等下限為10等,在屏幕上當然不會顯示出比7等更暗的星

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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-12-16 18:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-17 09:20 编辑

Star Display Options

There are more options for displaying stars
than for any other database of objects in
Starry Night. Many of these options can be
turned on/off from a checkbox in the
Options pane, while clicking the option
name will often open a dialog box with
more controls.

在Starry Night中,顯示恆星的選項比顯示任何其他數據庫/星表天體的選項還多.這些選項的大多數可以通過從Options側邊面板中的核取方塊來開啟或關閉,而單擊選項的名稱通常會打開帶有更多控件的對話框



Limit by Distance/Magnitude:

These options let you set up Starry Night to
display only those stars whose distance
from Earth or whose apparent magnitude
(brightness) fall within a certain range.
One use of this function would be to
identify which bright stars are within 100
light years (for example) of Earth.

此選項讓您設置Starry Night只顯示與地球的距離或視星等(亮度)在特定範圍之內的恆星,一旦使用此功能將可以辨別那些亮星與地球的距離在100光年(假設)以內

In Starry Night Pro and Pro Plus, clicking
the words “Limit by Distance” in the
Options pane opens a dialog box that lets
you set numeric values for limiting by
distance or magnitude.

在Starry Night專業版與專業增強版中,在Options面板中的“Limit by Distance”單詞上單擊會打開一個讓您設置限定距離或(視星等)數值的對話框


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-12-16 19:02 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-16 19:10 编辑

Mark Binaries/Mark Variables:

You can set
special markers for variable stars (stars
whose brightness varies), binary stars
(double stars that orbit around a common
center of mass), Variable stars are marked
with one of four symbols, according to
how much they vary in brightness.


Proper Motion Vectors:

Every star is
moving rapidly through space, in a unique
direction. However, because the stars are
so far away, they appear to remain in the
same place in the sky. Only over thousands
of years can we see the stars shift position
with respect to each other. This slow
movement of the stars is called proper
motion. Starry Night lets you display
proper motion vectors, lines that represent
the speed and direction of each star’s
motion. The length of a star’s proper
motion vector indicates its relative speed.

Starry Night 允許您顯示自行矢量,用線段表示出每顆恆星的移動速度與移動方向.恆星的自行矢量長度(線段長度)表明了它(在空間中的)相對速度

The Proper Motion Options dialog box has
a “vector scaling” option that allows you
to change the length of all proper motion
vectors, and a “vector colour” option that
allows you to change the colour of these

The Proper Motion Options 對話框中有一個“vector scaling”滑塊允許您改變所有自行矢量的長度顯示比例(以便能顯示自行更慢的恆星)
還有一個叫作“vector colour”的選項,允許您改變這些線段的顏色


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