




rjxie 发表于 2002-6-3 09:12 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自: 辽宁省抚顺市 联通


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(文摘报 2001年4月19日)

  1957年12月10日晚,杨振宁在瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩市政厅举行的 诺贝尔奖贺宴上即席演讲。在似乎不合时宜地回顾了那场“欧洲多国 和美国军队入侵北京”的“无耻掠夺的战争”后,他深情地说:“我 以自己的中国血统和背景而感到骄傲”。

  但到了1964年春,杨振宁还是加入了美国籍。他在一篇文章中写 道,“从1945年到1964年,我在美国已经生活了19年,包含我成年的 大部分时光。然而,决定申请入美国籍并不容易。”

  “一方面,传统的中国文化没有长期离开祖国移民他国的观念。 迁居别国一度被认为是彻底的背叛。另一方面,有过辉煌灿烂文化的 中国近100多年来所蒙受的屈辱和剥削,在每个中国人心灵中都留下了 极深的烙印。我父亲在1973年故去之前一直在北京和上海当数学教授。 他曾在芝加哥大学获得博士学位,游历甚广,但直到临终前,对于我 的放弃故国,他在心底里始终没有宽恕过我。”   之所以作出加入美国籍的决定,杨振宁的心情是复杂的。从单身 漂洋过海的闯荡到功成名就后的奔波,他目睹了外国移民抑或“二等 公民”在这里的境遇。直到20世纪20年代美国还有排华法。

  当杨振宁本人已经成为一位有影响的科学家之时,他在普林斯顿 附近一个住宅区订购了一所住宅。但几周后业主却要退还保证金,原 因就是发现杨振宁、杜致礼夫妇是中国人,售给中国人会对他出售其 他住房不利。杨振宁怒不可遏,去找了律师。律师却劝他不要起诉, 因为胜诉的机会是零!最使杨振宁感到痛苦和困惑的是,他所钟爱的 科研事业,每每因他不是美籍而多受掣肘。

  入美籍后曾长期担任全美华人协会会长的杨振宁说:“作为一个 中国血统的美国科学家,我有责任帮助这两个与我休戚相关的国家建 起一座了解和友谊的桥梁。在中国向科技发展的征途中,我应该贡献 一些力量。”
tout 发表于 2002-6-3 15:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江西省景德镇市 电信
urania 发表于 2002-6-3 18:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 四川省成都市 电信
tout 发表于 2002-6-5 17:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江西省景德镇市 电信

fantian 发表于 2005-4-25 10:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 四川省成都市 西南交通大学教育网
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Quasar! 发表于 2005-4-25 18:08 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国 加州
杨振宁好恶心阿,中科院的人都以他为耻了。。。还天天高调得要命,这里的华人都不知怎么在讲他,他竟然还以为自己受欢迎。。。 :x  :x
smile123 发表于 2005-4-26 03:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国 乔治亚州立大学
[quote:876399def9="Quasar!"]杨振宁好恶心阿,中科院的人都以他为耻了。。。还天天高调得要命,这里的华人都不知怎么在讲他,他竟然还以为自己受欢迎。。。 :x  :x[/quote]

are you from 中科院? how do you know "中科院的人都以他为耻了"?
"这里的华人都不知怎么在讲他"??? Where? at Tucson, AZ?

Quasar! , what did you bring to here? asking boring HWs (do you know what's called cheating?) or opening your big mouth talking about others taste bad or not. Aren't these a little bit of 恶心?

I doubt if you really understand the meaning of the word of "恶心"
Quasar! 发表于 2005-4-26 07:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国 加州

Yea! sure!

[quote:80884be906="smile123"][quote:80884be906="Quasar!"]杨振宁好恶心阿,中科院的人都以他为耻了。。。还天天高调得要命,这里的华人都不知怎么在讲他,他竟然还以为自己受欢迎。。。 :x  :x[/quote]

are you from 中科院? how do you know "中科院的人都以他为耻了"?
"这里的华人都不知怎么在讲他"??? Where? at Tucson, AZ?

Quasar! , what did you bring to here? asking boring HWs (do you know what's called cheating?) or opening your big mouth talking about others taste bad or not. Aren't these a little bit of 恶心?

