

[电子书] Starry Night Pro Plus 6 官方版電子書翻譯計劃<已更新附上原版PDF>

 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-12-16 19:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信

Mark Stars With Extrasolar Planets:

These options let you display special markers for
stars that are known to harbour planets.
Tip: If you turn on markers for extrasolar
planets, the star’s Info pane will include
information about the extrasolar planet,
such as the planet’s mass and distance
from its central star. See
“Extrasolar planet information fields” on
page 95 for more details.

閱讀第95頁的“Extrasolar planet information fields”獲取更多細節

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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-12-16 19:30 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-16 19:49 编辑

Additional Star Options:

The main Star Options dialog box lets you control how
many  stars are displayed and how they are

主恆星選項對話框(通過單擊Starts層的Starts 單詞來開啟)讓您能控制顯示在屏幕上的恆星數量與被標記的方式

It also has a “3D Positions” slider that lets
you determine how many stars are drawn
in the correct position in 3-dimensional
space. This feature is only useful when
your viewing location is outside the solar
system, in such a manner that you can see
the 3-dimensional arrangement of the stars
in our solar neighbourhood. See
“Changing Your Viewing Location” on
page 104 to learn how to change your
viewing location. “Only show 3D stars
when outside Solar System” hides those
stars for which we do not have accurate 3-
dimensional positions, making it easier to
see the 3-dimensional structure of our
solar neighbourhood.

它甚至提供一個叫作“3D Positions”的滑塊允許您調整被繪製在正確的三維位置的恆星數量
閱讀第104頁的“Changing Your Viewing Location”來學習如何改變您的觀測地點
arrangement  安排;排列
“Only show 3D stars when outside Solar System”若此方塊處於勾選狀態,則可以隱藏那些我們還未計算出精確三維位置的恆星,通過此方塊可以容易觀察我們太陽系近鄰的三維空間結構


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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-12-16 19:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信

Example: Isolating the Hyades Cluster

This example will show you how to use
star display options in Starry Night Pro
and Pro Plus to separate stars in the
Hyades cluster from other stars.

這個例子將教您如何使用Starry Night 專業版與專業增強版中顯示恆星的選項來把畢宿星團中的成員與其他恆星區別開

1 Turn off daylight and hide the horizon
by checking the appropriate boxes in the
Options pane (“Local View” layer).

1. 通過勾選Options側邊面板((“Local View”分層)中的相應方框來關閉日光效果與隱藏地平線

2 Ensure that the star database (in the
“Stars” layer of the Options pane) is
turned on, and the “Bright NGC Objects”
database (in the “Deep Space” layer) is
turned off. We need to do this because the
Hyades is an object in the “Bright NGC

2. 確保恆星數據庫(位於Options側邊面板的“Stars”分層裡)為開啟狀態,同時“Bright NGC Objects”數據庫(在“Deep Space”分層裡)為關閉狀態,這是由於畢宿星團屬於“Bright NGC Objects”數據庫/星表中的天體

3 Open the Find pane and type in
“Epsilon Tauri”. This is a bright star in the
Hyades cluster. Double-click on this star’s
name to centre on the Hyades cluster.

3. 打開 Find 側邊面板,並且輸入關鍵字“Epsilon Tauri”,它是畢宿星團中的一顆亮星,通過在這顆星的名稱上雙擊來將畢宿星團定位到屏幕中心

4 Use the zoom buttons in the toolbar to
zoom in to a field of view of about 15°.

4. 使用工具條上的放大按鈕來縮小視場至15角度

5 Turn on proper motion vectors for stars,
using the checkbox in the Options pane
(“Stars” layer). Increase the length of
proper motion vectors to maximum, by
pulling the “Vector scaling” slider in the
“Proper Motion Vectors Options” dialog box
all the way to the right. You should see
that many of the stars have vectors
pointing in the same direction, indicating
that they are moving together through
space and are part of the same cluster.
However, many other stars, such as the
bright star Aldebaran, are moving in very
different directions.