I doubt if you really understand the meaning of the word of "恶心"[/quote]

OK, I don't care what you think of me, but you really need to understand what is called "liberty of speech". This forum has too many rules to follow,though I just want to be myself. For what is worth, I love to to comment on people's taste. Don't you know there is something in the world called "personality"? Bingo!You got it! This is my personality, whatever. Nobody is perfect, think you are perfect? Shoot! Moving on, I have a whole bunch of friends in New York and Cali, they are either from "百人计划" or relatives of "中科院",  this is not to be gossip, nobody even gives a shit to C.N.Yang. And this is not to be mean, he SHOULD be ashamed of himself. Anyway, I'm for T.D.Lee. I just don't get the point why you still treat him like a King, are you obsessed with Nobel prize? Also the homework, I came here just for hints, I didn't mean to get the answers. If you think I am cheating, I quit. Yea, I quit everything here. Are you happy now? What the heck!
OrionAu 发表于 2005-4-26 08:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 上海市静安区 电信
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smile123 发表于 2005-4-26 09:48 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国 新泽西州伯灵顿县月桂山乡Comcast有线通信控股股份有限公司
[quote:c6a4729824="Quasar!"][quote:c6a4729824="smile123"][quote:c6a4729824="Quasar!"]杨振宁好恶心阿,中科院的人都以他为耻了。。。还天天高调得要命,这里的华人都不知怎么在讲他,他竟然还以为自己受欢迎。。。 :x  :x[/quote]

are you from 中科院? how do you know "中科院的人都以他为耻了"?
"这里的华人都不知怎么在讲他"??? Where? at Tucson, AZ?

Quasar! , what did you bring to here? asking boring HWs (do you know what's called cheating?) or opening your big mouth talking about others taste bad or not. Aren't these a little bit of 恶心?

I doubt if you really understand the meaning of the word of "恶心"[/quote]

OK, I don't care what you think of me, but you really need to understand what is called "liberty of speech". This forum has too many rules to follow,though I just want to be myself. For what is worth, I love to to comment on people's taste. Don't you know there is something in the world called "personality"? Bingo!You got it! This is my personality, whatever. Nobody is perfect, think you are perfect? Shoot! Moving on, I have a whole bunch of friends in New York and Cali, they are either from "百人计划" or relatives of "中科院",  this is not to be gossip, nobody even gives a shit to C.N.Yang. And this is not to be mean, he SHOULD be ashamed of himself. Anyway, I'm for T.D.Lee. I just don't get the point why you still treat him like a King, are you obsessed with Nobel prize? Also the homework, I came here just for hints, I didn't mean to get the answers. If you think I am cheating, I quit. Yea, I quit everything here. Are you happy now? What the heck![/quote]

Ok, now I see your personality of addictive to commenting others taste. This is your understanding about "liberty of speech"?

You are for T.D. Lee?? You think Yang should be shamed?? Who are you?? What did you do is just pick some tartars from assholes of others (i.e. your whole bunch of friends in New York and Cali, they are either from "百人计划" or relatives of "中科院"), and turned that into shit and spread here.

I don't know much about and it's also impossible for me to have any chance to investigate what happened bt Yang and Lee, so I choose to be quiet on this issue. Do you know this basic rule for humanbeings?  Do you know that showing basic respect to people you don't really know is a basic virtune of humanbeings?

What did you say? you are for Lee? Who are you? just an under of somewhere, aren't you? Do you know any true details about Lee and Yang? Do you have any documents that support the shit you spit here?

Yes, you have "liberty of speech", but what you did just abused the LIBERTY!!! You are more like a dirty reporter living on by just collecting scandals of others.

You better quit here. Shame on you!
Quasar! 发表于 2005-4-26 15:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国 加州

Can’t believe

[quote:640ce4a036="smile123"][quote:640ce4a036="Quasar!"][quote:640ce4a036="smile123"][quote:640ce4a036="Quasar!"]杨振宁好恶心阿,中科院的人都以他为耻了。。。还天天高调得要命,这里的华人都不知怎么在讲他,他竟然还以为自己受欢迎。。。 :x  :x[/quote]

are you from 中科院? how do you know "中科院的人都以他为耻了"?
"这里的华人都不知怎么在讲他"??? Where? at Tucson, AZ?

Quasar! , what did you bring to here? asking boring HWs (do you know what's called cheating?) or opening your big mouth talking about others taste bad or not. Aren't these a little bit of 恶心?