5. 勾選Options側邊面板((“Stars”分層)中的"proper motion vectors "核取方框,來顯示恆星的自行矢量,然後在"proper motion vectors "名稱上單擊打開“Proper Motion Vectors Options”對話框,
   通過一直拖動“Vector scaling”滑塊朝右側來增加自行矢量線段的長度達到最大值,您應該能看到絕大多數的恆星自行矢量指向同一方向,這表明它們正一起穿越空間移動並且屬於同一個星團
   然而,有許多其餘的恆星,例如Aldebaran(畢宿五) 正朝完全不同的方向移動

6 Open the “Limit by Distance Options”
dialog box for stars. Check “Limit stars by
distance” and set the distance range from
140 to 170 light years, the distance of the
Hyades cluster. This will cause almost all
stars that do not belong to the cluster to
disappear, leaving only stars in the Hyades
cluster, all with proper motion vectors
pointing in the same direction. Those few
stars with vectors pointing in different
directions (likely not cluster members) are
now very easy to identify.

6. 在Stars 數據庫下面的“Limit by Distance Options”名稱上單擊打開對話框,勾選“Limit stars by distance”核取方框,然後把距離範圍設置成140~170光年,也就是畢宿星團與地球的距離
這將讓幾乎所有不屬於該星團的恆星(從屏幕上)消失 ,



在Java, C++ 与C# 等面向对向编程中,,,真正能提高程序可读性的办法是提高代码的可读性….
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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-12-18 12:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2011-12-18 12:22 编辑

Star Brightness, Contrast & Colour

Starry Night gives you complete control
over the brightness, contrast, and colour of
star display. To access these options,
choose Preferences from the File menu
(Windows) or the Starry Night menu
(Macintosh) and select
Brightness/Contrast from the dropbox in
the upper left corner of the Preferences
dialog box.

Starry Night 提供您在恆星的亮度,對比度,顏色等方面完整的控制.要訪問這些選項,
請從File菜單中(Windows)或者Starry Night菜單中(Macintosh)選擇Preferences,然後從Preferences對話框左上角的下拉式列表中選擇"Brightness/Contrast"

The Star type dropbox lets you choose
from several different types of star images.
This preference will be applied to every
star drawn onscreen. Try testing out each
of these different star images and seeing
which one you prefer.

其中一個叫作"Star type"的下拉框允許您從幾種不同類型的星體影像中進行選擇

The “Min/max star size” slider determines
how large stars appear onscreen.

“Min/max star size”滑塊用於決定顯示在屏幕上的恆星尺寸大小

The Range slider increases or decreases
the size distinction between the brightest
and dimmest objects in the sky, while the
Contrast slider increases or decreases the
colour distinction between the brightest
and dimmest objects in the sky. If you’re
viewing from an urban location, you may
want to decrease the contrast so that Starry
Night’s display is closer to your physical
view. If you’re viewing from a rural
location, you can increase the contrast to
view a more diverse night sky.

如果您位於市區進行觀測,您也許需要減少"Contrast"讓Starry Night的顯示更接進於您觀測到的真實景色;如果您的觀測點在農村,您可以增大"contrast"來查看一個更多樣化的夜空

A star’s colour is determined by its surface
temperature, ranging from blue (hottest) to
red (coolest). The Colour slider increases
and decreases the extent to which Starry
Night displays star colour. Pulling the
Colour slider to the right shows more and
more of the full spectrum of star colours,
to an extent you would never see from
Earth. Pulling the Colour slider to the left
strips away colour distinctions until all
stars appear white.