I doubt if you really understand the meaning of the word of "恶心"[/quote]

OK, I don't care what you think of me, but you really need to understand what is called "liberty of speech". This forum has too many rules to follow,though I just want to be myself. For what is worth, I love to to comment on people's taste. Don't you know there is something in the world called "personality"? Bingo!You got it! This is my personality, whatever. Nobody is perfect, think you are perfect? Shoot! Moving on, I have a whole bunch of friends in New York and Cali, they are either from "百人计划" or relatives of "中科院",  this is not to be gossip, nobody even gives a shit to C.N.Yang. And this is not to be mean, he SHOULD be ashamed of himself. Anyway, I'm for T.D.Lee. I just don't get the point why you still treat him like a King, are you obsessed with Nobel prize? Also the homework, I came here just for hints, I didn't mean to get the answers. If you think I am cheating, I quit. Yea, I quit everything here. Are you happy now? What the heck![/quote]

Ok, now I see your personality of addictive to commenting others taste. This is your understanding about "liberty of speech"?

You are for T.D. Lee?? You think Yang should be shamed?? Who are you?? What did you do is just pick some tartars from assholes of others (i.e. your whole bunch of friends in New York and Cali, they are either from "百人计划" or relatives of "中科院"), and turned that into shit and spread here.

I don't know much about and it's also impossible for me to have any chance to investigate what happened bt Yang and Lee, so I choose to be quiet on this issue. Do you know this basic rule for humanbeings?  Do you know that showing basic respect to people you don't really know is a basic virtune of humanbeings?

What did you say? you are for Lee? Who are you? just an under of somewhere, aren't you? Do you know any true details about Lee and Yang? Do you have any documents that support the shit you spit here?

Yes, you have "liberty of speech", but what you did just abused the LIBERTY!!! You are more like a dirty reporter living on by just collecting scandals of others.

You better quit here. Shame on you![/quote]

I see you've had a hard time writing these crap, huh. You know what, your Chinese-English writing makes me sick! Guess you've been looking up in the dictionary a whole lot while you were writing, and I am sooooo sorry to tell you, a lot of them still make NO sense. Where did you get the word "virtune "? You wanna say "美德"? If there is something you cannot express well in English, plz say it in Chinese, is that OK with you? If not, we cannot keep arguing. Or you feel ashamed that, if you wrote these in Chinese, you will be as stupid as "just an under fromsomewhere"? Living in United States, at least manipulate your English, dude! If you'd have known the connotation of "virtue" in Chinese tradition, you will be more careful with your speech. Also, I am not ashamed that I am "just an under from somewhere". I have my future, how about you? Your brain must be as hard as rock that you can no longer learn anything from the others. So you jumped out and bark at the others, what in the world you are doing here, man! Censor your vocabs and your grammar before you barking at me again!
ssry 发表于 2005-4-26 19:01 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 广东省深圳市 教育网出口
光谱 发表于 2005-4-26 22:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 河北省保定市阜平县 联通

Re: Can’t believe

[quote:f514a952f5="Quasar!"]huh. You know what, your Chinese-English writing makes me sick![/quote]





Quasar! 发表于 2005-4-27 01:38 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国 加州

Re: Can’t believe

[quote:bfdd3246e4="光谱"][quote:bfdd3246e4="Quasar!"]huh. You know what, your Chinese-English writing makes me sick![/quote]






光谱 发表于 2005-4-27 07:49 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 河北省保定市阜平县 联通


不妨看看smile123朋友的其他贴子,你应该能感受他在天文方面的造诣。论坛上有这样的朋友,你不向他请教反而跟他吵嘴~这恐怕不仅仅是你一人的损失 :wink: smile123朋友批评你的有些话是过了一些,但你直否杨振宁的话也很过分,论坛面向所有人,这种评价是要向公众负责的。

光谱 发表于 2005-4-27 07:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 河北省保定市阜平县 联通


:mrgreen:  :mrgreen:
smile123 发表于 2005-4-27 08:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国 乔治亚州立大学

Re: Can’t believe

[quote:4e0edd9dd6="Quasar!"][quote:4e0edd9dd6="smile123"][quote:4e0edd9dd6="Quasar!"][quote:4e0edd9dd6="smile123"][quote:4e0edd9dd6="Quasar!"]杨振宁好恶心阿,中科院的人都以他为耻了。。。还天天高调得要命,这里的华人都不知怎么在讲他,他竟然还以为自己受欢迎。。。 :x  :x[/quote]

are you from 中科院? how do you know "中科院的人都以他为耻了"?
"这里的华人都不知怎么在讲他"??? Where? at Tucson, AZ?

Quasar! , what did you bring to here? asking boring HWs (do you know what's called cheating?) or opening your big mouth talking about others taste bad or not. Aren't these a little bit of 恶心?

I doubt if you really understand the meaning of the word of "恶心"[/quote]

OK, I don't care what you think of me, but you really need to understand what is called "liberty of speech". This forum has too many rules to follow,though I just want to be myself. For what is worth, I love to to comment on people's taste. Don't you know there is something in the world called "personality"? Bingo!You got it! This is my personality, whatever. Nobody is perfect, think you are perfect? Shoot! Moving on, I have a whole bunch of friends in New York and Cali, they are either from "百人计划" or relatives of "中科院",  this is not to be gossip, nobody even gives a shit to C.N.Yang. And this is not to be mean, he SHOULD be ashamed of himself. Anyway, I'm for T.D.Lee. I just don't get the point why you still treat him like a King, are you obsessed with Nobel prize? Also the homework, I came here just for hints, I didn't mean to get the answers. If you think I am cheating, I quit. Yea, I quit everything here. Are you happy now? What the heck![/quote]

Ok, now I see your personality of addictive to commenting others taste. This is your understanding about "liberty of speech"?

You are for T.D. Lee?? You think Yang should be shamed?? Who are you?? What did you do is just pick some tartars from assholes of others (i.e. your whole bunch of friends in New York and Cali, they are either from "百人计划" or relatives of "中科院"), and turned that into shit and spread here.

I don't know much about and it's also impossible for me to have any chance to investigate what happened bt Yang and Lee, so I choose to be quiet on this issue. Do you know this basic rule for humanbeings?  Do you know that showing basic respect to people you don't really know is a basic virtune of humanbeings?

What did you say? you are for Lee? Who are you? just an under of somewhere, aren't you? Do you know any true details about Lee and Yang? Do you have any documents that support the shit you spit here?

Yes, you have "liberty of speech", but what you did just abused the LIBERTY!!! You are more like a dirty reporter living on by just collecting scandals of others.

You better quit here. Shame on you![/quote]

I see you've had a hard time writing these crap, huh. You know what, your Chinese-English writing makes me sick! Guess you've been looking up in the dictionary a whole lot while you were writing, and I am sooooo sorry to tell you, a lot of them still make NO sense. Where did you get the word "virtune "? You wanna say "美德"? If there is something you cannot express well in English, plz say it in Chinese, is that OK with you? If not, we cannot keep arguing. Or you feel ashamed that, if you wrote these in Chinese, you will be as stupid as "just an under fromsomewhere"? Living in United States, at least manipulate your English, dude! If you'd have known the connotation of "virtue" in Chinese tradition, you will be more careful with your speech. Also, I am not ashamed that I am "just an under from somewhere". I have my future, how about you? Your brain must be as hard as rock that you can no longer learn anything from the others. So you jumped out and bark at the others, what in the world you are doing here, man! Censor your vocabs and your grammar before you barking at me again![/quote]

Yeah, you may write in English with a more "native" style, and so you can bark aloud  and show off here. But this won't help you much with all your crap dumped here. You behave still like a big mouth.

Yeah, I agree that you do have a future. But from what you toodled here, I only see a future of a baffoon who'll enjoy only to comment on everything far beyond his scope and his garbages are merely based on the scandals he sniffs outof surroundings.

Ok, I'll back off. A big promising baffoon with capability of "native" English writing is unlikely to be defeated at forums, isn't it? Enjoy your FREEDOM of speech here though I doubt if such a big mouth like you can handle it properly.
nngs 发表于 2005-4-27 20:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 美国 新泽西州伯灵顿县月桂山乡Comcast有线通信控股股份有限公司
Hey guys,

I think flame wars are not encouraged in this cafe. Any good result can be expected from them?

I don't like Yang, and I don't like Quasar!'s judgements on him and smile123's personal attacks either. If you guys havn't prepare a cool down yet, let Bootes' "dignitaries" give you a hand.
l_c_y888 发表于 2007-2-16 23:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 辽宁省大连市 联通
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benlinliu 发表于 2007-2-17 09:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自: 江苏省常州市 中移铁通
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