恆星的顏色取決於它的表面溫度,從藍色(最熱)到紅色(最冷), "Star Colour"滑塊用於增加或減少Starry Night顯示的恆星顏色範圍
向右側拖動"Star Colour"滑塊將顯示出越來越完整的恆星光譜(譜線),以某種程度而言,是您從未在地球上看過的
向左側拉遠"Star Colour"滑塊將減少顏色顯示範圍,直到所有恆星變成白色

總結:"Contrast"是基於觀測地點來模擬看到的恆星顏色;而"Star Colour"則是Starry Night能顯示的真實恆星譜線(若滑塊太靠右側,Starry Night的顯示將超出在地球上所能觀測到的實際顏色)


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zltzlt.1 发表于 2011-12-23 15:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–山东–威海 联通
别费劲了,给你个中文版的《Starry Night Pro Plus 6 简明操作手册》
Starry Night Pro Plus 6 简明操作手册.part4.rar (937.47 KB, 下载次数: 166) Starry Night Pro Plus 6 简明操作手册.part3.rar (1023.44 KB, 下载次数: 143) Starry Night Pro Plus 6 简明操作手册.part2.rar (1023.44 KB, 下载次数: 169) Starry Night Pro Plus 6 简明操作手册.part1.rar (1023.44 KB, 下载次数: 169)
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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2011-12-23 19:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–桃园市 中华电信



一但你使用Starry Night久了,你會發現簡明手冊講的跟本不夠你使用


要講求"用好 Starry Night 6",我想這個官方指南是不可或缺的

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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2012-1-18 12:36 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾 中华电信(HiNet)数据中心

Planet Display Options

Starry Night gives you many options for
the display of our Sun and its planets and
moons. A variety of guides are also
available to give you perspective.

Starry Night提供您許多顯示我們的太陽與它的行星和衛星的選項,各種指南也會給您不同的參考

At a 100° field of view, planets are
displayed like stars, which is how they
appear to us from Earth’s surface. As you
get closer to a planet (by zooming in on
the planet or by changing your location)
you begin to see the disc image and any
phase information.


Starry Night depicts the planets using the
latest images from NASA and other space
agencies. Unfortunately, we have not yet
been able to fully image all of the objects
in our solar system. Where little or no data is available, Starry Night uses the timehonored
tradition of deploying space
artists to create the surfaces of distant
worlds as seen from space, such as Pluto,
Charon, and Saturn’s moon Phoebe.

Starry Night使用從NASA 與其他太空機構獲取的最新影像來描繪行星,遺憾的是,目前我們還沒有能力完整(獲得)我們太陽系中所有的天體影像,而只有少量或幾乎沒有數據可用
Starry Night使用歷史悠久的太空部局藝術傳統來創建遙遠世界的表面(就像從太空看到的一樣),例如冥王星與卡戎(冥衛一),以及菲比(土衛九)

Several of the planet images in Starry
Night were created or enhanced by
astronomy enthusiasts.
Choose Help->Image Credits from the
menu to see thumbnails and credits for the
planet surface images and the images of
deep space objects.

在Starry Night中的一些行星影像由業餘天文愛好者創建或加強處理
從主菜單中選擇Help->Image Credits 可以查看行星表面影像與深空天體影像的縮略圖與製作群

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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2012-1-18 12:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾 中华电信(HiNet)数据中心
本帖最后由 天空★下着沙 于 2012-1-18 12:59 编辑

Earth/Moon Shadow Outlines:

Earth and the Moon cast shadows upon one another
in certain alignments with the sun. The
two circles of this target represent the
limits of the umbral and penumbral
shadows projected out at the Earth/Moon
distance. The umbral shadow encloses the
area experiencing a total eclipse, while the
penumbral shadow encloses the area
experiencing a partial eclipse. This feature
is useful when watching a solar eclipse
from the Moon — you can see the Moon’s
shadow approaching Earth before it
actually casts its shadow upon Earth.


Dark Side:

For more realistic and exciting
viewing, you can choose to display the
dark sides of planets. The slider lets you
control the sharpness of the transition
between the dark and lit side.


Specular Reflection:

This feature is only
available with OpenGL graphics cards. It
realistically models the Sun’s glare.


Show Atmosphere:

You can turn off the
atmospheres of objects that possess an
atmosphere, such as the Sun, Venus, and
Earth. This allows you to see the rocky
surface of Venus, instead of seeing the
almost featureless cloud cover. Turning
the Sun’s atmosphere off shows the Sun as
it would appear when viewed through a
hydrogen-alpha filter.


Surface Guides:

You can turn on several
types of guides to help you determine a
planet’s orientation in space, or to locate
features on the planet surface.


The grid draws planetary lines of latitude
and longitude. You can also turn on the
planet meridian and equator lines. The
pole sticks show you the north and south
poles of the planet. Grid numbers mark the
lines of latitude and longitude on the grid.
In the following image, we magnified
Jupiter and turned on all of its surface




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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2012-1-18 13:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾 中华电信(HiNet)数据中心

Mark Locations:

Turns on all the location
markers you have selected in the Markers
and Outlines dialog box. See “Location
Markers and Surface Feature Outlines” on
page 47 for more information on Surface

打開所有您已經在Markers and Outlines 對話框中選擇的地點標示,閱讀第47頁的“Location Markers and Surface Feature Outlines”獲取更多關於標示地點的信息

Surface Features:

Turn on all the surface
feature outlines you have checked in the
Markers and Outlines dialog box. See
“Location Markers and Surface Feature
Outlines” on page 47 for more information
on Surface Features.

打開所有您已經在Markers and Outlines 對話框中勾選的表面特徵輪廓,閱讀第47頁的“Location Markers and Surface Feature Outlines”獲取更多關於表面特徵的信息

Surface detail slider:

Starry Night uses
high resolution surface maps for planets
and moons. If you experience slow downs,
move the Surface slider towards Less
surface detail. This will increase the
performance but lower the quality of the
surface map.

Starry Night使用行星與衛星的高分辨率圖像,如果您的(瀏覽)體驗減慢,請將Surface slider 滑塊朝 Less surface detail 一端移動,這將提升性能,但會降低表面圖像的質量

Tip (Pro Plus only): Starry Night includes
a ‘super’ high resolution image of both
Mars and Earth. Zoom in and explore the
surface of Mars and Earth in
unprecedented detail. The Mars surface
map is a 24 bit color map representing the
Mars land mass topography above the sea.
The Earth surface map has a 1 km (0.6
miles) resolution.

Starry Night 包含有一個地球與火星的"超級"高分辨率的影像,可以放大並且探索火星與地球表面前所未有的細節;該火星表面圖是用一個24位色彩深度的影像來表現火星的海平面以上陸塊的地形
該地球表面的影像擁有1km(0.6 miles) 的分辨率


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po739se 发表于 2012-6-5 06:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–河北–石家庄 联通


前段時間由於工作忙碌以及操作系統升級等因素 翻譯暫停了一段時間沒更新 過幾天將進行後續章節的翻譯, 考慮到閱讀方便, 這次使用簡體中文 大家也可以把軟件使用上出現的問題來共同探討  详情 回复 发表于 2012-6-5 14:20
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bjmeteor 发表于 2012-6-5 09:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–北京–北京 北京融合通达网络科技有限公司联通节点


不用客氣 我使用SN6的時間並不算長,還有許多高級功能沒弄清楚 實際上我也是通過翻譯官方使用指南的方式來學習相關知識的  详情 回复 发表于 2012-6-5 14:26
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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2012-6-5 14:20 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾 中华电信(HiNet)数据中心
po739se 发表于 2012-6-5 06:50



過幾天將進行後續章節的翻譯, 考慮到閱讀方便, 這次使用簡體中文


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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2012-6-5 14:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾 中华电信(HiNet)数据中心
bjmeteor 发表于 2012-6-5 09:06




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y2k 发表于 2012-9-2 10:42 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–四川–成都 电信
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 楼主| 天空★下着沙 发表于 2012-9-2 21:07 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 中国–台湾–台中市 中华电信

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